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With weak economy we defend our airspace and retaliate unlike Iranians dying daily in Syria and no retaliation ever came.

You mean like when the US sought fit to covertly fly a pair of helicopters into Pakistani air space without notifying its so-called ally as it was executing a targeted killing against an individual (Bin Laden) on Pakistani soil?

That flagrant violation of Pakistan's sovereignty was way more shameful than the assassinations that Iran is facing.

Unlike Iran we never attacked muslim countries.

Tell that to the Afghans and Bangladeshis, in addition to Balochis, that your country has killed ever since its existence.

We are proud to be poor country if you want to compare us with rich country like Iran where most of the people are unemployed and dying of hunger. At least we don't have oil money to kill fellow muslims using proxies.

You are a young nation in identity-crisis. Don't ever compare yourself to Iran.
You should look at the broader picture.

Over the last 1,5 years from Iranian part we saw:

1) Attack against Abqaiq oil facility (which was like an open declaration of war)
2) Attack against oil tankers in the Persian Gulf (another declaration of war)
3) Harassment and attacks on US bases in Iraq which at one point killed a US contractor
4) Attack on US embassy in Baghdad
5) Downing of US drone
6) Downing of US plane in Afghanistan
7) Ballistic Missile attack on US bases in Iraq with property damage and injuries
8) Houthi attack on Jeddah oil facility during the recent meeting of MBS and Netanuyahu

From US part we saw:
1) Murder of Soleimani
2) Explosion in Natanz
3) Recent murder of a retired nuclear scientist

Probably, just like murder of Soleimani was a direct response to bold Iranian attacks against Abqaiq and oil tankers---this murder of a nuclear scientist is a direct response to recent Houthi (Iranian) attack against Saudi oil infrastructure in Jeddah couple of days ago

On the broader strategic level we see formation of two military blocks in the Middle East: Iran-Iraq-Syria-Hezbollah-Houthis AGAINST Israel-Saudi Arabia-UAE

Israel can take care of Syria and Hezbollah,

Saudis and UAE can try to take care of Yemen.

But when it comes to Iran vs Saudi Arabia ---Saudis can't protect themselves without Americans. Iran constantly harasses Saudi Arabia by showing vulnerabilities of Saudi oil infrastructure and reminding that Shias of Saudi Eastern province can rise against Saudi regime with Iranian support as US reduces number of forces in the Middle East in the near future.

Saudis are terrified that as Biden signs a deal with Iran and reduces number of forces in the region and pivots to Asia--Saudis will have to remain alone with Iran.

And though Trump administration was heavily influenced by Zionist elements---with development of US shale oil industry and energy self-sufficiency of USA, Biden can decide that US no longer cares about the Persian Gulf and needs to sign a deal with Iran, withdraw from the region and pivot to Asia leaving Saudis alone against Iran
where you will fit these
  1. capture of iranian oil tankers
  2. iranian oil tankers attacked near jeddah?
  3. shot down of ukrainian jetliner killed 65 iranians ?
  4. Parchin explosion and Shiraz blackout
  5. Tehran clinic explosion
  6. Natanz nuclear enrichment facility explosion
  7. Khuzestan explosions
  8. Baqershahr explosion
  9. Tehran explosions
  10. Mahshahr petrochemical plant explosion
  11. Mashad explosion
  12. Ahvaz pipeline explosion
  13. Isfahan power plant explosion
where you will fit these

  1. iranian oil tankers attacked near jeddah?
  2. shot down of ukrainian jetliner killed 65 iranians ?
  3. Parchin explosion and Shiraz blackout
  4. Tehran clinic explosion
  5. Natanz nuclear enrichment facility explosion
  6. Khuzestan explosions
  7. Baqershahr explosion
  8. Tehran explosions
  9. Mahshahr petrochemical plant explosion
  10. Mashad explosion
  11. Ahvaz pipeline explosion
  12. Isfahan power plant explosion

even the Pakistan members of this board are more informed about the scoreboard.

The Arabs have sided with Israel. As we know Arabs are a treacherous bunch who will side with the side that benefits them the most.

Only way to break up this marriage of confidence is for Iran to join the nuclear club.

Then lets see how long Bibi and MBS kiss when MBS starts his Sunni Arab bomb drive and Crazy Erdogan and the Neo Turks start their own drive for a nuclear bomb.

Iran needs to make the nuclear problem everyone’s problem. Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Egypt racing for a nuclear weapon is the best thing for Iran because as much as Israel wants to be friends with these Arabs they hate these Arabs.

If Israel was mad at UAE getting some downgraded hacked F-35 can you imagine what they will feel like if Saudi Arabia gets a nuclear problem?

Like I said, it’s time for Iran to break the axis that is forming and cause fractures in the relationship.
even the Pakistan members of this board are more informed about the scoreboard.

The Arabs have sided with Israel. As we know Arabs are a treacherous bunch who will side with the side that benefits them the most.

Only way to break up this marriage of confidence is for Iran to join the nuclear club.

Then lets see how long Bibi and MBS kiss when MBS starts his Sunni Arab bomb drive and Crazy Erdogan and the Neo Turks start their own drive for a nuclear bomb.

Iran needs to make the nuclear problem everyone’s problem. Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Egypt racing for a nuclear weapon is the best thing for Iran because as much as Israel wants to be friends with these Arabs they hate these Arabs.

If Israel was mad at UAE getting some downgraded hacked F-35 can you imagine what they will feel like if Saudi Arabia gets a nuclear problem?

Like I said, it’s time for Iran to break the axis that is forming and cause fractures in the relationship.

