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Iranian helicopter industry


May 21, 2006
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It is very impressive indeed. What I would like to know is where are Iranians getting the power plants from??

It is vey hard to believe that Iran is capable of producing the engines indigenously. It must be USSR that is supplying. Any bright ideas ??
Its all reversed engineered.

I look forward to them locally producing a chinook
Its all reversed engineered.

I look forward to them locally producing a chinook

Yeah but engines require a LARGE manufacturing base......And it would require a large amount of investment.
^^what about quality, endurance and service level of these choppers. they are all western makes which seem to have been upgraded or canabalised. remember the shah ordered large numbers in the early 70's.
Yeah but engines require a LARGE manufacturing base......And it would require a large amount of investment.

I think Pakistan should buy Iranian helis, if not for war purpose than for civil, rescue, patrolling and hobby purpose. Hopefully they should cost much less than western counter parts. Infect, Pakistan should join hands and go for joint ventures. They will definitely be better and advance than refurbished classics.
I assume power plant would be a basic gas turbine and the critical part of turbine performance is its blades and I believe one can buy turbine blades in open market.
Of course when we talk about Jet engines for fighters it is different concept. Performance like `supercruse` needs much different turbine blades which are definitely not available from Dubai.
All I can tell you that Iran’s basic industry and services sector is fully developed, I must admit that much more than Pakistan and sanctions cannot hurt them, they can very well survive on their own.
Women work shoulder to shoulder with men and there is no shortage of PhD and foreign qualified people. There is also talent at lower level.
Investment will never be a problem for Iranian govt. the only problem with Iran; I see is that it is not so open to foreigners. If they wish they can hire specialists from Europe and Asia but I assume they don’t feel the necessity to do so. Every day flights from Europe full of foreigners land in Tehran and most of them come there for business reasons.
They have no shortage of food, land and energy. Infect, Iranian country side is beautiful and also their beaches. They are demonized by the western world otherwise it deserves to be the top tourist destination in world. Just before the nuclear row, Iran was at the brink of revolution but smart policy makers from US have change the whole story and now the whole nation stand united behind the rouge regime.
I recommend to keyser that you should have your next holidays in Caspian Sea; it’s not so far away from Tehran any way.
dude most of these helos are refurbished did you see that none of the pictures show the actuall manufacture of these aircraft
I agree with you BATMAN but it would be even more helpful if China took part in this aswell. They have the expearience and knowlage not to mention that they have been working with Eurocopter on some projects as well.
why dont pak buy some of these and have four to five squadrons for our army tank brigade back up
i think we lack the basic steel industry and specialized steels that are required. Setting a new unit costs a lot of money. we also need indusatrial research which I think is lacking in Pakistan.
The thing that has been bugging me is that what major advancements have been made to these heli's compared to the original ones that were purchased from the US.
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