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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

Agree..The days of Iran buying foreign made weapons passed a long time ago...I do however agree with some very limited foreign buys to ensure our own designs stay up-to-date. That is why buying 24 SU 35 does not bother me much..
We need destroyer or fighter jets. Iran don't have good technology in these equipments
We need destroyer or fighter jets. Iran don't have good technology in these equipments
we don't need dedicated interceptor , we need multirole fighter in small to medium class thats why Su-35 bother me, if it was something like J10-c or Grippen or F-16v it would not have bothered me as much as it bother me when its su-35.
we don't need destroyer , why we need them why not invest in Shahid suleymani class of ships , why not develop them with more advance and modern technologies ?

also buying from foreign source bother me on another level . what happen to Zulfaqar when we invested in license production of Karrar ?
i wonder if it will be the fate of Shahi suleymani class of ships or Kowsar jet or bavar-373 if we get foreign systems
also buying from foreign source bother me on another level . what happen to Zulfaqar when we invested in license production of Karrar ?

Zolfaqar development and/or production was stagnant long before Karrar was introduced. Also is there evidence of Karrar being manufactured under license? To my knowledge it's a fully domestic project. It was simply deemed more interesting than Zolfaqar and thus opted for by both IRGC and Army.
Wonder how hard it is to see when Iran say we want to protect our country with our own weapon.

Mowj isn’t protecting anything, let alone “our country”. One F-35 can take out a Mowj frigate that Iran spent 5-6 years building.

Horribly archaic in both design and armament structure let alone radar and electronics.
Mowj isn’t protecting anything, let alone “our country”. One F-35 can take out a Mowj frigate that Iran spent 5-6 years building.

Horribly archaic in both design and armament structure let alone radar and electronics.
No surface ship is immune to air attack especially from F35 type aircraft..that is why for Iran having a weak air force the best option is underwater fleet of submarines.. The problem with subs is that they have no visibility (supposed to be invisible most of the time) so the Top brass of the Navy have nothing to parade..lol it is not a joke ,,this is a problem with most navies..People want boats that they can see..but for Iran if you want to pack a punch you need capable under water hardware..Fateh is a good start but too bad the new Navy chief is more of a macho man than a long term planner!..The previous Navy chief was a naval engineer and knew what is needed..too bad he was replaced
Zolfaqar development and/or production was stagnant long before Karrar was introduced. Also is there evidence of Karrar being manufactured under license? To my knowledge it's a fully domestic project. It was simply deemed more interesting than Zolfaqar and thus opted for by both IRGC and Army.
because of the engine and we have produced several hundred zualfaqar 2 . it stopped in zulfaqar 3 because of money. later when the money was given it went to producing karrar with component licensed based on a modernized version of t-72 a single look at the technologies inside it tell you that

Mowj isn’t protecting anything, let alone “our country”. One F-35 can take out a Mowj frigate that Iran spent 5-6 years building.

Horribly archaic in both design and armament structure let alone radar and electronics.
and there won't be any new mowdge after the ones in dock delivered . and i didn't recall talking about moudge the ship at best is suited for fighting pirates .
and no you are wrong an attack from an f-16 is enough to destroy the ships in that class there is no need for f-35, in my post i said shahis suleymani ship and ships developed based on it in future with larger displacement and greater defensive capabilities . with the money for a single type 52 ship we can achieve that milestone
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More talk from our Navy chief (remember he talks a lot and has not delivered a single dinky boat to the navy yet!):

"Soon we will present a new product which is new in the history, never happened before and we will make it public".
"We will accelerate the delivery of Fateh-2 and Fateh-3"

