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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

Of course they do but I doubt they will be as many in numbers as Iran's.
They have many, they are experts in building underground or cave bases for both army, air force and navy, North Korean engineers, technicians and workers are required in many countries to do underground military constructions.
It is said that tunnels have been built in North Korea that reach as far as South Korean territory, tunnels suitable both for moving soldiers and armored vehicles and artillery.
Therefore I have no doubt who has multiple underground sites in use

Iran has had Kilo class for almost 30 years now and many decades of experience with Qadir midget class (ironically probably with some kind of support from North Korea). The point was the disparity in production speed despite Iran having a military budget 5x the size of North Korea.

For example, why announce that Fateh submarine joined operational service in 2019 then in 2023 claim it has finally completed tests? If it is a question of experience then of course the first one will take longer, but this doesn't explain why we don't have Fateh 2, 3 or 4 and why small Mowj 'frigates' continue to be developed so slowly and in such a haphazard incomplete way 15 years after the Jamaran was produced.
I have already explained in my previous answer the reasons.
As others have reported, the first 'Fateh' was not accepted after testing, therefore this suggests that the current 'Fateh' is the second made
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I heard that Iran will buy type 052D. Really?
Type 52D is a beautiful fearsome ship..But I do not think Iran would buy any foreign made surface ships considering the investments they have done in the local shipyards.
I heard that Iran will buy type 052D. Really?
I highly doubt it. Did China export this to anyone else? China seems quite opposed to (overt) military exports to Iran. And such an export would require a large investment by the Iranian Navy, which it doesn't have the funds for.

It would be a great addition to the Iranian Navy, though.
Type 52D is a beautiful fearsome ship..But I do not think Iran would buy any foreign made surface ships considering the investments they have done in the local shipyards.
I highly doubt it. Did China export this to anyone else? China seems quite opposed to (overt) military exports to Iran. And such an export would require a large investment by the Iranian Navy, which it doesn't have the funds for.

It would be a great addition to the Iranian Navy, though.
I have seen news before. China hopes to export 052D.

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Iran is at least 30 years away from producing something like that. I highly doubt China would export it to Iran. Regardless, I am not sure it fits within Iran's military doctrine - the capital can probably be better spent on more asymmetric solutions. 3-5 of these destroyers would cost a lot of money (which Iran does not have) and would not last long in a naval battle against the USA.
They have many, they are experts in building underground or cave bases for both army, air force and navy, North Korean engineers, technicians and workers are required in many countries to do underground military constructions.
It is said that tunnels have been built in North Korea that reach as far as South Korean territory, tunnels suitable both for moving soldiers and armored vehicles and artillery.
Therefore I have no doubt who has multiple underground sites in use

I'm conscious of the Korean expertise in this area and also of the work they accomplished over the decades. But I was specifically referring to what Iran calls missile cities. As per a commander's statement years ago, at least one of these was constructed in each province. Iran is subdivided into 31 provinces. Which means there are at minimum 31 such sites and probably more.

The Koreans don't focus as much as Iran on conventional use of ballistic missiles, so chances are they wouldn't need quite the same amount of underground bases specifically dedicated to the task of mass launching ballistic missiles with conventional warheads.
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No. The buyer was "a Middle Eastern country". Some guessed it was Iran.
How much does that costs? Iran could only pay China with crude oil, Iran doesn't have that much liquidity and i really don't know why Iran would buy an export warship, it's been decades since Iran has bought any naval assets, let alone a destroyer it would be its biggest purchase since the revolution, this thing is massive

If it would be a West Asian country i would bet on any of the Gulf states with Kuwait, and wouldn't it be for Pakistan?
How much does that costs? Iran could only pay China with crude oil, Iran doesn't have that much liquidity and i really don't know why Iran would buy an export warship, it's been decades since Iran has bought any naval assets, let alone a destroyer it would be its biggest purchase since the revolution, this thing is massive

If it would be a West Asian country i would bet on any of the Gulf states with Kuwait, and wouldn't it be for Pakistan?
Pakistan has always wanted to buy 052D. But it does not have this economic strength.

We can use simple reasoning to lock in buyers.

1. This buyer must have sufficient economic strength.

2. This buyer urgently needs to enhance their naval strength.

3. This buyer cannot get the same level of products from the West.

4. This buyer is very friendly to China.
Export 52D would likely be bought by Saudi Arabia, they've been on a buying spree of Chinese weapons, more would just build on their current China-based network-centric capabilities.
Again this useless age old debate on what foreign weapon system Iran should buy.

Wonder how hard it is to see when Iran say we want to protect our country with our own weapon.
Again this useless age old debate on what foreign weapon system Iran should buy.

Wonder how hard it is to see when Iran say we want to protect our country with our own weapon.
Agree..The days of Iran buying foreign made weapons passed a long time ago...I do however agree with some very limited foreign buys to ensure our own designs stay up-to-date. That is why buying 24 SU 35 does not bother me much..
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