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Did you watch the video? I can translate it for you, if you need help.

Yes, I did. It’s nothing new. What am I supposed to take away from this? That super cheetahs existed with 50KM cameras?
Don't know what else to call it other than a blatant slap, they are not even hiding it or being apologetic. I guess they learned from killing the general. They think if they can get away with that, they will surely get away with this too.

good cop bad cop routine.

Bush for all his bluster never sanctioned Iranian oil, in fact in comparison to Obama and Trump, bush was basically a friend of Iran.

It was Obama who first sanctioned Iranian oil and cut Iran out of swift. Trump merely expanded the Obama playbook.
you can't stop our nuclear program now ! we already have bombs from north korea ! your assasinations are for late night TV .
The only way Iran can come back on top is to detonate a nuclear bomb to join the nuclear club. Force Saudi Arabia and Turkey to begin their own programs and cause a headache for the West in trying to get 3 countries to not be in the nuclear club.

But I doubt this leadership has the stomach for such a path.
If he is dead then RIP...I just hope one thing..I hope the Iranian officials keep their mouth shut and do not as usual line up and shout Revenge BS....Do the revenge first then open your mouth...Keep your big mouths shut for now and just grieve his passing if that is what happend.
They killed 6 of them and no one paid a price so here we go..next!
Yeah absolutely. They have to keep their mouth shut. They went far as hoisting the redflag but only made a symbolic attack. absolutely shud keep quiet. Do or Die has to be the motto not just hollow shouting
These attacks are performed by MEK terrorists in Iran backed by CIA and Mossad. This is by no means just the job of the Israelis. It's the existence of these MEK networks in Iran backed by the nigh unlimited resourced of American intelligence that allows for such attacks to occur to this degree.
jawwad blamed israel .
Bro grow some balls and stop being so bi-ghiyrat.

In the last 1 year:

-Solemani assassinated
-countless military bases in Iran attacked with loss of life unknown (could be tens if not hundreds)
-Natanz an active nuclear enrichment site was attacked against all rules of international law.
-mysterious explosions throughout the country
-head of nuclear weapons program assassinated (a brigadier general)

Don’t be a apologist and say the enemy is desperate. No, you just don’t got balls is the truth and you are taking sucker punches like a wife getting beaten by a abusive husband.
You should look at the broader picture.

Over the last 1,5 years from Iranian part we saw:

1) Attack against Abqaiq oil facility (which was like an open declaration of war)
2) Attack against oil tankers in the Persian Gulf (another declaration of war)
3) Harassment and attacks on US bases in Iraq which at one point killed a US contractor
4) Attack on US embassy in Baghdad
5) Downing of US drone
6) Downing of US plane in Afghanistan
7) Ballistic Missile attack on US bases in Iraq with property damage and injuries
8) Houthi attack on Jeddah oil facility during the recent meeting of MBS and Netanuyahu

From US part we saw:
1) Murder of Soleimani
2) Explosion in Natanz
3) Recent murder of a retired nuclear scientist

Probably, just like murder of Soleimani was a direct response to bold Iranian attacks against Abqaiq and oil tankers---this murder of a nuclear scientist is a direct response to recent Houthi (Iranian) attack against Saudi oil infrastructure in Jeddah couple of days ago

On the broader strategic level we see formation of two military blocks in the Middle East: Iran-Iraq-Syria-Hezbollah-Houthis AGAINST Israel-Saudi Arabia-UAE

Israel can take care of Syria and Hezbollah,

Saudis and UAE can try to take care of Yemen.

But when it comes to Iran vs Saudi Arabia ---Saudis can't protect themselves without Americans. Iran constantly harasses Saudi Arabia by showing vulnerabilities of Saudi oil infrastructure and reminding that Shias of Saudi Eastern province can rise against Saudi regime with Iranian support as US reduces number of forces in the Middle East in the near future.

Saudis are terrified that as Biden signs a deal with Iran and reduces number of forces in the region and pivots to Asia--Saudis will have to remain alone with Iran.

And though Trump administration was heavily influenced by Zionist elements---with development of US shale oil industry and energy self-sufficiency of USA, Biden can decide that US no longer cares about the Persian Gulf and needs to sign a deal with Iran, withdraw from the region and pivot to Asia leaving Saudis alone against Iran
Iran's "domestic support" for Israel is limited to MEK which is like saying Pakistan has "domestic support" for India simply because BLA has not been fully wiped out yet.
A random terrorist attack on a check post or moving vehicle versus killing the top scientist of a nuclear program, do you see the difference?
BLA has not been wiped out true but see their attacks mostly opportunity arisen due to our usage of Toyota pickup trucks and not MRVPs. Iran just lost its top scientist, one of many past few years.
iran is the heaven of mossad. Stop blaming others. They stole tons of your documents.
As i repeatedly say Iran is good at attacking muslims., so expect attack on muslim countries by iran.
You are like people who envy and hate their neighbors and flock to them at a time of their loss, then taunt them. you people and those you sympathize with have already bowed their heads to zion long ago and call them masters behind the curtain. Atleast Iran is still fighting unlike any of you. think about ur broken arse economy and ur teeny tiny meagar military budget before taunting Iran.
NY Times is saying that even a US Intelligence source saying its the work of Israel--with possible American help or a nod.
Sounds like a desperate attempt by Israel to make Iran do something crazy before the Biden administration takes office.
Lord knows, what can kind of aggressive domestic and foreign policy moves President Trump will do before January 20 in order to please his backers!!

Iran should stay patient and wait for the Biden presidency.
You are like people who envy and hate their neighbors and flock to them at a time of their loss, then taunt them. you people and those you sympathize with have already bowed their heads to zion long ago and call them masters behind the curtain. Atleast Iran is still fighting unlike any of you. think about ur broken arse economy and ur teeny tiny meagar military budget before taunting Iran.
Iran is not fighting. Iran is just fooling people. Shias all across the world think that Iran is fighting Israel when actually it only attack muslim countries.
The cruise missiles hitting KSA could have regularly been used against Israel, if Iran was so sincere. Afterall Iran is at war with Israel.
But in real they use it to kill muslims and just like hypocrites raise slogans"Marg ba Israel".
Just like TTP or ISIS they declare muslims as Zionists and kill them.
as you said we are jealous from you. Now let's see how you kill to avenge the real "Israel" to make me jealous. Even though we have a better history of avenging attacks by non muslims on our soil.
think about ur broken arse economy and ur teeny tiny meagar military budget before taunting Iran.
Even with this tiny budget we are nuclear power and that too real one.
With weak economy we defend our airspace and retaliate unlike Iranians dying daily in Syria and no retaliation ever came.
Unlike Iran we never attacked muslim countries.
We are proud to be poor country if you want to compare us with rich country like Iran where most of the people are unemployed and dying of hunger. At least we don't have oil money to kill fellow muslims using proxies.
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