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Israel doesnt have nuclear weapons.

Only a d*mb*ss can believe in Vanunu fairytale, fairytale made since the first day by Israel.

Earthquakes in Israel due to nuclear weapons test: ZERO.
Why would Israel test nuclear weapons in its own territory you retard? Have you seen how tiny we are?
Israel probably tested its nuclear weapons through South Africa at the ocean.
Iranians are coping hard lol.
We just keep humiliating them week after week
Your own posts here and your other countrymen acknowledge that your regime is a mafia that only care about their power and interests

Drivel by individuals hostile to the Islamic Republic. Any political system that entirely dedicates itself to the an existential, relentless, principled struggle against global zionism (the single biggest power on Earth), is absolutely bound to be confronted with a significant domestic opposition, given that global zionism is fully in control of all mainstream media and has virtually infinite material resources at its disposal.

One consequence of this is that oppositionist voices will be magnified several fold on the internet compared to their actual real world relevance, and pro-revolutionary ones will be grossly underrepresented / censored / muffled etc;

Therefore, hostile mischaracterizations of the IR by random oppositionist Iranians online are far from conclusive or telling of political realities.

I've been saying forever on this forum your regime rhetoric against Israel is to gain sympathies of Muslims in region who are easily moved by subject of Israel.

And that has forever been erroneous. This talking point has initially been conceived by zionist psy-ops operators and is being propagated among Muslims by agencies bankrolled by the very same Muslim regimes that are in the process of recognizing, openly establishing diplomatic ties with and entering military cooperation with the usurpatory zionist entity occupying Palestine.

They never actually sought to fight Israel in a war even if they prepare for all scenarios.

A simple look at a geographical map of the region and the 1000+ kilometers separating Iran from Occupied Palestine will explain why.

Besides, whether or not two states enter a direct military confrontation, tells next to nothing about the actual state of their bilateral relations. The degree of mutual hostility is not simply measured by kill ratios or the number of wars fought. That would constitute an extremely outlandish way of looking at things.

In the same vein, the USA and USSR regimes during 45 years of Cold War never engaged in a direct military conflict against one another and never intended to do so. Yet, their enmity was total and existential, fought out through indirect military means and direct non-kinetic ones, proxy wars etc. Eventually, one side managed to have the other erased from the pages of history.

The exact same is the case with the conflict between Islamic Iran and the criminal zionist occupation regime.

By the way, there is no legitimate state by the name of "Israel". Zionist use of that Biblical term is a usurpation, and adopting it in one's vocabulary is already an apologetic act supportive of zionism.

They use the Palestinian cause as means to gain influence in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen , and Iraq.

The opposite is the case: Iran established strategic relations with Syria precisely with the aim of facilitating its engineering of an armed anti-zionist Resistance movement in Lebanon. This is documented both in regular academic publications, as well as in ex-CIA station chief Robert Baer's book on Iran.

Also, Iranian participation in regional conflicts is itself mostly a consequence and extension of the overarching adversity between the Islamic Republic on the one hand and the zio-American axis and its regional lackey regimes on the other. In all the above cited conflicts, Islamic Iran and the NATO-Isra"el" axis systematically find themselves on opposite sides and support opposed forces.

Lastly, Iran has been repelling aggression and therefore acting in a defensive manner in these theaters, not setting out to implement expansive policies. Regime change in Syria would have been followed by increased pressures and weakening of Lebanese Hezbollah, possibly by an attack on the latter, which, deprived of access to supplies from Iran, might succumb to such an aggression; which in turn would have deprived Islamic Iran of one of her main deterrence assets against the threat of subsequent zio-American aggression, zionist-orchestrated large scale terrorist upheaval inside Iran, etc.

In Iraq, ISIS take over of Baghdad would have directly threatened Iran's security. So would have complete, unchallenged US domination over Iraqi political life and institutions. Hence the absolute defensive urgency for Iran to support allied forces in Iraq.

And so it is not shocking to anybody that your regime refuse to respond or ever go in offensive action against Israel.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is never starting any wars.

The Palestinian Resistance (outside of a few small, marginal groups firing occasional rockets that land in empty fields) is not initiating any new rounds of armed conflict against the zionists either, but essentially responding to aggressions despite the fact that most of Palestine is actually continuously being occupied by the illegitimate settler regime, which constitutes more than aggression, it is a situation that provides a constant casus belli for military operations.

As for Iran's response, it takes the shape of a continued strengthening of the anti-zionist Resistance Axis by Iran, of a continued encirclement of the zionist regime by pro-Iranian forces, to which the south-western Syria was added most recently.