Iran shouldn't let its strategic calculations be based on what its most detrimental to Israeli interests.
this damn world is so stupid we need world to be format and reset from new beginning :lol: :D :partay:
You mean like when the US sought fit to covertly fly a pair of helicopters into Pakistani air space without notifying its so-called ally as it was executing a targeted killing against an individual (Bin Laden) on Pakistani soil?

That flagrant violation of Pakistan's sovereignty was way more shameful than the assassinations that Iran is facing.
We were allies and maybe it was a joint op. Bht what we did to them in Afghanistan will be part of history. As a famous man once said that we defeated America in Afghanistan with american help.

Tell that to the Afghans and Bangladeshis, in addition to Balochis, that your country has killed ever since its existence.
Why don't you talk about your balochiatan?
At least we are only fighting those I evolved in militancy, your case is very amazing. You can kill any balochi by using the famous law "enemy of God".
And not to forget millions of anti revolutionary killed by mullahs.
And about Afghanistan we kicked you out of there with disgrace. And we are proud to destroy enemy of Ummah in Afghanistan including your revolution papa called soviets unlike Iran who just raise slogans and do nothing.

About identity crisis. We don't feel proud in ethnicity. We are not mullah republic but we still feel proud of the history of Islam. For you feroze Abu lulu was a hero and for me Khalid bin waleeed defeating persons was.
even the Pakistan members of this board are more informed about the scoreboard.

The Arabs have sided with Israel. As we know Arabs are a treacherous bunch who will side with the side that benefits them the most.

Only way to break up this marriage of confidence is for Iran to join the nuclear club.

Then lets see how long Bibi and MBS kiss when MBS starts his Sunni Arab bomb drive and Crazy Erdogan and the Neo Turks start their own drive for a nuclear bomb.

Iran needs to make the nuclear problem everyone’s problem. Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Egypt racing for a nuclear weapon is the best thing for Iran because as much as Israel wants to be friends with these Arabs they hate these Arabs.

If Israel was mad at UAE getting some downgraded hacked F-35 can you imagine what they will feel like if Saudi Arabia gets a nuclear problem?

Like I said, it’s time for Iran to break the axis that is forming and cause fractures in the relationship.
Excellent points.
May the soul rest in peace with His blessings and it is with His blessings, may Iran be rewarded with a million more great minds like Fakhrizade...Ameen!

I have seen enough patience and restrain exercised in my lifetime by Iran. But these twats need to be taught a very good lesson soon. Proxy warfare is one thing, bringing the battle at home and making it personal is a different ball game altogether.

Iran must address these security gaps immediately and for good, while creating a safe-haven for these national; scientific jewels. Just how many more do we need to lose before it's enough?

Meanwhile, Iran most certainly needs to increase it's security/counter-intelligence apparatus within its borders and also at the heart of the enemys' mainland to form another deterrence front.

I pray and hope that this time around, Iran will unveil an offensive and gruesome platform which they will use to great effect (directly or indirectly) to "hit where it hurts the most" establishing a renewed RoE...
انا للہ و انا الیہ راجعون
The basis of all this is the love of the world and its power in the hearts of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, under which they have become the common enemies of the Muslim world and the Arab world and become apparatus of Israel and the United States. In the Holy Qur'an, the Almighty says, "Jews and Christians cannot be your friends". These people have crossed the line and reached the point where they are now intent on harming the Muslim world.
It is an Iranian intelligence agency's failure; when It was a known threat from Israel on such high profile scientists, why Iran allow to happening this event in their own stronghold areas. Iran needs to clean up its backyard first before moving to the next plan. These documents are showing Iranian security failure in several attacks on Iran's nuclear program personnel. Iran needs to iron out its intelligence structure and weed out any traitors among them.
I think this is a panic attack from Isreal on Iran before joe sits in an office. Iran should focus their energy on what they are doing and wait and see. An aggressive reaction will cause more damage to Iran. Iran should sit with like-minded countries (Turkey, Pakistan, Qatar, Malaysia, Azerbaijan with nexus of Chian and Russia) and form a vital and powerful block in the region to address these security issues. This is the only solution to counter this threat.
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I bet my hat Western media will talk about this rotten murder of a decent man much less than about magic poisoning of Navalny with 100% lethal military poisonous substance and his even more magic recovering.

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So many iranian scientists have been assassinated by joos and yet there's hardly any retaliations from iranian sides.
Iranians are nothing but hot air, so much talk and so little action.
If indians tried to do anything funny with our scientists I am damn as hell sure their scientists' head would be rolling in streets of Delhi and Mumbai.

isreal/usa/saudia...........................maximun pressure , and covert op,s against IRGC.

IRAN,,,,, MAXIMUM restraint................

thats the policy and response to isreal/usa/mbs
Anyone else tired of Israel killing people? How does Israel, a non-signatory to the NPT and extra-judicial nuclear power, get to decide which nuclear scientists get killed? When are we going to call Israel what it is: a rogue state that behaves as if norms don't apply to it.
Iranian Intelligence should commit suicide after such a huge failure in its own capital.
My problem is that How Iran's top scientist was travelling in a car which was not bulletproof. Specially when Israel has history of killing scientists even in Iran.
How does Israel, a non-signatory to the NPT and extra-judicial nuclear power, get to decide which nuclear scientists get killed?

When a rogue regime threatens to commit genocide against you every day, you have the right to defend yourself.

Israel should make these killing a regular event until the message sinks into the thick skulls of the Mullah regime.
When a rogue regime threatens to commit genocide against you every day, you have the right to defend yourself.

Israel should make these killing a regular event until the message sinks into the thick skulls of the Mullah regime.
Homeland's Cheetahs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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