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US completes 9000 ton destroyer in 3 years from laid to passing sea trial. (China is even faster)

Iran takes 5 years to make a 1500 ton frigate.

Can you explain why?
First of all you are making an illogical comparison with US and China.
According to this question we have already answered in the past.
But in repeating:
Iran has no problem producing hulls and superstructures for military vessels quickly;
the problem of delays is connected to the fact that military ships are not only made of welded metal plates, to make them operational you need thousands of other components that Iran must produce almost 100% at home, engines, generators, propellers, electronics , artillery armament, missiles etc,etc.
Then it is necessary to remember that the military naval shipbuilding for units that can ply the blue waters in Iran is recent, and as such it has had the need to learn how to build, but also to modify the basic project due to the operational experience with the first two units and the due changes in the supply of components, from propulsion engines, to the evolution in the production in Iran of electronics, radar, armament, etc. but which in any case are not a mass production, but a production which for many components can be defined as artisanal because it is dedicated solely to these Iranian ships.
Therefore it is useless to make comparisons with the naval production of 2 world superpowers, but not even with the manufacturing speed of other nations because often their ships built in their shipyards are filled with components purchased from foreign suppliers, components that often need the intervention of the parent company to be repaired or, for example, for the electronics to be updated (Venezuela docet)
First of all you are making an illogical comparison with US and China.
According to this question we have already answered in the past.
But in repeating:
Iran has no problem producing hulls and superstructures for military vessels quickly;
the problem of delays is connected to the fact that military ships are not only made of welded metal plates, to make them operational you need thousands of other components that Iran must produce almost 100% at home, engines, generators, propellers, electronics , artillery armament, missiles etc,etc.
Then it is necessary to remember that the military naval shipbuilding for units that can ply the blue waters in Iran is recent, and as such it has had the need to learn how to build, but also to modify the basic project due to the operational experience with the first two units and the due changes in the supply of components, from propulsion engines, to the evolution in the production in Iran of electronics, radar, armament, etc. but which in any case are not a mass production, but a production which for many components can be defined as artisanal because it is dedicated solely to these Iranian ships.
Therefore it is useless to make comparisons with the naval production of 2 world superpowers, but not even with the manufacturing speed of other nations because often their ships built in their shipyards are filled with components purchased from foreign suppliers, components that often need the intervention of the parent company to be repaired or, for example, for the electronics to be updated (Venezuela docet)

This analysis did not need to be this lengthy.

IRGC navy built their first 2 navy ships in under 1.5 years each testing new technologies (VLS) new ship design and new radar and weaponary. All of which are also “100%” built in Iran. So your logic is flawed.

Meanwhile Mowj vessel has been produced since 2008 and Iran navy has yet to reach an optimal building schedule.

It should never take 5 years to build a 1500 ton vessel wether it is foreign sourced or 100% domestic. At this rate it will take 100 years to raise an armada.

The example of US is not to say that Iran should be able to build a 9000 ton vessel in 3 years as well. But that Mowj should be able to built in under 2 years.
This analysis did not need to be this lengthy.

IRGC navy built their first 2 navy ships in under 1.5 years each testing new technologies (VLS) new ship design and new radar and weaponary. All of which are also “100%” built in Iran. So your logic is flawed.

Meanwhile Mowj vessel has been produced since 2008 and Iran navy has yet to reach an optimal building schedule.

It should never take 5 years to build a 1500 ton vessel wether it is foreign sourced or 100% domestic. At this rate it will take 100 years to raise an armada.

The example of US is not to say that Iran should be able to build a 9000 ton vessel in 3 years as well. But that Mowj should be able to built in under 2 years.
First of all, they are units of completely different dimensions and production techniques, just as the type of mission they have to carry out will be different.
The answer on today's production speed of the IRGC units you should consider:
in which year did the navy start building the Jamaran ?
in which year did the IRGC start building catamarans?
You can find the answer in my previous (long answer for you), that is, today you already have at your disposal almost everything that has been designed and built since 2001.
This analysis did not need to be this lengthy.

IRGC navy built their first 2 navy ships in under 1.5 years each testing new technologies (VLS) new ship design and new radar and weaponary. All of which are also “100%” built in Iran. So your logic is flawed.

Meanwhile Mowj vessel has been produced since 2008 and Iran navy has yet to reach an optimal building schedule.

It should never take 5 years to build a 1500 ton vessel wether it is foreign sourced or 100% domestic. At this rate it will take 100 years to raise an armada.

The example of US is not to say that Iran should be able to build a 9000 ton vessel in 3 years as well. But that Mowj should be able to built in under 2 years.
You are not fair in your assessment..as Mr sahureka2 mentioned the tonnage makes no difference...it is the subsystems and weapons

Typical western ship:

CIC..individual work stations+ network
Main gun
Integration of all of the above

all have to be made in Iran...western countries make the hull...buy the subsystems from all over the world supply some of the weapons and integrate them..