Besides, in what way Iran responds is not the point: the fact that the zionist regime is conducting terrorist attacks against Iranians and Iranian allies, while at the same time striking deals with certain other Muslim states, shows that Iran and the zionist regime are hostile towards each other, whereas Tel Aviv and these other Muslim states (from Turkey to Jordan, Egypt, Bahrein, the UAE etc) not only aren't in any sort of conflict against one another, but have actually established diplomatic ties and entered strategic alliances.

Because they not interested in land of Israel, they interested in lands of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Gulf region.

As an Islamic Republic, Iran attaches great importance to Islamic holy sites including Masjid ul-Aqsa in Al-Quds. As an Islamic revolutionary system whose very constitution obliges it to assist mustaz'afin worldwide (Muslim and even non-Muslim oppressed peoples), it cannot stay silent or passive to the oppression of the Palestinian people.

Finally, as a country blessed with a clear-sighted and incomparably courageous revolutionary leadership that tends to correctly identify the nature of global power distribution and of imperialism, it is fully aware that international zionism strives for the uprooting and destruction not just of every nation but also of every traditional religious faith endowed with solid historic roots and authenticity. In the face of this, Islamic Iran has chosen Resistance over submission or capitulation.

Hence the hostility by Tel Aviv and its lobbies, agents and supporters - including on this forum, where zionist-regime backers such as users "500" or "Trench Broom" almost entirely focus their obsessive enmity on none other than Islamic Iran.

Hence the terror and sabotage attacks such as the one discussed in this topic, hence the mobilization of every Isra"el"i pressure group and zionist-controlled media in the US, Europe and everywhere else, as well as their huge resources, in pursuit of the "regime change" agenda against Iran. Hence their massive propping up of exiled Iranian opposition groups, of "ethno-separatist" terrorist proxies against Iran. Hence their pressures on Washington to impose the worldwide strictest sanctions regime Iran. Hence their historically unparalleled psy-ops and propaganda war on Iran. Etc.

They will only use their weapons to kill other Muslims.

Wrong. Iranian weapons were and are being provided to anti-zionist Resistance groups in Lebanon and Palestine to fight off zionist occupiers.

Also and most significantly, Islamic Iran is and remains the only state actor in the world to arm anti-zionist Resistance groups. That in itself sets Iran apart and makes it the undisputed champion of anti-zionist struggle among contemporary states.

@waz @The Eagle @PDF Are these people gonna continue to get away with abuses towards other nationalities on the forum? Is this what your forum stand for? ... ...

Interestingly, the quoted subject is on record for referring to my previous reporting of far worse abuse he committed (calling forum users non-Muslims, offensive language, death threats - a criminal offense in most areas of the US, where he resides), as "girl-like whining". It seems that reporting abuse to moderators does not equal "whining", after all.

They barely get anything from you and this is not true.

They receive enough to deem it worthy of a public mention in interviews with major media such as Al-Jazeera, even when they are not explicitly asked the question.

But as said, no country on the entire planet other than Islamic Iran dares to go this far and engage in the ultimate level of support for the Palestinian Resistance, i. e. military type of support. That speaks for itself and is enough to instantly and decisively debunk odd claims questioning Iran's unwavering anti-zionist Resistance credentials.

Even according to your own regime officials.

Iranian officials do not make such a statement.

Quit talking about other nationalities as your slaves if you don't wish for karma to hit in you future.

"Karma"? Quite peculiar, this introduction of Hinduist vocabulary from a subject claiming flawless allegiance to Islam.

No wonder it was so easy for Mossad to recruit people in Iran if your regime and it's supporters are this abusive towards everyone and their own people.

This is unrelated to Iran's domestic policies (which are far from being "abusive"). Zionist intelligence agencies are known as the most efficient in the world, therefore when a country like Iran is in conflict with the zionist regime, it is normal for it to take some hits here and there. What matters is that these attacks do not alter the big picture, as respected users Philosopher and PeeD nicely highlighted.

Also, in Iran's case the zionist regime benefits from the support of covert stay-behind networks that the previous, pro-zionist regime of the shah, prior to its overthrow by the 1979 Islamic Revolution, had allowed the "Mossad" to set up in Iran. Some of these networks managed to stay under the radar and are now conducting subversion, sabotage and terror operations from within against the Islamic Republic.

And your regime has no guts to cut ties off to so called 'useless' people otherwise they would have done it long ago.

Baseless assessment which appears to ignore that the person it is addressing, namely user Arian, is obviously no supporter of the Islamic Republic. Therefore to refer to the IR as "his" regime is absurd.

Furthermore Islamic Iran has no interest to cut off ties to the Palestinian Resistance.

They need them for their 'resistance' image otherwise you gonna deeply humiliated and your country or your ally Hezbollah are gonna be required to do attacks on their own to save face.

Islamic Iran is backing the Palestinian Resistance out of principle. Also, it is part of Iran's retaliation in her just war against the zio-American empire.

