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Iran seems to have maybe too many variants of surface warships ?

can they maybe one day agree on a design and mass build

I forever am trying to keep up
Iran seems to have maybe too many variants of surface warships ?

can they maybe one day agree on a design and mass build

I forever am trying to keep up
Iran is trying to test the waters (pun intended) with different designs before going all in
Iran seems to have maybe too many variants of surface warships ?

can they maybe one day agree on a design and mass build

I forever am trying to keep up

I’m sure they will consider fitting their strategy to your personal categorization. 😏
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11 Shahid suleimani class are under construction. (total 12 ship)
Believe me, an aluminium ship cant never be a good warship. It is an oximoron.

Aluminion is weak and prone to fire (Type 21 frigates during Malvina´s war). It is cheap, it is easy to build, they are fast, sea control capable ships... but never combat ships.

So Moudge frigate, specially the last iteration (Damavand II and Taftan, which have similar configuration) are a excellent candidate for being a testbed for a foreseeable standar larger unit (3.000 tons, like Type 054AP which is really good design).
Aluminion is weak and prone to fire (Type 21 frigates during Malvina´s war). It is cheap, it is easy to build, they are fast, sea control capable ships... but never combat ships.
sorry but its anything but cheap
Believe me, an aluminium ship cant never be a good warship. It is an oximoron.

Aluminion is weak and prone to fire (Type 21 frigates during Malvina´s war). It is cheap, it is easy to build, they are fast, sea control capable ships... but never combat ships.

So Moudge frigate, specially the last iteration (Damavand II and Taftan, which have similar configuration) are a excellent candidate for being a testbed for a foreseeable standar larger unit (3.000 tons, like Type 054AP which is really good design).

US Navy uses both. A hybrid approach is best. A pure steel approach while stronger makes the ship heavier requiring more power from engines. Plus steel is not as elastic or malleable for contouring ships to reduce RCS and other factors.

So for Iran to create a large cruiser/destroyer (9000 tons) would likely need more powerful engines than it currently has. Burke class destroyers use 70,000KW gas turbine engines (4).

What is the Iranian equivalent?
Believe me, an aluminium ship cant never be a good warship. It is an oximoron.

Aluminion is weak and prone to fire (Type 21 frigates during Malvina´s war). It is cheap, it is easy to build, they are fast, sea control capable ships... but never combat ships.

So Moudge frigate, specially the last iteration (Damavand II and Taftan, which have similar configuration) are a excellent candidate for being a testbed for a foreseeable standar larger unit (3.000 tons, like Type 054AP which is really good design).
I think you mean the large catamarans currently under construction. Ship armed with 6 anti-ship missiles, equipped with numerous VLS for AA defense and you assert that they are not combat ships?
The mission of these missile-launching catamarans is the same as that still carried out today by the FACs of previous generations, such as the OSA class and also the Kaman/Sina class, that is, to attack enemy ships at great distances (but the new catamarans having a flight deck it could use a helicopter or rather a drone to send towards the potential target, a drone that could act as a radar bridge or detect and send the constantly updated coordinates of the target in navigation to the mother ship), then possess good anti-aircraft defense and great speed. And these catamarans are certainly not designed for close quarters cannon fire. Furthermore, thanks to the larger dimensions and better navigability with a catamaran hull, they will be able to operate at greater distances from the coast.
Therefore they are warships with renewed combat mission tactics.
Sadly more lies and false promises by Navy officials

Twitter "experts", using Google Earth, again

Why are you all really relying on these random twitter accounts with their primitive "OSINT" using Google maps to make claims? The same people making claims about Bavar-373 not deployed and nothing deployed, like Iran is going to put their system in a huge zone visible on Google Earth for these cheap "twitter "OSINT" experts" This new era of Twitter experts using Google maps to make claims about others military is a huge cancer.

Why doesn't he show us the date of the Google Earth photo? "Image 2023 Airbus"

- Claims made months ago about a Shahed-129 on a landing field, claims: "Russia tested them and they are bad look they are on the landing field" Source: Google Earth

And other countless "Twitter experts OSINT" claims that led to nowhere such as the Su-35 parked in an airbase
Twitter "experts", using Google Earth, again

Why are you all really relying on these random twitter accounts with their primitive "OSINT" using Google maps to make claims? The same people making claims about Bavar-373 not deployed and nothing deployed, like Iran is going to put their system in a huge zone visible on Google Earth for these cheap "twitter "OSINT" experts" This new era of Twitter experts using Google maps to make claims about others military is a huge cancer.
You can mock high quality commercially available satellite imagery at your peril

And if you can show us any evidence for Bavar-373 being deployed please feel free, instead Russian s-300 still follows Khamenei to Mashhad
You can mock high quality commercially available satellite imagery at your peril

And if you can show us any evidence for Bavar-373 being deployed please feel free, instead Russian s-300 still follows Khamenei to Mashhad
well to be honest in that photo i also can't see Mehrab either. the air-defense portion of the weapons is not installed yet
You can mock high quality commercially available satellite imagery at your peril

And if you can show us any evidence for Bavar-373 being deployed please feel free, instead Russian s-300 still follows Khamenei to Mashhad
You are talking like Google Earth and commercial satellite available for everyone are capable to show the whole systems and weapons deployed in a country, including weapons underground with some wallhacks to see through

So show us an evidence that Bavar-373 isn't deployed

Why the OSINT Twitter experts didn't saw the K-4 launch preparation? Why the Twitter OSINT didn't saw Simorgh?

Twitter experts account is basically: talk, talk, talk, for nothing, thinking they know every single deployed systems in Iran including secrets and hidden places.

The Twitter experts came first to tell us that Russia was sending back Shahed-136 to Iran because it was terribly bad, they shown us a parked random Shahed-129 using Google Earth.

So your proof is "because we can't see it on google Earth and that S-300 are moving, it means Iran has no LORAD deployed beside a bunch of S-300 to cover Iran", Twitter experts and Google Earth isn't credible intelligence at all
well to be honest in that photo i also can't see Mehrab either. the air-defense portion of the weapons is not installed yet

US completes 9000 ton destroyer in 3 years from laid to passing sea trial. (China is even faster)

Iran takes 5 years to make a 1500 ton frigate.

Can you explain why?

Why the OSINT Twitter experts didn't saw the K-4 launch preparation? Why the Twitter OSINT didn't saw Simorgh?

Go ask a quote from commercial satellite imagery provider for a snapshot of Iran space center. Latest commercial satellite imagery is expensive (thousands of dollars sometimes tens of thousands). Very few OSINT buy them or others like Aurora Intel will usually buy them after Syrian strikes to compare damage or sabotage attacks in Iran. These are known points so their money won’t go to waste.

Your average OSINT wannabe is not going to go spend tens of thousands of dollars getting photographs of random spots of Iran trying to find an air defense formation. Thus they use google earth and other free services.

Think tanks and military research institutes would be the one that go looking for that stuff, but they are mostly focused on the nuclear program and missile bases.
US completes 9000 ton destroyer in 3 years from laid to passing sea trial. (China is even faster)

Iran takes 5 years to make a 1500 ton frigate.

Can you explain why?
as i said previously , corruption and do't let private sector do the job
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