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meanwhile, North Korea has installed cruise missiles, Khwasal-1 or Khwasal-2, on board an Amnok-class light frigate, and not the North Korean version of the Kh-35, as previously assumed.



observing the characteristics of the superstructure it is possible to hypothesize the presence on board of at least 4 cruise missiles.
Something is off about that picture. Looks altered. It’s almost like it’s been airbrushed effect.

@Hack-Hook what do you think?
I say 3d rendered, waves look fake and the ship look to clean
it lack features, and the cannon in front look somehow strange
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It is.
We use this kind of drawing for modelling purposes. It is just a drawing done from an actual picture. Anyway it is beautiful.

Iran builds Aframax tanks which yes in length maybe as big or bigger than some carriers but their superstructure can get sunk by a single CM.

An aircraft carrier by design is extremely hard to sink. It is created in such a way to basically be able to float despite immense damage.

So they are completely different engineering feats when it comes to internals. Not to mention any aircraft carriers based on traditional design will likely cost Iran $1B if not more to build. Waste of resources.

Better to build large bombers with 2000KM-30000KM range than an aircraft carrier. A B-2 bomber can travel 6000 miles without refueling.
Moreover, a carrier needs a high speed for launching aircraft with meaningful payload. That requires a very powerful machinery and an extremely hidrodinamic hull (just at the opposite side of a tanker).

Anyway IRIN doesn´t need a real AC with fighter. It is enough just to embark 12 or 14 MALE UAV like Mohajer VI or 48 Shahed 136 or Arash 2 to put nervous some western navies.

But actually, which exactly frigate with AAW capability will escort that ship?. Something is wrong in this matter.
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H I Sutton has an interesting article about the weapon on the left.

Iran's Previously Unreported Submarine-Launched Stand-Off Sea Mine

Tue 22 August 2023 By H I Sutton

Iran's Previously Unreported Submarine-Launched Stand-Off Sea Mine​

Flag Iran
The president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, has visited an 'exhibition of achievements' of the Ministry of Defense. Among the interesting items on display was a previously unreported stand-off bottom mine. Although this much was clear from its external appearance, it is helpfully labeled "مین دریایی رونده" (moving sea mine). This weapon is different from the previously reported stand-off 'torpedo drone'.

Telltale details on the weapon show that it is designed for submarine launch. This implies that Iran's fleet of KILO and Ghadir submarines could deploy it.

The body of the weapon is similar to the North Korean PT-97W anti-ship torpedo which has been further developed in Iran as the YT-534 UW1/2 'Valfajr'. The connection bulkheads are almost identical. However, it is not identical to observed YT-534 examples.


The mine itself appears very similar to the Maham-2 design, albeit in a 533mm (21") diameter casing. The export information for the Maham-2 reports that it has two magnetic & non-directional acoustic sensors. An anti-sweeping system has been installed in the mine’s electronic system as a vessel counting circuit. This means that it doesn't necessarily explode under the first ship which passes, instead counting to a certain number. This is typical of modern bottom mines.

The Maham-2 is designed to sink submarines and surface vessels. For this it contains 350 kg of explosive and can be placed in 10-50 meters of water.


Minor changes would have to be made for torpedo-tube launch, for example the safety system. That ordinarily arms the mine as soon as it is below 10 meters of water. For a submarine launch, this would have to be adjusted to much lower so that it doesn't arm in the flooded torpedo tube.


The mine is also similar to the Yemeni Houthi Movement's ADM-1-500 bottom mine. The Houthi's received significant arms supplies and assistance from Iran.

Stand-off range is provisionally estimated at 10 nautical miles, and likely only straight line. All the same, the weapon would prove a useful addition to Iran's fleet.

View attachment 947754
everything is fake if you want my opinion too, don't know who made this work, it looks like some blender work with an asset of damavand-2
View attachment 947754
everything is fake if you want my opinion too, don't know who made this work, it looks like some blender work with an asset of damavand-2

If this is indeed a fake then it shows possible intent in the rendition of Damavand-2's multi-faceted EAGLE EYE's AESA radar (above).


Since North Korea of late has shown a penchant of exhibition their new hardware, we much just get lucky.

That is extremely interesting.

As I said previously, IRGN doctrine it is outdated. US Navy and others have been working in developing different weapons and tactics to defeat swarms of small boats armed with AS missiles or rockets. From versions of US Hellfire or UK Brimstone to using even B52 with JDAM once suggested against IRGCN boats make the defense of Iran with the different families of speedboats "one ticket travel".

Designing and putting into service new speedboats with Radar/EO/IR and AI assisted target management and attacking could easily revamp this tactic. IRGC UAVs have been capable of some AI assistance in illuminating targets. That technology could easily be installed small IRGC Navy boats, making them expendable and much more resistant to attrition. Main boats like Solemaini class can act as a Command ships, and even if damaged or sink, some COTS technology could fit any AI assisted autopilot and seek and destroy capability in small boats.

Moreover, IRGC Navy has shown new guided electro optics (like Almas) and other guided IR missiles capable of covering many (if not most) of naval targets inside Persian Gulf. So, just some conversion of highly capable FAC into AI piloted and target assisted would make any agression into much more costly and letal for US Navy.
The first step is building a fast cheap disposable engine.

Using 2 Yamaha 250’s that cost $15-25K each is neither smart nor sustainable.

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