الحاق زیردریایی فاتح دو و سه در آینده‌ای نزدیک

الحاق زیردریایی فاتح دو و سه در آینده‌ای نزدیک

فرمانده نیروی دریایی ارتش گفت: در ناوگان جنوب و شمال بحث الحاق را در دستورکار داریم و به زودی نیز حامل خبرهای خیلی خوبی برای مردم عزیز هستیم که یک دستاورد بی نظیر در طول تاریخ است.
به گزارش مشرق، امیر دریادار شهرام ایرانی فرمانده نیروی دریایی راهبردی ارتش ، با اشاره به آخرین دستاوردها و برنامه‌ها برای تقویت نیروی دریایی، گفت: ما در دو حوزه ناوگان جنوب و ناوگان شمال، بحث الحاق را در دستورکار قرار دادیم. به زودی نیز حامل خبرهای خیلی خوبی برای مردم عزیز هستیم که یک دستاورد بی نظیر در طول تاریخ که تاکنون اتفاق نیفتاده و الحمدلله نیروی دریایی راهبردی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران به این مهم دست پیدا کرده است، رسانه‌ای می‌شود.
الحاق زیردریایی فاتح دو و سه در آینده‌ای نزدیک
وی ادامه داد: در حوزه الحاق نیز در حوزه یگان‌های سطحی و هم در حوزه یگان‌های زیرسطحی برنامه خواهیم داشت. همچنین الحاق فاتح دو و سه را سرعت بیشتری می‌بخشیم که اقتدارمان را در حوزه زیرسطحی تقویت کنیم.
پرتاب موفق اژدرهای دو منظوره از زیردریایی فاتح
فرمانده نیروی دریایی ارتش با اشاره به ویژگی‌ها و قابلیت‌ها جدید زیردریایی کلاس فاتح، گفت: امروز فاتح ها به اژدرهای دو منظوره و ساخت داخل تجهیز شده‌اند و همه پرتاب‌هایشان نیز موفق بوده است.

منبع: مهر
because of the engine and we have produced several hundred zualfaqar 2 . it stopped in zulfaqar 3 because of money. later when the money was given it went to producing karrar with component licensed based on a modernized version of t-72 a single look at the technologies inside it tell you that

There's no evidence that these components are being licence produced. And there's actually evidence to the contrary.
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There's no evidence that these components are being licence produced.
but there is also no evidence that they are bought abroad

however we are off topic, here we should talk about the Iranian Navy
but there is also no evidence that they are bought abroad

I was responding to an assertive suggestion that Karrar is being produced under licence. So we've established there's no evidence to this effect. Excellent, that's what I was conveying.

But since you commented on the topic, allow me add a final, important point: there is actually evidence of Karrar being an Iranian development indeed.

To begin with, the tank was revealed at a time when Russia was officially offering Iran a license to produce its T-90S MBT, a rather rare type of proposal by Moscow.


So what explains Russia's willingness to offer local production on a rather modern platform at this point in time? Most likely, Russian awareness of the progress made by Islamic Iran in upgrading and modernizing the T-72.

This is strongly reminiscent of MAPNA's successful reverse engineering and manufacturing of a Siemens gas turbine, which left international observers awestruck and immediately prompted the German corporation to offer Iran license production for gas turbines from its own catalogue, in hopes of securing at least a share of the profits on Iranian-made devices of this kind.

Secondly, Iran's Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan put to rest speculation about the origin of technologies used in Karrar by highligting that it's a domestic achievement and that as a result of it, Iran lost the interest she once had in purchasing Russian tanks.

We were once interested in buying the Russian tanks,” Brig. Gen. Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, the Iranian army’s ground forces chief, told the Fars News Agency in February. “But since we can manufacture similar models within the country and we plan to do so in the near future, the deal is now off.


Please take note.

Conclusion: Karrar is an indigenous effort. Quod erat demonstrandum.
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well 2500 years ago we had female navy captain and commanders so i don't see why it may be strange to some people
Because we are not in 500 BC at with galleys without any sure documentation, and also this is relied on documents such as Herodotus that was mostly speaking for the Persians and not verifiable

I remember Herodotus claimed that 2 million of Persians got killed by some 300 spartans and slaves at the Thermopylae, something that still a lot of people believe is true (mostly because of the 300 movies), which modern historians figured out to be false and largely exaggerated, same for the battle on it's own where he claimed that there was so much arrows fired that the ground collapsed and got black, or that Persians were using cats as weapons to defeat Egypt
Because we are not in 500 BC at with galleys without any sure documentation, and also this is relied on documents such as Herodotus that was mostly speaking for the Persians and not verifiable
there are tablets and coins on that, not Herodotus nonsense
The article states that the corvette Bayandor (81) Islamic Republic of Iran Navy has seized a Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker in the Sea of Oman and directed it toward the country's territorial waters after the ship collided with an Iranian fishing craft in the Persian Gulf and tried to flee in violation of maritime regulations.
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