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Iranian foreign minister to visit India in coming days

but you allow them to use your land against pakistan.is its fair?
Can you tell me why on earth would Iran do such a thing against Pakistan? Is Pakistan our enemy? Iran's historical enemies are the Arabs and the other political enemies in the last few decades are the US and Israel. Why Pakistan? What has Pakistan done against us that we ally with India against you? It does not make sense. If India is playing intelligence games under the cover of business activities then that is something else.
Good to see the Persian empire and Hindu Rashtria , bussom buddies , coming out together with their grudge against Pakistan.
It's a well known fact that Iran is not Pakistan's friend, but many in Pakistan doubt that .
Can you tell me why on earth would Iran do such a thing against Pakistan? Is Pakistan our enemy? Iran's historical enemies are the Arabs and the other political enemies in the last few decades are the US and Israel. Why Pakistan? What has Pakistan done against us that we ally with India against you? It does not make sense. If India is playing intelligence games under the cover of business activities then that is something else.
How on earth your intel agencies don't know that indians are sponsring terrorism in Pakistan under cover of business?
Can't you even warn them to abstain from such activities?
Its pathetic that for few dollars, your land is used for killing hundreds of our inocent civilians.ok may be you will escape in this world,but always remember the day of judgement.

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It would and should read agreement why China is investing in Iran. They want complete no financial relationship with India of Iran that is the condition of investing in Iran 400 billion dollar.
Hell no what the hell you smoking?...

Either give us a document proof or stop making random stuff up like you always do
You can build "historic relations" as much as you want to. That is why I said there is nothing wrong with it

But speaking against Pakistan is what we have problem with. But then we understand Iranian position too

Other than India, Iran is the one whose influence has diminished the most in Afghanistan after complete success of Taliban

No wonder it is butt hurt just like India
You have won for the time being I agr
You can build "historic relations" as much as you want to. That is why I said there is nothing wrong with it

But speaking against Pakistan is what we have problem with. But then we understand Iranian position too

Other than India, Iran is the one whose influence has diminished the most in Afghanistan after complete success of Taliban

No wonder it is butt hurt just like India
Totally understandable that it is your time to celebrate. Indeed, Pakistan has played it's cards well. However two things remain to be seen

1. How much advantage will pakistan be able to derive from this recent victory.
2. Whether what happened was the final nail in the coffin of The Great Game or just the Beginning of a New Chapter.

But yes, for now, you celebrate and we wait.
You got nothing to say regarding Afghanistan. Anyone who tries to undermine new developments in Afghanistan is going to end up burning their own house.

Accept the new reality and move on.
As I said earlier, the new reality definitely suits you better than us. Whether this new reality is a relatively permanent one or just a transitional one is something for the time to decide.
Why I gave them the name 'Iran-Al-Dajjal'. They conspire against Muslims with non-Muslims in the name of 'resisting Israel'. They have the same aims as Israel, India and the US for all Muslim nations. Soon Turkey will be attacked by them and their Russian/US allies in Idlib and now they orchestrating conspiracy against Pakistan.
Iran is likely to put pressure on Indian government to recognize and work closely with the interim government in Afghanistan to diversify mutual investment and cooperation in the region and beyond.

FM of Iran will be doing rounds of regional countries as new Iranian government takes hold of the machinery.
Nothing wrong in visiting India

Problem is when this "Islamic Republic" starts speaking the same language against Pakistan as India on Afghanistan issue
Iranian diplomat will be saying to the Indians: surrender in Kashmir or face humiliation and be kicked out by force. Or he will lend a shoulder for his Indian opposite to cry on.
Can you tell me why on earth would Iran do such a thing against Pakistan? Is Pakistan our enemy? Iran's historical enemies are the Arabs and the other political enemies in the last few decades are the US and Israel. Why Pakistan? What has Pakistan done against us that we ally with India against you? It does not make sense. If India is playing intelligence games under the cover of business activities then that is something else.
Iran is Pakistan's brotherly nation. My advise would be to be cautious with cunning India. Iran definitely is not Pakistan's enemy but India definitely is enemy of Muslims and will use Iran against Pakistan like in kuldhushan case. This way they will also create rift between the 2 because pakistan will be forced to act overtly, covertly or diplomatically.
Unfortunately, Arabs are brought to heel by Iran, and they might not be willing to ally with Pakistan against it again. In principle, continual Houthi strikes on KSA should give cause to the Saudis to team up with us again.

China has been unable to have Iran dislodge BLF involved in attacking its interests and citizens in Pakistan. I am at a loss that how could a 400 billion USD investment package for an international pariah like Iran not win the Chinese leverage over it still. Please do not be too hot on the idea of China practicing its leverage. Iran has taken a position contrary to the Chinese one already vis a vis Afghanistan. Chinese say Talis could do whatever they like in Afghanistan. They would not interfere because they see them as trustworthy interlocuters who would allow China to establish a foothold in Afghanistan and tap its rare earth mineral wealth. Iran is on a collision course with talis alternatively.
You speak with the fork of an Indian tongue. The terrorists came from Indian sponsors and mostly from Afghanistan or any other route they could get into Pakistan to commit heinous crimes.
BLF's hosting by Iran is not a hidden secret anymore. I want to go a step further here and disabuse many of the notions that if we somehow stop Iran and Afghanistan's land from being used against us, affairs in Balochistan would sort themselves out. That is not going to happen. Balochistan is HUGE, and it is 42% of the country's total landmass. Putting down an insurgency (which is back in force now) in ex FATA took all the might of the state, and FATA is but a sliver of Pakistani territory. Balochistan's terrain is tailor-built for guerilla warfare. There are caves, mountain passes, mountains, uninhabited wildernesses as far as the eye could see and where civilization has never paid a visit. Baloch insurgents could train, dwell and launch attacks from within Balochistan itself. If that was not enough, the Baloch secessionists have also started spreading their tentacles in the Pushtoon belt of Balochistan. They are operating around Ziarat and Loralai as well now. With security forces plying open cabin pickup trucks, all Baloch insurgents need to do (and they do it every other day successfully) is sit atop an elevated position picking off a patrol in their sights with immense ease and then escaping into the vast landscapes of Balochistan.
You speak with the fork of an Indian tongue. The terrorists came from Indian sponsors and mostly from Afghanistan or any other route they could get into Pakistan to commit heinous crimes.
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