And contrary to the quoted assertion, if Islamic Iran ceased to support the Palestinian Resistance, it would actually gain back the support of some 30%-40% or so of the Iranian population brainwashed by pro-zionist Farsi-language media such as the BBC Persian, Manoto, assorted internet activists and so on.

Unlike you useless regime in Iran, our regime in Gaza will never allow Israeli's to get away with any attack on our territory and Israeli's know very well an attack on Gaza means dead Israeli's imminently.

The criminal zionist terror regime is occupying most of Palestine's land as of now. Yet, the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza will not launch any large scale military operation against the occupant unless attacked first. Now this is understandable and follows a sound logic.

The same applies to Islamic Iran's actions against the regime in Tel Aviv.

They are not deterred by your regime

Oh they certainly are. They are deterred from venturing into direct military aggression, particularly against Iran's nuclear sites. Their American vassals are deterred from any sort of all out invasion or bombing campaign against Iran. Token assassinations are a completely different matter and much more complicated to fully deter against.

But above all, these terror attacks underscore the zionist regime's raging hostility against Islamic Iran, at a time when its relationship to certain other Muslim states has moved towards full mutual recognition, normalization and even security cooperation.


But you are not like this with other zionist members here or am i missing something? ? @500 for example justifies importing European jewish settlers to take over Palestinian land and you are nowhere to be seen.

Right on, and you haven't seen half of it.

I have a screenshot somewhere (no time to go searching for it at this moment), where the subject displays staggering politeness towards radical zionist user "500", even explicitly thanking him for providing some information or clarifying some detail if I remember correctly.

In essence, the subject is practicing what he has accused Islamic Iran of, i. e. the subject is basically concentrating his verbal attacks on a Muslim country (Iran) while staying surprisingly silent in comparison vis a vis the actual aggressors of Muslims and their innumerable crimes:
- Posting many, many more comments against Iran than against the zionist occupiers of Palestine,
- Hardly ever considering condemnation of criminal policies of the US regime and its mass-killings in Muslim West Asia,
- Compared to Iran, hardly a word against zionist collaborator regimes of the Muslim world (and even claiming that they will volunteer to defend these regimes in a war the subject believes Iran is "soon" going to launch against them),
- Applying an incomparably violent tone to their anti-Iranian outbursts as compared to the tame language they use against western and zionist oppressors,
- Neutral attitudes displayed in discussions with zionist forum users, but extremely offensive abuse (even criminal offense) witnessed against Iranian and Shia users: death threats, insults including against their female relatives etc.

The pattern is clearly discernible. Whatever the subject's motivations, it stands beyond doubt that such a posture will directly benefit the zionist regime as well as the global oligarchy, both of which are at the forefront of efforts to subvert every major historically rooted religion including Islam.
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You don't have a clue what you're talking about. First of all, Iran was already enriching to 20%, and the jump from 20% to 90% is far less difficult than the jump from no enriched uranium to 20%. More-over, everybody knows that Iran has covert programs which is separated from what you see in the open. Iran's overt nuclear program is processed at a calculated rate, hence why you're not seeing enriching to 90% openly which would be foolish and to Iran's detriment.

"A nuclear scientist may have been the victim, but the real target was Joe Biden." Israel's wants to sabotage his effort to bring Iran back into compliance with an agreement that shrank and froze its nuclear program. Israel want to end the regime not the program.

Iran may retaliate in Iraq for killing of scientist: Analysts

This is all they do. Instead of launching the missiles at Israel, they create trouble in Iraq/Lebanon. Useless, like the 200k USD damage of concrete on the Asad air base.

Iran may retaliate in Iraq for killing of scientist: Analysts

This is all they do. Instead of launching the missiles at Israel, they create trouble in Iraq/Lebanon. Useless, like the 200k USD damage of concrete on the Asad air base.

This is true I find that so strange last week they bombed some oil facility in KSA that barely started a fire and now their scientist is dead. If you're going to respond do it against the aggressors in a meaningful way don't attack the same people the aggressors are also attacking...
You don't have a clue what you're talking about. First of all, Iran was already enriching to 20%, and the jump from 20% to 90% is far less difficult than the jump from no enriched uranium to 20%. More-over, everybody knows that Iran has covert programs which is separated from what you see in the open. Iran's overt nuclear program is processed at a calculated rate, hence why you're not seeing enriching to 90% openly which would be foolish and to Iran's detriment.

Iran may retaliate in Iraq for killing of scientist: Analysts

This is all they do. Instead of launching the missiles at Israel, they create trouble in Iraq/Lebanon. Useless, like the 200k USD damage of concrete on the Asad air base.
If in Iraq, the retaliation will be in the first week of Biden being president. 3 reasons:
1. Revenge for Soleimani and Muhandis.
2. Revenge for nuckear scientists
3. US ignoring ultimatum to leave Iraq
4. New president, new rules of engagement
If in Iraq, the retaliation will be in the first week of Biden being president. 3 reasons:
1. Revenge for Soleimani and Muhandis.
2. Revenge for nuckear scientists
3. US ignoring ultimatum to leave Iraq
4. New president, new rules of engagement

It's a joke of a revenge, that doesn't hurt the US/Israel the slightest.

