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110 new facs delivered to the irgc naval forces in the last 2 days

Heres some pics of some of the new ashcm armed facs,these look to be developments of a couple of boats that were first seen as part of a large delivery of facs earlier in the year

We can see that the newer ashcm armed facs are quite a bit larger than their predecessors,and likely quite a bit faster as well.
The largest examples of the new craft look as tho they could even potentially carry 4 ashcms with a careful bit of redesign/modification


in the video shown above a naval unit appears in the final phase of construction, which I indicate with an arrow, indeed I think it is the Konarak repaired and at the same time modified in the superstructures
what do you think?
Yes,one can clearly see that compared to the original,the new superstructure has been heavily modified,its a lot wider and its also been lengthened and the cabin appears to be slightly higher as well.In addition it looks as tho they`ve also added the more compact version of the 30mm CIWS to the bow [hopefully we`ll see many more of these CIW systems produced and mounted on irans larger vessels in the future]



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Yes,one can clearly see that compared to the original,the new superstructure has been heavily modified,its a lot wider and its also been lengthened and the cabin appears to be slightly higher as well.In addition it looks as tho they`ve also added the more compact version of the 30mm CIWS to the bow [hopefully we`ll see many more of these CIW systems produced and mounted on irans larger vessels in the future]

Yes! I also think it is the Kamand CIWS 30mm, from this image you can detect the predisposition to install it together with the ammunition supply system
in the image it is also possible to see the differences of the superstructures with a unit of the same class in the original configuration-
Question: do these SDVs have some kind of Sonar or Microphone in front or is the screen mesh in front some kind of water intake !..

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Well,like on aircraft nose,if there is sonar or any other device under, than nose will be built using some kind of polimer or composite to allow device to transmit/recive signals...but I think it is unlikely since SVD is just used as delivery boat....SVD doesnt need such equipment normaly ,you want to deliver spec unit and some light weapons,mines..etc and that is it..So they would install just minimum equipment so you can control it,few sensors to give troops basic weather info like air and watter temperature,wind speed/direction..etc. It may be camera or just lights..
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