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Can someone please tell me where to get the lament songs (in Farsi) sung during the Ashura procession?

There was one I liked a lot but cannot repeat the words ......
Can someone please tell me where to get the lament songs (in Farsi) sung during the Ashura procession?

There was one I liked a lot but cannot repeat the words ......

i'm sure there are tons of weblogs that would cater to your specific need
i don like any type of arabesque music of Fars-Turk-Arab..it is the music of drunks and lazy men
But i fond of clasic Iran music..some politic type of music...In clasic music Shajaryan No.1 to me...
other singer ı like... Homeira, Moein, Maziar, Dariush.. As far as i know all these singers banned except shajaryan in Iran..
generallly iran music based on criterions of emotional, sadness and philosophism..

an politic song by maziar...but what a pity that i dont understan it...

Maziar- Iran Iran - YouTube
Iranians celebrate Dec. 21 as the longest night of the year. It is called Yalda in the Persian solar calendar during which special ceremonies are held.

On Yalda Night, families gather at the house of parents or grandparents to spend the night eating delicious foods, nuts, fruits and reading Hafez poems.

Yalda Night is a good opportunity to be with family members and friends, refresh old friendships and mend strained relations

During Yalda Night, fruits such as watermelon and pomegranates and nuts like pistachio, almond, walnut and dried seeds are usually served.


Also known as Shab-e Chelleh, Yalda is rooted in Iran’s history and demonstrates Iranians’ eagerness in forging strong family ties and friendly relationships.

The feast was one of the most important celebrations in ancient Iran some 5,000 years ago and continues to be celebrated to this day.

Ancient Iranians celebrated different feasts throughout the year. Sadeh, Mehregan and Tirgan are some of the feasts celebrated by Iranians.

Yalda means birth and is held 40 days before the next major Persian festival, namely Jashn-e Sadeh.

Some pics of Yaldā Night in Iran









For more information search in Google .
pardon my ignorance

bt isnt this night is called "Sham e ghareeban"


have a good time with your family and friends :)
Several Iranian students have told me about this, I think they do fire dancing as well on this night.
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