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Iranian hashish smuggling gang busted; 1 killed

You are trying to argue with an empty vessel. One only needs a few minutes on google to know how Arabs are perceived in Europe. They are easily the most hated group involved in rape , communal hatred among other things. The situation in Sweden especially is seriously alarming. This erstwhile beautiful country (before the arabs came) has the largest per capita rapes in the world , and 98% of them are attributed to Arabs. The situation in Germany and Britain is the most alarming though. Several mosques were caught teaching Arab kids how to hate other religions and how it's fair to rape the women of other religions. But thankfully ,most of these countries have slowly come to their senses and started deporting these Arabs back to the desert and cut down immigration from Arab countries. There is a reason why there are almost negligible number of arab scientists ,doctors, professors and Engineers. They just don't have the brains to do that stuff and are lazy. In fact, I read a news report that a mosque in Germany was teaching the worshipers to stop going to work ( so as to not contribute to the infidels' economy) and take as much unemployment benefits from the government as they could :lol:. They are just mentally sick people that can't survive in a modern society.

But don't ruin the thread. Let them celebrate the fact that they have captured someone who smuggled a drug that is in all essence , less harmful than a cup of coffee (Hashish)

You hit the nail on the head.
Yes, drug smuggling is way worse than rape & murder to us. Maybe you can apply these codes of ethics in your country or the country that is hosting you, but certainly not ours, not in my watch at all, period.

When the line is crossed the price will be heavy.

Really? You think that's fair? In most countries , the punishment for murder / rape is about 15-20 years in prison with a chance of Parole after 13-14 years. Is drug smuggling worse than murder and rape according to you? This shows the world is a ****ed up place. Not just Saudi , I'm not prejudiced , even the west. Several cases in the west where murderers got out of jail after 10-15 years and some poor drug smuggler was given the same punishment for carrying a Kg of Cocaine. By giving drug smugglers such harsh punishments , you are only harming the ones at the bottom of the pyramid , the Big fish still stay safe and continue to smuggle. Not that drugs are a bad thing though , some drugs like Hashish are just excellent. Legalize \m/

I can't think of another people (with the exceptions of gypsies) with such bad reputation in Europe as Arabs. Its unfortunate that al-Hasani, a desert wanderer himself, isn't able to read Dutch forums and blogs, to get himself familiar with the image of Arabs in Europe. Let alone the image of the religion the Arabs created and spread.

This won't change anything in this sense, we killed your own fellow countrymen not only once or twice or thrice, but many times. :lol:

Let's how Iran will react to this, but those Iranians - remaing behind bars - shall never see the light again.

There is nothing much you can do about it :lol:
You are trying to argue with an empty vessel. One only needs a few minutes on google to know how Arabs are perceived in Europe. They are easily the most hated group involved in rape , communal hatred among other things. The situation in Sweden especially is seriously alarming. This erstwhile beautiful country (before the arabs came) has the largest per capita rapes in the world , and 98% of them are attributed to Arabs. The situation in Germany and Britain is the most alarming though. Several mosques were caught teaching Arab kids how to hate other religions and how it's fair to rape the women of other religions. But thankfully ,most of these countries have slowly come to their senses and started deporting these Arabs back to the desert and cut down immigration from Arab countries. There is a reason why there are almost negligible number of arab scientists ,doctors, professors and Engineers. They just don't have the brains to do that stuff and are lazy. In fact, I read a news report that a mosque in Germany was teaching the worshipers to stop going to work ( so as to not contribute to the infidels' economy) and take as much unemployment benefits from the government as they could :lol:. They are just mentally sick people that can't survive in a modern society.

But don't ruin the thread. Let them celebrate the fact that they have captured someone who smuggled a drug that is in all essence , less harmful than a cup of coffee (Hashish)

We teach and you learn, look at the flag, now go polish your nuts some more talking and generalizing millions lacking the knowledge of the region.
A great move by Saudi Arabia, I would actually encourage the Saudi regime to behead, torture, rape, etc... all the "Iranian" pilgrims that travel to Saudi to circle around that black cube you substitute for your imaginary god. As this backward culture has tainted Iranian society for the past 1400 and we don't need new imported Saudi Arabian brainwashed fucks. Please keep the "pilgrims" there as well, or just shoot them :)
cancer stick is a hard drug which gets u addicted unlike ganja

Yeah, right. Weed gets you addicted just the same, only symptoms of abstinence are milder and shorter in length.

dont want to offend anybody here, but UK is different from USA... people know their racial sh*t, even racists are well informed here ... :lol:

this just speaks of the quality of the primary education system in the UK. :rofl:
Yes, drug smuggling is way worse than rape & murder to us. Maybe you can apply these codes of ethics in your country or the country that is hosting you, but certainly not ours, not in my watch at all, period.

When the line is crossed the price will be heavy.

This won't change anything in this sense, we killed your own fellow countrymen not only once or twice or thrice, but many times. :lol:

Let's how Iran will react to this, but those Iranians - remaing behind bars - shall never see the light again.

There is nothing much you can do about it :lol:

How fitting that a psycho such as yourself should put your location as the "Abyss"

The key of the bottomless pit = refers to a very important biblical concept. The term "bottomless," which is a transliteration of abussos (abyss), occurs nine times in the New Testament, seven of them in the Revelation. It refers to a place of confinement of supernatural beings. The first occurrence of this term in the New Testament relates to Jesus miraculous deliverance of a demon possessed man that lived in a local graveyard. Significantly, prior to their departure from the Gadarian demoniac, the demons requested of Christ that He not "command them to depart into the abyss (Luke 8:31)." Matthew’s account of this same incident adds the detail, "…Have You come here to torment us before the time (Matt 8:29)?" Clearly the abyss and the time of torment are connected. That the demons are aware of a future time when they will be assigned to the abyss is clear. Equally, the abyss will be a place of torment for demons. Revelation 20:3 locates the time of confinement of demons to coincide with the millennial reign of Christ. It also indicates that Satan will also occupy this place for 1000 years. The 1000-year imprisonment of Satan will not be a simple restriction of movement.

