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Oh and while all this is going on, the IRIAF/ IRIN units and coastal batteries of hundreds of Ashm's, Sam systems/ drones and the ghadir sub units will just sit idle and eat popcorn?.......lol
well, the Idea is that. by the way what's the talk about hundreds of Sam batteries with the range of more than 100km at the shore of Persian gulf and sea of Oman ?

Iran will send warships to the western Atlantic Ocean starting in March
Well hope this time the supply ship that come with it don't develop some leak and stuck in Durban for emergency repair at least hope if it happen they are near a friendly port.(the last time they had to raise Bushehr out of water for repair)
3rd of Khordad Mod2 has a 105km range. Deployed on the tunbs and shore line it provides good coverage.

well, the Idea is that. by the way what's the talk about hundreds of Sam batteries with the range of more than 100km at the shore of Persian gulf and sea of Oman ?
3rd of Khordad Mod2 has a 105km range. Deployed on the tunbs and shore line it provides good coverage.
only if the airplanes are in the range . but it won't change the fact that there wont be any coverage in Sea of Oman
No shit sherlock, the Agm-65 also has a 5 km range. Same with hellfire. In the sea of Oman, heli borne/ F-4E launched Noor/ Kowsar/ PG have coverage. So do the Kilo's and Ghadhir's.

the SM-1 so called sayed mounted on the Mouj class gives coverage in the sea of Oman.

only if the airplanes are in the range . but it won't change the fact that there wont be any coverage in Sea of Oman
Don't like it , or ships can't operate independent from their supply ships at those distance and our logistic ships are old last time we sent Bushehr and Alvand to Atlantic Ocean Bushehr developed problem and they had to raise it above water to be able to repair it .
Don't like it , or ships can't operate independent from their supply ships at those distance and our logistic ships are old last time we sent Bushehr and Alvand to Atlantic Ocean Bushehr developed problem and they had to raise it above water to be able to repair it .
A ship failure is always possible and often unpredictable not only for Iranian ships, so in the long missions the ships are accompanied by support units that in addition to transferring fuel and food, often have specialized repair personnel on board and a small stock of spare parts; I think that ship "Bushehr" was equipped for the support of the frigate Alvand, then it happened to the "Bushehr" to have serious problems.
What to do, what is the alternative?
For example in the past the Soviets and today the Russians, but not only them, when their major ships sail away from national naval bases or allies or friendly countries, in the flotilla an oceanic tug is added, able to provide in case of failure to one of the ships, thus avoiding having to ask for help from others.
The size and power of the tugboat must be appropriate to the type of naval unit that should help.

as an extreme example I enclose the video of the "Nikolay Chiker" tugboat which, with a stormy sea, takes in tow the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" which had completely lost speed during the exercises (February 2012).

certainly the Iranian planners of the Atlantic Ocean mission, will have well considered that the units selected for the mission, could meet conditions atmospheric and sea similar to those of the video.
A ship failure is always possible and often unpredictable not only for Iranian ships, so in the long missions the ships are accompanied by support units that in addition to transferring fuel and food, often have specialized repair personnel on board and a small stock of spare parts; I think that ship "Bushehr" was equipped for the support of the frigate Alvand, then it happened to the "Bushehr" to have serious problems.
What to do, what is the alternative?
For example in the past the Soviets and today the Russians, but not only them, when their major ships sail away from national naval bases or allies or friendly countries, in the flotilla an oceanic tug is added, able to provide in case of failure to one of the ships, thus avoiding having to ask for help from others.
The size and power of the tugboat must be appropriate to the type of naval unit that should help.
I don't say don't send ships there , I say first build newer Logistic ships , what happened to Bushehr Was that the ship plates in some places were rusted to the extent it was not safe anymore for it to sail in open sea , in fact the water have stared to leak inside of it at alarming rate and the fact that they had to send it to dry dock shows the extent of strain on these ships . our Logistic ships that can undertake such mission are only 3 , one Kharg which is a modified 33000 ton Ol-Class tanker from 1984 and for shorter mission Two 4700 ton Bandar Abbas class supply ship (Bandar Abbas & Bushehr ) which are from 1974 we have four 12000ton Kangan which are not designed for these mission (They are slow , they don't have enough crew , they are essentially water tankers)

from the there ships that can take the mission only Kharg is recently overhauled and bushehr is probably is in dock .
what we need is to build modern new supply ships tat accompany our ships on these missions , also if we want to send a meaningful message we must start to send the ships in Pair , even send some submarine with them.a lone ship means nothing

No shit sherlock, the Agm-65 also has a 5 km range. Same with hellfire. In the sea of Oman, heli borne/ F-4E launched Noor/ Kowsar/ PG have coverage. So do the Kilo's and Ghadhir's.

the SM-1 so called sayed mounted on the Mouj class gives coverage in the sea of Oman.
you mean 22km and hellfire have a range of 8km and Brimstone II have a range of 40 to 60 km .
and what are we talking about defending Tonb or attacking USA navy in middle of Sea of Oman and Persian Gulf ?
and Kilo ad Ghadir can't fire any missiles

what can two SM-1 can do against 80 aircraft ?

no using those boats against a battlegroup is suicide , they are for hit and run tactics against lone targets
I am not sure the point of these Atlantic voyages other than propaganda.

