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Iranian Navy sending fleet to Atlantic Ocean

I know buddy, but why do you try and make fun? we know usa has a better navy..

Atleast we can agree on that.

With threat looming over Iran is it wise for your leaders to send your Navy to Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea or Atlantic Ocean rather than keeping it close to your coast where they are needed the most. Tell me what purpose will Iranian Navy serve in Atlantic Ocean...does any of your major shipping routes pass through them. It seems like a futile exercise by your Mullah leaders just to satisfy their ego.
@ Indian members guys what the heck man are the iranians saying any thing why do we have to jump up and troll seriously grow up

your navy should go for some acc killer missile the acbgs of usa can be hell for any navy of this world
But what would be the objective for sending these ships? A joint wargame exercise with Venezuela? I heard Venezuela and Iran are pretty friendly.
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