What will you do, blow the embassy building up. If Americans die they'll take greate revenge against you which you know. it's again going to be a symbolic revenge.
The amount of bills to be paid by Israel and the US is HUGE.They need to assassinate Netanyahu himself or bombing some Trump properties or Trump/family members.
It's a joke of a revenge, that doesn't hurt the US/Israel the slightest.

What will you do, blow the embassy building up. If Americans die they'll take greate revenge against you which you know. it's again going to be a symbolic revenge.
Did you not read that Washington post report ? Even that American general McKenzie was shocked that Shia militias/IR use very low calibre weapons to attack the Americans in the green zone. On top of that they always shoot at the targets when there are no Americans present at those specific times. They have many advanced weaponry but they simply do not use it. Flattening the US embassy in Baghdad with artillery is a piece of cake but they do not want to do it.

The biggest question is, if they do not want to fight properly then why even put yourself in danger for nothing ?
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It's a joke of a revenge, that doesn't hurt the US/Israel the slightest.

What will you do, blow the embassy building up. If Americans die they'll take greate revenge against you which you know. it's again going to be a symbolic revenge.
No attacks on embassy. Their soldiers will be hit، it will become a long war, hit and run attacks, increasing cost and demoralizing them. Their supply chain will be attacked constantly, we have seen few examples.
No attacks on embassy. Their soldiers will be hit، it will become a long war, hit and run attacks, increasing cost and demoralizing them. Their supply chain will be attacked constantly, we have seen few examples.
Those are not deterring actions. They will in fact solidify their presence in the Middle east and delay their pullout.
No attacks on embassy. Their soldiers will be hit، it will become a long war, hit and run attacks, increasing cost and demoralizing them. Their supply chain will be attacked constantly, we have seen few examples.

That's a joke of an attack, they have few soldiers on airbases. Low chance of success, if successful very little impact.

Result: Kataib Hezbollah will suffer major aistrikes.

Once again Iran creating trouble to its neighbors, doesn't do anything to Israel. Khamenei should die already and do the world a favor.
The amount of bills to be paid by Israel and the US is HUGE.They need to assassinate Netanyahu himself or bombing some Trump properties or Trump/family members.

Did you not read that Washington post report ? Even that American general McKenzie was shocked that Shia militias/IR use very low calibre weapons to attack the Americans in the green zone. On top of that they always shoot at the targets when there are no Americans present at those specific times. They have many advanced weaponry but they simply do not use it. Flattening the US embassy in Baghdad with artillery is a piece of cake but they do not want to do it.

The biggest question is, if they do not want to fight properly then why even put yourself in danger for nothing ?

They use weak weapons because that's the only thing that enables their low-intensity hit and run attacks. A full on war would mean you are doomed.

I prefer a full on war so that things can change.
This is true I find that so strange last week they bombed some oil facility in KSA that barely started a fire and now their scientist is dead. If you're going to respond do it against the aggressors in a meaningful way don't attack the same people the aggressors are also attacking...
These attacks were not related. Yemen fired the missile. The terror attack against the scientist was probably planned long time ago.
Why would Israel test nuclear weapons in its own territory you retard? Have you seen how tiny we are?
Israel probably tested its nuclear weapons through South Africa at the ocean.
Iranians are coping hard lol.
We just keep humiliating them week after week

A underground test is a common thing in a nuclear weapons development (like in North Korea REAL nuclear program, unlike Israeli fantasy nuclear program) and it's not a danger to anyone, no matter how tiny your country is.

I can't know if Israel have nuclear weapons, but I know if they have they never tested (South Africa issue was just a glitch in a sat).

I know American are not crazy enough to let Israeli have nuclear weapons, and Israel is a puppet USA vassal state since decades ago.

I know Vanunu history is a lot of nonsenses and it was made by Israel (without Israel state permission it would be impossible all that absurd Vanunu movie). It would be very easy kill Vanunu before any revelation, and they didnt, because they want that fake propaganda of imaginary nuclear weapons.

It's dangerous believe in imaginary nuclear weapons when you attack a country with enough missiles and rockets (hezbollah) to wipe out your country from the face or Earth.

In my opinion Iran must improve the accuracy of their long range missiles and test it blowing up Bibi house, Knesset, or anything like that.

Israeli people will celebrate making a party because they hate their politicians.

Israeli politicians are risking whole Israeli people lives in a war against Iran.

Nobody wants a war against Iran except Israeli d*mbsh*t government and USA.
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