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Iranian foreign minister to visit India in coming days

So sick and tired of educating you guys. Pushtun are similar to afghans and iranic language. Baluch are similar to beluch (iranians) and speak iranic language. Pakistan is a very much a pashtun country.

Punjabi and sindhi speak an indic language. Baluch and pushtun are embedded in punjab amd sindh for centuries to the point they are completely punjabized.

gilgit is basically central asia.

what do you think a tamil like you has that is similar to iran or afghanistan or even a punjabi?

but go ahead, talk to them and then abuse muslims and islam.
1. Close to 50% is still wrong as given out by your census data

2. I don't abuse Islam or Muslims. I , however, do believe that it needs reforms to keep up with the modern times , that is a different debate though.

3. I am not a Tamil but from UP.

Anyways , thanks for keeping it civil afterwards. Cheers.
Why does Iran need to have good relations with India, care to explain?
We don't need to explain our relations with others to Pakistan. With all respect, indeed.

You want Chinese investment and wish to be a part of BRI, and at the same time would support China and Pakistan's enemies? This double game needs to be stopped, you'll have to choose eventually.
Even China has relations with India. Hosting embassies, regular contact etc. Even during the Shah era which many Pakistanis fondly remember, Iran had good relations with India.

What is wrong to have relations with all nations? Except Israel ofcourse.
Close to 50% are Iranic! Are the people from following regions Irani?
Azad Kashmir

If yes , I will learn something. If no, you are being dishonest here.

Have you seen the DNA profile of such people.
Let me show you;


Look at the level of west Asian DNA i.e. IRANIC in the Pakistani population.
@Dariush the Great is correct. You're not.
Please stick to your knowledge of UP. The lands to the west are alien to you.
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good luck 🤞 with Indian investment

Indian "investments" are a joke. like horse-feathers or teeth on a hen.

They only "promise" investments to counter Chinese influence, which they know, they can't match. They are a 3rd world country themselves, with per capita GDP lower than ours. There is no other way to put this, I'm sorry.

In Bangladesh two power stations were started by Chinese and Indian contractors in 2013. Chinese one (Payra) was already completed in three years and has gone into generation (1300+ MW) and supplying the grid now (foundation stone laid 2013).


Indian one (Rampal) has barely completed construction (going on for 8 years now). Cheap idiots cut corners at every turn and at one time was petitioning the govt. to bring in low quality cheap bricks from India. :lol:

Here is status as of February 2021,

Their Kanjoosi knows no end....:p:

On top of it , Thanks to kanjoosi habit, takes up years to disburse half of the project funds. Project remains stalled for Indian red tape.

Half of the Indian projects started have insolvent contractors, they run away mid-project as they cannot be sued and Indian govt. does not enforce forfeiture of funds (deposits).

Bangladesh Govt. has cancelled many projects with Indian funding, citing delays and doubtful if they will ever take Indian "Loans" again.

Now watch the Sanghis come in here and puff their chests to 56 inches saying Bangladesh should be thankful for getting Indian Loans. Fact is, Indian contractors are the only ones to benefit and so is Indian govt. because of fine print and project terms.

No one should ever avail of Indian loans. Bangladesh only took some because Indians forced them on us.
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will know what game iran will play after the visit. either way iran is onboard with its vedic brothers.
The rig veda an offshoot text of avestan iran was composed in area of present day pakistan. Present day hindus follow a different religion. Post-vedic Gangetic people considered the vedic religo-culture of the indus to be outside of their fold.

Your insult at iranians or indians is not historically sensible.
I am a pakistani btw.
dude these guys are f-ing retarted
imagine "forcing" millions and millions of people to convert through "torture", like how do you even torture millions to convert?
idiots and most weren't even Hindus, they were Buddhists who converted (so a old conversion)

Its just their little d*** syndrome constantly and consistently showing up, brainwashed f*** faces

I can definitely attest that conversion in Bangladesh was 99% by Sufi (Sunni/Chishti) Saints. Hazrat Shah Jalal in the North (Sylhet) and Hazrat Shah Makhdum in the Western Part (Rajshahi). There are countless other Sufi Saints whose dargahs are all over Bangladesh.

They set role models and examples of living a better, more disciplined Islamic life rather than have a non-Islamic one - or worse, labor endlessly under the tyranny of the caste structure imposed by Sanatani Hinduism. This is 100% corroborated by historical accounts.

People in Bangladesh followed the same pattern of voluntary conversion just like that in Malaysia and Indonesia.
Bro your country should ban this website or do offical annocement that we have no like with this. If he visit India than you do not know what is China and they stop whatever investment they are doing in Iran and you can say goodbye to 400 billion dollar investment. China invested in Iran because your country sideline India and if your country give importance to India than it is only bad for Iran as India can only give your country max 3 billion dollar.

