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Just build the bomb already. That is Iran's best revenge. There can't be any technical barriers left. It should just be a political decision at this point. Build the bomb and ensure your people's security. It has been proven that conventional weapons are insufficient as a deterrence.
There are morons in the Islamic Republic that think building nuclear weapons is ''haram''. If so, then Pakistan is the biggest un-islamic nation in the world. There are also atomic bombs for military purposes so i do not know what these guys are smoking. You need to have a massive deterrence against the Yankee and Zion agression otherwise you will get bullied around like what is happening now.
There are morons in the Islamic Republic that think building nuclear weapons is ''haram''. If so, then Pakistan is the biggest un-islamic nation in the world. There are also atomic bombs for military purposes so i do not know what these guys are smoking. You need to have a massive deterrence against the Yankee and Zion agression otherwise you will get bullied around like what is happening now.
This is why the current ideological regime in Iran are idiots despite the fact that Iran is being persecuted.
Why would we test it in our country?
The whole point of this project was secrecy. Read this:

And well, if Israel doesn't have nukes, why Iran doesn't just swarm us with missiles?

You're a schizo

Ahmm, what did Iraq do?

Biden is way more aggressive than Trump, he is responsible for the bombing of many Middle Eastern nations. He wanted to bomb the shit out of the Serbs. He will bomb the shit out of Iran too

And this was 40 years ago

Iran is acting pathetic, so desperate for negotiations
There is a difference between talks and negotiations. The only talk will be: immediately end all sanctions or we will move towards 20% (mid term goal). Negotiations ended in 2015. There is no way and no door open for negotiations except in their fantasy (decreasing/stopping missile range and production, giving up our foreign policy).
And from 20% comes 90 followed by a test and a mushroom cloud. The jews are panicking because of possibility that Biden ends the sanctions + the already ended arms embargo. They know there is a point of no return (in advantage of Iran) as soon as the airforce is updated, let alone if the economy becomes stronger. They already can't stop Iran while Iran was the worst sanctions ever given to any country. These terror attacks are pure zionist panic reactions to start a war between Iran and USA.
Ofcourse Iran has to take revenge in anyway possibtle, but from position of strength. I keep repeating, we need asap our airforce to be updated.
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Just build the bomb already. That is Iran's best revenge. There can't be any technical barriers left. It should just be a political decision at this point. Build the bomb and ensure your people's security. It has been proven that conventional weapons are insufficient as a deterrence.

Unfortunately, there are massive technical Barries lift. on top of that you have a leadership that considers WMD's to be Haram. further on top of that, any person with half a grain of intelligence in Iran is not going t be a nuclear scientist. They will most likely be pistachio growers or watermelon salesmen. they can all see how scientists end up.

Iranians persist with this farce of a nuclear program for the same reason Saddam did, so as to not lose face in the local population. when neither has the capacity for such an endeavour.
Just before the election, Trump said if he wins, that the first phone call he'd get is from Iran wanting to do a deal.
Loser Trump told his big zionist blood sucker pimp adelson (who destroys white kids by making them addict to gambling) that he will force Iran to sign a deal which turns all the parameters of the deal which end in 10 years into eternal. But that will never happen. Iran is not stupid to accept alteration of the deal.

Parameters of prospective actions by Iran[20]
Reduction in the number of installed centrifuges from 19,000 to 6,104 and only 5,060 of these enriching uranium for 10 years.[21][22]
No enriched uranium above 3.67% purity (suitable for civil use and nuclear power generation only) for 15 years.
Reduce stockpile of enriched uranium from current 10,000 to not more than 300 kilograms 3.67 percent enrich uranium for 15 years.
For 15 years, Fordow uranium enrichment facility will operate not more than 1,000 centrifuges for research. 5,000 R-1 centrifuges will be running at Natanz. The remaining 13,000 centrifuges will be used as spare, as needed.
Arak facility will be modified so as to produce a minimal amount of plutonium but will remain a heavy-water reactor. This restriction is limited to 15 years.
Allow inspection of all its nuclear facilities and its supply chains such as uranium mining sites .

Loser trump told his fat pimp that if Iran doesnt accept a new deal I will attack Iran. That's why he asked for the options to attack natanz (since Irans uranium was not destroyed in the last sabotage attack).
There is a difference between talks and negotiations. The only talk will be: immediately end all sanctions or we will move towards 20% (mid term goal). Negotiations ended in 2015. There is no way and no door open for negotiations except in their fantasy (decreasing/stopping missile range and production, giving up our foreign policy).

“Remove all sanctions or we will return to where we were prior to 2013”

Man you guys really love to kiss the a$$ of USA.

I’m starting to think Iran is no different than Russia. Acts all tough, but constantly wants to be accepted by the West. Only to get ****ed over again and again.

You can blame the idiots like Rafsanjani and other corrupt morons who after 1979 refused to integrate Iran into the global economy and thought God would guide them to victory. If Iran had leverage in the world economy proportionally to even what half of China has today. No one would dare sanction Iran.

But when all you did was keep your hobbling oil sector afloat and refused Chinese and Western overtures for investment. You end up not needed in the world. Especially as everyone else now pumps more oil than 30 years ago.

The world doesn’t need the Iranian economy, but the Iranian economy needs the world. That’s the sad reality.

Qajer 2.0 dynasty is coming up. Get ready because they are about to give up ALOT to the West again.
Can you imagine indian airforce crossing border and killing Pakistanis at whim. PAF would lay waste to their FOB. Iranians need to retaliate and retaliate hard this is the only way to make your enemies fear you.

They don't have the capabilities to do it.
Sleep tight bro. CIA and Mossad are not interested in Pakistan.

You are seriously delusional if you think that CIA and Mossad did not try to sabotage our Nuclear programme and try to stop us from acquiring the bomb in coordination with hindutva India.
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These incidents only force the arguement that both Iran and Saudi Arabia are incompetent fools and their so called proxies in the region are only tolerated by powers to be to keep the "control chaos" in Muslim lands going in a non stop cycle.
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Qajer 2.0 dynasty is coming up. Get ready because they are about to give up ALOT to the West again.
Qajar dynasty atleast stood and fought but lost,, much respect to them for atleast TRYING to fight.. unlike the current pathetic maffia regime which does not even dare to shoot ONE FREAKING bullet directly towards Israel. Some brainwashed biased people on this board do not like to hear this but it will be repeated until proven wrong : Khamenei is a Zionist Jewish puppet/plot to turn Iran into the boogeyman paving the way for Israeli supremacy in the region. No true Iranian would allow Israel to run amok in this humiliating manner.
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