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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

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What is this?
Why are they suddenly bringing it back after like 10 year of no see
Maybe cause of Abrams-look, to let western dumb journalists let write stories about Abrams M1 in Iran....you know...having fun. Wheras its still useful in the north or northeast
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Not even the Z-3 that looks like a Z-2.

Why are they suddenly bringing it back after like 10 year of no see

Because army is poor and likes to show obsolete toys. Also some still in the military have a fascination with Z-3 instead of Russian tank ecosystem.

Fact is no one gave funding or a contract for it so it died. A Test bed project that never went past a few prototypes.
My only criticism is it needs to be faster if it intends to beat an APS system. Or have a decoy mechanism when it approaches its terminal phase.
No, it already can bypass APS due to the fact that trophy doesn't cover top attack

One of the original Zulfiqar-3 prototypes (no FCS)

Why are they suddenly bringing it back after like 10 year of no see
No, they always parade the Zulfiqar-3s as defense achievements
Anyone knows where Iran gets their tires for their 8x8 transport truck (Tactical Sayyad for example), 10x10? They have a local production? I was wondering how China makes such beautiful tires and rims for their trucks



No, it already can bypass APS due to the fact that trophy doesn't cover top attack

It’s not top attack. Look at the terminal angle, it is aiming for side of the tank rather than top of the turret. This isn’t just my conclusion but others on social media as well.

At that terminal angle APS can defend.

Anyone knows where Iran gets their tires for their 8x8 transport truck (Tactical Sayyad for example), 10x10? They have a local production? I was wondering how China makes such beautiful tires and rims for their trucks

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These tires?



The missile, dubbed Sadid-365, is a guided anti-armor missile with a range of 8 kilometers and is capable of demolishing various types of armored equipment.

The optically guided missile is highly accurate in hitting the target and can also pass through the barrier of the active defense systems of tanks and smash them thanks to the ability to attack from above.

Head of the Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organization of the IRGC Ground Force General Ali Kouhestani said the missile has retractable wings and a fire-control system.

He added that armored personnel carriers in the Iranian armed forces will be equipped with four of missiles each.
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