Revelation 11:7 and 17:8 indicate that the beast that kills God’s two prophetic witnesses and persecutes the people of God during the end times also "ascends from the bottomless pit." Revelation 9:1-11 describes a locust’s plague that is connected with the bottomless pit. Thus, in the NT the "abyss" is connected with supernatural beings.
WHO | World Health Organization

World Health Organization. It is not a person but an organization. Leading on its field. Does that ring any bells for a illiterate pistachio brain like you that does not even speak the language of your ancestors despite calling yourself a proud Azeri Turk?

Didn't you still realise your posting the same thing again and again, he's not Azeri Turk, he's Iranian trying to act like one on purpose.
I would actually encourage the Saudi regime to behead, torture, rape, etc... all the "Iranian" pilgrims

Are Iranians so cheap to you so much? Or were these school of thoughts framed after the due process of covering your origins up turning into an American? We can't do this to people who are playing by the rules, but as I'm going to be stationed this year during Hajj, I will make sure that no one puts a toe out of line, be it a Saudi, a Norwegian, or an Iranain.

Saudi to circle around that black cube you substitute for your imaginary god. As this backward culture has tainted Iranian society for the past 1400 and we don't need new imported Saudi Arabian brainwashed fucks

For the first time ever! I come into agreement with an Iranian. How about this, giving up Islam in exchange for eternal peace of mind? You may revert back to Zoroastrism! But the question now is that will the Mullah regime keeps blaming us for the Islamization of Iran?

I will ignore your insults this time though ;) ..

A great move by Saudi Arabia, I would actually encourage the Saudi regime to behead, torture, rape, etc... all the "Iranian" pilgrims that travel to Saudi to circle around that black cube you substitute for your imaginary god. As this backward culture has tainted Iranian society for the past 1400 and we don't need new imported Saudi Arabian brainwashed fucks. Please keep the "pilgrims" there as well, or just shoot them :)
Are Iranians so cheap to you so much? Or were these school of thoughts framed after the due process of covering your origins up turning into an American? We can't do this to people who are playing by the rules, but as I'm going to be stationed this year during Hajj, I will make sure that no one puts a toe out of line, be it a Saudi, a Norwegian, or an Iranain

It might sound harsh. But that depends, I have a very strict classification system that allows me to classify possible usefulness of human beings based on their contribution to the human race, based on that classification system people who are willing to "pay", "endure hardship" and participate in a ritual that is actually contradictory to the fundamental principles of Islam on basis of "Idolism" (but is being practiced as it deemed too good for business to be closed down) are most likely to continue down their path and turn to extremism, especially with consideration of Saudi-funded Wahhabi preachers that target mainly Iranians.

For the first time ever! I come into agreement with an Iranian. How about this, giving up Islam in exchange for eternal peace of mind? You may revert back to Zoroastrism! But the question now is that will the Mullah regime keeps blaming us for the Islamization of Iran?

Oh, no no no, I'm against any form of religion. Be it Zoroastrianism or Scientology doesn't change the fact that religion is man-made and highly hazardous to brain!

I will ignore your insults this time though ;) ..

What insults?! :what: What did I say?

Or were these school of thoughts framed after the due process of covering your origins up turning into an American?

They were formed before I left for the U.S.
In general, Americans themselves are pretty religious.
especially with consideration of Saudi-funded Wahhabi preachers that target mainly Iranians.

I already have been stationed twice during Hajj, I notice that many Iranians were actually surprised by the way they are being treated :) they weren't targeted by " fundamental Vahabis " or whatever.

It might sound harsh. But that depends, I have a very strict classification system that allows me to classify possible usefulness of human beings based on their contribution to the human race, based on that classification system people who are willing to "pay", "endure hardship" and participate in a ritual that is actually contradictory to the fundamental principles of Islam on basis of "Idolism" (but is being practices as it deemed too good for business to be closed down) are most likely to continue down their path and turn to extremism, especially with consideration of Saudi-funded Wahhabi preachers that target mainly Iranians.

Oh, no no no, I'm against any form of religion. Be it Zoroastrianism or Scientology doesn't change the fact that religion is man-made and highly hazardous to brain!

What insults?! :what: What did I say?

They were formed before I left for the U.S. Americans themselves are pretty religious in general.
wtf has this dude been smoking?

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wtf has this dude been smoking?

That's not an Arab. Probably some kind of hard drug widely available in Iran or Afghanistan. Heroin could be a good guess. Or just having some fun?

What is the relevance of this post in this thread, anyway?
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I already have been stationed twice during Hajj, I notice that many Iranians were actually surprised by the way they are being treated :) they weren't targeted by " fundamental Vahabis " or whatever.

Of course, my dear acquaintance, brainwashing process is complex and complicated, its a battle for hearts and minds of people, but it starts with planting "the seed" and "first impressions".

I could give a 24 hours lecture about it. But, suffice to say that the ultimate goal is gaining followers in Iran (religion is a mere political tool). The last thing I want is for Iran to fall into even a bigger hole than the one already dug for 1400 years ago.

Uneducated and poor are easy prey for religious zealots.
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