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Iranian navy future frigate, mowj 6


Naturally these arent the most accurate comparisons,especially without knowing the actual dimensions of the vessels,but its good enough to roughly compare the similarities and differences between all three.

The Iranian trimaran design is more or less the final design. Hull is already the result of hydrodynamic testing, it won't change much.
Nor is U.S size VLS relevant for Irans role of a VLS system.
It is quite naive to call it " final" the overall thing is more or less at conceptual stage. Getting towing tank tests done, doesnt necessarily mean you have finalized the form.
Turkey has tested Zumwalt like tumblehome form years ago, tested trimaran,catamaran forms for variety of purposes and none of them has gone to realization. I personally consider those tests on trimaran form as a scientific research.
Getting towing tank tests done, doesnt necessarily mean you have finalized the form.

As you said, not "necessarily" the final form but it's not going to change significantly.
What we see is beyond conceptual phase and should be up to 80% of the final product.

Driving design interface for this ship is the Iranian VLS system, which dictates the size with its requirement of 96. It must be a trimaran of this overall shape to allow for that many VLS silos at such low tonnage.

Iran had many different and higher risk trimaran designs during hydrodynamic testing but this is what they selected.
It is quite naive to call it " final" the overall thing is more or less at conceptual stage. Getting towing tank tests done, doesnt necessarily mean you have finalized the form.
Turkey has tested Zumwalt like tumblehome form years ago, tested trimaran,catamaran forms for variety of purposes and none of them has gone to realization. I personally consider those tests on trimaran form as a scientific research.

The LCS project was a borderline failure due to once again the US trying to build a “jack of all trade” ship to combat Iranian threats by having more nimble and smaller ships in the PG area.

Nonetheless, this design is much more modern than Mowj design and will serve Iran well. There is nothing wrong with trimaran design. Catamaran is not a viable military design. And Zumwalt was an excellent design just once again cost over runs and lofty specifications made the project profusely expensive.
LCS is a perfection stage, application of cutting edge technologies and automation. They have investigated plenty of things in both LCS designs separately. There are bunch of documentaries those you can reach and watch. If it was a failure then US wouldn't have ordered more.( Please, don't reply with some articles stating it is a failure)
Moreover, scientific studies for zumwalt date back to 90s, same goes for trimaran LCS design, and again you can access to those reports. Iranian trimaran will also cost a lot way more than conventional design, hoping that it will fit in the budget is way too optimistic.
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As you said, not "necessarily" the final form but it's not going to change significantly.
What we see is beyond conceptual phase and should be up to 80% of the final product.

Driving design interface for this ship is the Iranian VLS system, which dictates the size with its requirement of 96. It must be a trimaran of this overall shape to allow for that many VLS silos at such low tonnage.

Iran had many different and higher risk trimaran designs during hydrodynamic testing but this is what they selected.
80% is a bit exaggarated value if you are refering to entire design progress. Everyone with a basic understanding knows that such a completion would have provided way more information and details about the ship. I rather again can say it can 80 percent of conceptual stage. Unless otherwise if you state it so, i am speaking through my experience without any information then you are right it is 80% in overall.
I have never heard the term of high risk trimaran, but it is quite usual to try unusual things with extra hulls for optimization to find perfect placement, perfect form nd length of side hulls. It is nature of hydrodynamic testing. But again simulations are quite strong even for optimization why would they need to test it?

The LCS project was a borderline failure due to once again the US trying to build a “jack of all trade” ship to combat Iranian threats by having more nimble and smaller ships in the PG area.

Nonetheless, this design is much more modern than Mowj design and will serve Iran well. There is nothing wrong with trimaran design. Catamaran is not a viable military design. And Zumwalt was an excellent design just once again cost over runs and lofty specifications made the project profusely expensive.
China is just nicely adapted a catamaran design as a FAC. Same has been told for tumblehomes in 60s, for trimarans until US had put them on seas, for composite boats until sweden has actually made a great one.
Nothing is a viable option until someone actually does it. It was not a viable opinion to use a trimaran as VLS carrier , now iran does it and it will be so for other countries in a few years if they actually see it working.
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