Iran won’t have a deep blue sea fleet for many years so it can’t be for “experience”
I am not sure the point of these Atlantic voyages other than propaganda.

Iran won’t have a deep blue sea fleet for many years so it can’t be for “experience”

it is reductive to write only "propaganda", ie to show the flag, for the crews it will be a mission that will bring a lot of experience, will evaluate how the ships will behave in the blue sea of the Atlantic Ocean and bring home suggestions for future missions,
Even more important if the Sahand will be present in the flotilla, in this case it would be advisable to "host" some naval engineers who designed it, so as to be able to draw up at the end of the mission, together with the officers responsible for the various sectors of the ship. technical report on the qualities of the ship, or suggestions on how they could be improved, or what changes to make, having detected any anomalies.
All material that will be very important in the construction of larger naval combat units.
Finally, if we consider which ports of Central / South America could visit this flotilla, the mission will actually lead to bilateral meetings with the military and civil authorities of the countries visited. Iran realizes some military and civil systems that could affect these countries.
Therefore, if the mission is well planned, there could also be an industrial economic return in the form of cooperation or direct sales.

will write that mine are fantasies! ...... maybe yes maybe no!
it is reductive to write only "propaganda", ie to show the flag, for the crews it will be a mission that will bring a lot of experience, will evaluate how the ships will behave in the blue sea of the Atlantic Ocean and bring home suggestions for future missions,
Even more important if the Sahand will be present in the flotilla, in this case it would be advisable to "host" some naval engineers who designed it, so as to be able to draw up at the end of the mission, together with the officers responsible for the various sectors of the ship. technical report on the qualities of the ship, or suggestions on how they could be improved, or what changes to make, having detected any anomalies.
All material that will be very important in the construction of larger naval combat units.
Finally, if we consider which ports of Central / South America could visit this flotilla, the mission will actually lead to bilateral meetings with the military and civil authorities of the countries visited. Iran realizes some military and civil systems that could affect these countries.
Therefore, if the mission is well planned, there could also be an industrial economic return in the form of cooperation or direct sales.

will write that mine are fantasies! ...... maybe yes maybe no!

The flotilla will include the Sahand, a new destroyer equipped with helicopters, surface-to-surface missiles, anti-aircraft guns, and electronic warfare capabilities.

Iran developing underwater missile system: IRGC commander


The Iranian military is developing a new underwater missile system for their naval forces, a commander from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) told Press TV on Saturday.

According to the IRGC Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri, the Iranian military was developing an underwater warfare system for the first time in its existence.

“God willing, that (the unveiling) will take place in IRGC Navy’s upcoming drills,” Takgsiri told the Iranian Tasnim news agency, adding, “The underwater domain is one of our necessities which we should aspire to.”

The commander added that some new underwater weapons and systems will be unveiled in the future drills.

The admiral further elaborated on IRGC Navy’s “total readiness” to respond to threats, saying the force was carefully watching all the activities by extra-regional enemies who are present in Middle East waters.

“Our intelligence and operational forces have under their watch any slightest provocation by the enemies,” he said.
Iran developing underwater missile system: IRGC commander


The Iranian military is developing a new underwater missile system for their naval forces, a commander from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) told Press TV on Saturday.

According to the IRGC Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri, the Iranian military was developing an underwater warfare system for the first time in its existence.

“God willing, that (the unveiling) will take place in IRGC Navy’s upcoming drills,” Takgsiri told the Iranian Tasnim news agency, adding, “The underwater domain is one of our necessities which we should aspire to.”

The commander added that some new underwater weapons and systems will be unveiled in the future drills.

The admiral further elaborated on IRGC Navy’s “total readiness” to respond to threats, saying the force was carefully watching all the activities by extra-regional enemies who are present in Middle East waters.

“Our intelligence and operational forces have under their watch any slightest provocation by the enemies,” he said.
I wonder what that means?,the underwater launch of a cruise missile from a submarine perhaps?,I dont think they`d be talking about sub launched ballistic missiles somehow.

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