So let me start this way : there are 3 different 12.7 mm Gatling Guns in the world ;
1- Muharram 2- USA's GAU-19 3- Russian YAK-B model for Hind heli
Muharram , The only 6-barreled 12.7 mm Gatling Gun in the world , has the following characteristics :
Rate of fire : 2500 bullets per min
Range : like other 50 caliber guns , it has an optimum range of 1600-2000 meters and final range of up to 5000 .
so for the ones who dont know what the heck is 12.7 mm bullets and how is it an advantage , i give u guys some info :
we all know that 7.62 mm bullets are used in guns like AK-47 and american minigun . so give u a perspective :
the right one is an standard 7.62 bullet used in the worldwide known minigun :
the left one is obviously 12.7 mm bullet , used in both muharram and GAU-19 . anyway , 12.7 mm bullets can easily (like a piece of cake) penetrate and melt down vehicles like hummer
while a hummer is most of the times equipped with a minigun , its range doesnt surpass that of 1000 meters , whereas iranian vehicles equipped with muharram can enjoy a final range of 5000 meters . besides that most of today's modern military vehicles are 100% resistant to 7.62 mm bullets .
comparison of Muharram to its foreign rivals :
1- Muharram Vs YAK-B : although yak enjoys very good features , its only capable of carrying very low amount of ammunition , due to its compact design (for Hind choppers ) :
thus , cannot be very effective during a long combat , besides that there is the fact that its only designed for helicopters and cannot be mounted on ground vehicles . (how many Hinds can they produce ? )
2- Muharram Vs GAU-19 : GAU-19 is the closest rival to Muharram as a matter of fact .
it also uses 12.7 mm bullets so it enjoys the same range , BUT :
GAU-19 is 3-barrel gun , so compared to Muharram (6-barreled Gun) it enjoys significantly lower Rate of fire :
in A model its about 1000-2000 bullets per min , whereas in model B only 1300 !!!
thats how awesome Muharram is
. now gimme one of these and let me handle a brigade
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