So I give Iran some slack..but 5 year per ship is a bit slow..they should learn to do parallel tasks
You are not fair in your assessment..as Mr sahureka2 mentioned the tonnage makes no difference...it is the subsystems and weapons

Typical western ship:

CIC..individual work stations+ network
Main gun
Integration of all of the above

all have to be made in Iran...western countries make the hull...buy the subsystems from all over the world supply some of the weapons and integrate them..

So I give Iran some slack..but 5 year per ship is a bit slow..they should learn to do parallel tasks

This makes no sense You realize a Solemani Ship is more advanced than a 1960’s designed Mowj ship? You act like IRGC imported the parts to Solemani and slapped it together while IR navy had to build from scratch.

Yes ones a catamaran and the other is a frigate. But I am confident if you gave IRGC budget and request for a frigate they would develop in a much faster timeframe than 5 years.

The issue here is that the time building has not improved since 2008. That is the real red flag. There has been no improvements in the build rate in 15 years. That points or project management issues and supply chain optimization issues.
On one hand you have genuine scientific & technological progress being made in Iran and then you have silly embaressments like this. In this day & age, with the internet, this is just ridiculous. This & Salami's dowsing rod that could supposedly detect Covid from a distance.

I've said this before. I think what it boils down to is that, let's say Iran needs some component, maybe 5000 units. They could likely build it from scratch but when you have a manufacturer in China mass producing hundreds of thousands of millions of units, it's just going to be cheaper to buy it abroad. Nothing wrong with using foreign parts. Alot of NATO hardware uses components made in China, Taiwan, Japan, etc. take the famous iconic American brand Steel. Their motors are mostly Chinese.

Since globalization & especially today with communication being so easy with the internet, most asembled products use a variety of parts from multiple sources/nations. The issue here isn't that they're using some foreign parts. The issue is that they're claiming otherwise & lying to the Iranian public. This is a sign of corruption in my opinion. Who knows, maybe Sayyari doesn't even know, but if you're going to present something to the public, one should conduct basic due diligence to avoid such an embarrassing situation.

I guess this might fool some people that don't know any better. Several decades ago it would have easily fooled many more. Today though it's just far too easy to do basic research with the click of a mouse.

On one hand you have genuine scientific & technological progress being made in Iran and then you have silly embaressments like this. In this day & age, with the internet, this is just ridiculous. This & Salami's dowsing rod that could supposedly detect Covid from a distance.

On one hand you have genuine scientific & technological progress being made in Iran and then you have silly embaressments like this. In this day & age, with the internet, this is just ridiculous. This & Salami's dowsing rod that could supposedly detect Covid from a distance.

It was a quantum algorithm software, you genius!
اولین محصول الگوریتم پردازش کوانتومی دانشگاه دریایی ارتش رونمایی شد- اخبار نظامی | دفاعی | امنیتی - اخبار سیاسی تسنیم | Tasnim

It's a software that allows vessels to share and calculate their position information based on other vessels' position to identify and neutralize GPS spoofing.
It was a quantum algorithm software, you genius!
اولین محصول الگوریتم پردازش کوانتومی دانشگاه دریایی ارتش رونمایی شد- اخبار نظامی | دفاعی | امنیتی - اخبار سیاسی تسنیم | Tasnim

It's a software that allows vessels to share and calculate their position information based on other vessels' position to identify and neutralize GPS spoofing.

I have to wonder if these people are actually this moronic that that can't do their own independent research into the topic before jumping on these news or perhaps they deliberately want to spread disinformation. Take your pick.
On one hand you have genuine scientific & technological progress being made in Iran and then you have silly embaressments like this. In this day & age, with the internet, this is just ridiculous. This & Salami's dowsing rod that could supposedly detect Covid from a distance.

Why do hate Iranians so much and spread hate and false news? Trying to be a friend.😀
On one hand you have genuine scientific & technological progress being made in Iran and then you have silly embaressments like this. In this day & age, with the internet, this is just ridiculous. This & Salami's dowsing rod that could supposedly detect Covid from a distance.

if you're citing someone like Gabriel for anything (let alone naval technology) then you already fucked up
On one hand you have genuine scientific & technological progress being made in Iran and then you have silly embaressments like this. In this day & age, with the internet, this is just ridiculous. This & Salami's dowsing rod that could supposedly detect Covid from a distance.

Again the user @sha ah is spreading the same kind of misinformation from twitter Hasbara accounts, like they did with aliexpress drones before crying on Ukraine

This user is spreading Israeli Hasbara from someone not able to read neither knowing anything in naval technology but going on Amazon and aliexpress searching for anything looking like this as well as Taliban propaganda at will for at least two months since he disappeared for some reasons after the color revolution attempt got shut down
It was a quantum algorithm software, you genius!
اولین محصول الگوریتم پردازش کوانتومی دانشگاه دریایی ارتش رونمایی شد- اخبار نظامی | دفاعی | امنیتی - اخبار سیاسی تسنیم | Tasnim

It's a software that allows vessels to share and calculate their position information based on other vessels' position to identify and neutralize GPS spoofing.

Not quite it’s prototype software.

Not sure why they showed the processor that they are using as an emulator for a quantum processor.

It would be like writing an amazing blockchain algorithm than taking a picture with a raspberry pi. The raspberry pi is irrelevant.
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