Lol, Site is not from Iran, How can they ban?
Check whois, there real address is hidden,no telephone number with Iranian code, but all Iranian sites showing physical address and numbers with Iranian code.
Even if they tried, it will be blocked, not closed for forever
1. Close to 50% is still wrong as given out by your census data
The term Punjabis and Sindhis are a catch all to label anyone living in those provinces as Punjabis and Sindhis...

Neither of those ethnic groups are a monolith racially...there are millions of pushtuns living in both of those provinces. The biggest Pushtun city in the world in not Kabul, nor Kandahar, not even Peshawar nor Quetta, but the Sindhi city of Karachi, at least 6 million pushtuns live in Karachi. Similarly, there are large number of Baloch residing in both Sindh and Punjab and heavily Sindhized and/or Punjabized. Punjab province's CM is an ethnic Baloch.

Plus many a Sindhi elites are either mirzas or syed of central asia and arabia respectively.
The rig veda an offshoot text of avestan iran was composed in area of present day pakistan. Present day hindus follow a different religion. Post-vedic Gangetic people considered the vedic religo-culture of the indus to be outside of their fold.

Your insult at iranians or indians is not historically sensible.
I am a pakistani btw.
well that is mighty scholarly of you.
Who cares what our ethnicity is ? That does not and should not define our allegiance. Allegiance should be built around common purpose and shared future, and those dwelling in Pakistan may they be of any ethnic and religious persuasion, have a shared future, so they have a common bond. So that is where our minds and hearts should lie, not in some Sunni fandom born out of some Custodians of a Mosque, nor some Persian rebellion against the arabs within the garb of a religious dogma. If we believe in Allah and the Prophet as the seal, then the rest is just irrelevant shades and let people enjoy their tradition and culture as long as they remain loyal to the State and the core tenants of Islam. Minorities under the color of Islamic law should be productive and cherished parts of our society and should be protected and thrive in Islamic lands as has been the case for millennia prior to the scourge of Imperialism.
The term Punjabis and Sindhis are a catch all to label anyone living in those provinces as Punjabis and Sindhis...

Neither of those ethnic groups are a monolith racially...there are millions of pushtuns living in both of those provinces. The biggest Pushtun city in the world in not Kabul, nor Kandahar, not even Peshawar nor Quetta, but the Sindhi city of Karachi, at least 6 million pushtuns live in Karachi. Similarly, there are large number of Baloch residing in both Sindh and Punjab and heavily Sindhized and/or Punjabized. Punjab province's CM is an ethnic Baloch.

Plus many a Sindhi elites are either mirzas or syed of central asia and arabia respectively.
Thank you for the insights. If 50% of the Pakistani population is close to Iran , it gives Iran quite a leverage on pakistan though. Like the Madheshis living in Nepal are close to India. In such scenario Pakistan shouldn't make an enemy out of Iran.
well that is mighty scholarly of you.
naraaz nah ho bhai jaan.
Thank you for the insights. If 50% of the Pakistani population is close to Iran , it gives Iran quite a leverage on pakistan though. Like the Madheshis living in Nepal are close to India. In such scenario Pakistan shouldn't make an enemy out of Iran.
Iranic language mera munna... Iranic language. never mind. UP has more in common with afghanistan and iran and uzbekistan. KHUSH?
Why does Iran need to have good relations with India, care to explain?
Why not? is it bogitry that makes you see India as a country that a country like Iran should have no "good reasons" to have relations with? You should explain why Iran SHOULDNT have relations with India(like many other countries in the world have), not why Iran should.

You want Chinese investment and wish to be a part of BRI,
Sure, free money is good, Pakistan can teach Iran about good easy Chinese money. let both brothers Iran and Pakistan have party $$!
and at the same time would support China and Pakistan's enemies?
Well didnt Pakistan do the same- align and allow Iran's enemies access and opportunity to hit Iran? Iran took it, so stop b*tchin pls.
This double game needs to be stopped, you'll have to choose eventually.
Iran is ready to stop whenever everybody else is ready to stop, which is reasonable imo. Everybody is supporting proxies and terrorists, but the moment Iran does it, its a special situation that needs public addressing. i see!
Iran is trying to make India somehow relevant in this whole scenario. Which is advised against. The current Indian government has garnered zero interest from the talibans.

After all india shares no land border with Afghanistan, Neither is there any enomosity or significant threat coming out off Afghanistan, Which can threaten indian sovereignty.
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