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IRANIAN new fighter jet

The Iranian Defense Ministry announced on Friday that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will unveil the second indigenized Iranian jet fighter named 'Qaher 313' on Saturday.

Last week, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi had announced that his ministry would display several defense achievements in the next few days.

The new achievements will be unveiled during the Ten-Day Dawn ceremonies from January 31 to February 10, celebrating the victory of the Islamic Revolution back in 1979.

The Iranian defense minister announced at the time that Iran would unveil the latest home-made fighter jet in the coming days, and said, "The aircraft will be different from the other fighter jets Iran has already made."

Iran has also taken wide strides in designing and manufacturing different types of light, semi-heavy and heavy weapons, military tools and equipment. Tehran launched an arms development program during the 1980-88 Iraqi imposed war on Iran to compensate for a US weapons embargo. Since 1992, Iran has produced its own tanks, armored personnel carriers, missiles and fighter planes.

Yet, Iranian officials have always stressed that the country's military and arms programs serve defensive purposes and should not be perceived as a threat to any other country.

Fars News Agency :: Iran to Unveil New Home-Made Fighter Jet Tomorrow
Due to the lack of military budget and squeezed fund injected into our aviation industrial I don't except a breathtaking fighter jet but whatever it would be I look at it as a forward step in this area and I admire it, actually we do need to do whatever to strength the IRIAF.
every now and then iran releases a new fighter jet like its not a jet but a new microsoft windows version

the end result is always the same, gone into oblivion never to be spoken again
Due to the lack of military budget and squeezed fund injected into our aviation industrial I don't except a breathtaking fighter jet but whatever it would be I look at it as a forward step in this area and I admire it, actually we do need to do whatever to strength the IRIAF.

actually , even if we mass produce saegheh , it will be a good step for our air force .... after all we can't jump from nowhere and beat USA , Russia , France , China , Eroupe , Sweden and etc ... with our 1st ( or 2nd ) fighter ....

and if it will be something even better than Saegheh , I will be glad ...... we need to begin with something .....
The F-5 has never looked better, good start.
here the pic :

Sexy !!!!!!!!

what a useless word to description it ...

well , at least Yankee can't come and saying " everyone copying our fighter design ... "

and this design is strange .... it has 4 wings ....

به گزارش مشرق به نقل از اداره كل تبليغات دفاعي وزارت دفاع؛ سردار سرتيپ پاسدار احمد وحيدي وزير دفاع و پشتيباني نيروهاي مسلح با تبريك اين موفقيت بزرگ كه در راستاي تحقق فرامين فرمانده معظم كل قوا به منصه ظهور رسيده است اظهار داشت:كليه مراحل طراحي و ساخت جنگنده بومي قاهر313 توسط دانشمندان و متخصصان اقتدار آفرين سازمان صنايع هوايي وزارت دفاع انجام شده است.

وزير دفاع در تشريح ويژگي جنگنده قاهر گفت:اين جنگنده پيشرفته با مشخصات ظاهري منحصر بفرد،داراي سطح مقطع راداري بسيار كم و همچنين قابليت انجام عمليات پروازي در ارتفاع پست مي باشد.
سردار وحيدي،بهره برداري از مواد پيشرفته در ساخت هواپيما و سيستم هاي الكترواويونيك پيشرفته را از ديگر ويژگي هاي جنگنده قاهر313 برشمرد.

وزير دفاع با بيان اينكه اين جنگنده توانايي حمل تسليحات پيشرفته بومي را دارد و از قدرت تهاجمي بالا برخوردار است گفت:جنگنده قاهر حقيقتاً نماد برجسته اي از نبوغ ،خلاقيت و جسارت فرزندان برومند و برنادل ملت ايران در وزارت دفاع است.
سردار وحيدي،قابليت نشست و برخاست با طول باند كوتاه و تعمير و نگهداري آسان و سريع را از ديگر ويژگي هواپيماي قاهر313 ذكر كرد.

وزير دفاع در پايان با تشكر و قدرداني از تلاش و زحمات بي وقفه دانشمندان و متخصصان سازمان صنايع هوايي وزارت در خلق اين پروژه بزرگ ملي تصريح كرد:هواپيماي جنگنده قاهر ، ثمره قدرت ،ايمان ،همت و رشد و بالندگي پرورش يافتگان مكتب خميني و خامنه اي عزير است كه در آغاز طليعه سي و چهارمين سالگرد پيروزي انقلاب اسلامي با اين اقدام افتخار آفرين افزايش اقتدار ملي و ارتقاء قدرت بازدارندگي جمهوري اسلامي ايران را رقم زدند.


well ... I will wait till seeing the flight test movie ...
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