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Iranian FM thanks Parsis for helping Iran


Nov 11, 2016
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Iranian FM thanks Parsis for helping Iran
The Iranian Foreign Minister mentioned that the Parsis are in fact Zoroastrians who migrated to India centuries ago.
MAY 9, 2020 03:55


Zoroastrian tower of Silence in Yazd, Iran
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif thanked the Parsis of India for offering COVID-19 aid to his country in a tweet on Friday. The Parsis, as their name implies, migrated to India from Persia centuries ago. They are in actuality Zoroastrians, one of the oldest religions in the world which pre-dates Islam and Christianity.

Despite their powerful history in Iran and actually being the majority religion before the arrival of Islam, the Islamic Republic forbids Zoroastrians from holding public office beyond that allocated to official minorities in the Iranian constitution. It is not allowed for people of mixed families to practice the faith if their father is a Muslim. Khomeini thought of them as “dishonorable, fire-worshiping knaves".

In India, the Parsis are famous for refusing to bury their dead in the ground or to burn them, as they view both earth and fire as sacred, instead, bodies are kept in towers for vultures to consume.

Due to pollution, the numbers of vultures in India are going down and the integrity of this unique form of burial is under threat.

Source: https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/i...IsyOPNPRAGL8QuyVjNwjF5vMjE6Jp-FrsRJiGTr_6dT3M

This article was also reproduced at: https://parsikhabar.net/iran/irania...or-helping-iran-with-covid-19-supplies/22813/

@Shapur Zol Aktaf check your email bro.

Cheers, Doc
Last edited:
I don't know why the tweet disappeared ... :undecided:

Cheers, Doc

Zoroastrians In India Send Second Relief Shipment To Iran
March 26, 2020

Zoroastrian Parsis from India brought medical supplies for Iran to fight coronavirus. A leader of Iran's Zoroastrian community, Sepanta Niknam (L) March 25, 2020

The New Delhi Parsi Association has sent its second relief cargo, including medicine and medical equipment, to coronavirus-hit Iran, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)-linked Fars news agency reported.

Followers of the Iranian monotheist prophet, Zoroaster, or Zarathustra, (c. 1500 BC – 1000 BC) in India are called Parsis, or Parsees. The Parsis moved from Iran to India during the 7th century AD to flee persecution from Muslim Arabs who had conquered the Persian Empire.

As a dwindling community that struggles to survive, they live chiefly in Mumbai, but also in Karachi (Pakistan) and Bengaluru (Karnataka, India). The number of Parsis in New Delhi, today, 700.

In the official census of 2001, the Parsis numbered 69,601, representing about 0.006% of the total population of India.

Parsis are renowned for being the most successful religious minority in the whole subcontinent.

In Iran itself, Zoroastrians are the oldest religious community. Before the Muslim conquest of Persia, Zoroastrianism was the dominant religion in the Persian Empire.

According to the Islamic Republic's official census, there were 25,271 Zoroastrians in the country as of 2011.

According to Fars News Agency (FNA), the second cargo sent by the New Delhi Parsis was carried to Iran by the IRGC-controlled Mahan Airlines on Wednesday, March 25. In the meantime, 137 citizens of Iran returned from India on the same Mahan Airline flight.

In an emergency flight, Mahan Airline plane left India at a time that all local and international flights were suspended.

Based on the FNA report, the consignment sent by the Parsis consisted of products urgently needed by the Iranian health sector to fight the novel coronavirus and its related disease, Covid-19.

Based on the latest data, there are 1,200 Indians living in Iran who are mainly pilgrims and students. Three hundred eighty-nine citizens of India have so far returned to their homeland.

Source: https://en.radiofarda.com/a/zoroastrians-in-india-send-second-relief-cargo-to-iran/30510818.html

Cheers, Doc
Iran sent 40,000 test kits to several countries, appreciates Indian Parsis help: Zarif
May 09, 2020 07:57 UTC
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The Iranian foreign minister has stressed the importance of international cooperation on the response to the coronavirus pandemic, thanking Indian Parsis for sending aid to Iran, and saying that Tehran has sent 40,000 COVID-19 test kits to several countries.

“The Parsis of India—Zoroastrians whose ancestors long ago emigrated to India—have remained ever faithful in their love for Iran. Grateful for their Covid-19 package for Iranians,” Mohammad Javad Zarif said in a tweet on Friday.

Up to 69,000 Parsis, who are Zoroastrians of Iranian origin, currently live in India.

Zarif also said that 40,000 “advanced Iran-made test kits” have been exported to Germany, Turkey and other countries.

“[We are] in this together,” he added.

The export of Iranian diagnosis kits comes after Tehran announced last week that it had permitted the export of test kits after a reported surge in their production.

Speaking about the export of diagnosis kits last week, Vice President for Science and Technology Sourena Sattari said that Iran is currently producing many products needed to combat COVID-19 which it could not produce before.

Iran has become needless of importing most medical products related to the coronavirus, he said.

Facing widespread US sanctions, Iran stepped up indigenous efforts to develop necessary medical equipment following the COVID-19 outbreak, quickly developing mass production lines for medical supplies such as ventilators, test kits, masks and disinfectants.

According to the latest numbers released by Iran’s Health Ministry on Friday, 104,691 Iranians have contracted the disease, with 6,541 deaths. 83,837 people have also recovered.

On Friday, Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi said that Zarif sent a letter to UN Chief Antonio Guterres, reminding him of Washington’s “illegal withdrawal” from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and the resulting bans imposed on the country.

Mousavi said Zarif reminded the UN chief of Washington’s “blatant and continuous violations of the UN Charter, specifically violating article 25, threatening the credibility and sovereignty of the UN and international peace and security”.

Article 25 requires UN member states to comply with decisions made the UN Security Council, which officially endorsed the Iran nuclear deal in 2015.

Numerous world leaders and figures, many within the US, have called on Washington to stop its unilateral sanctions against Iran as the country grapples with the virus.

Washington has, however, continued enforcing its strict widespread bans against Iran, announcing its newest batch of sanctions last week.

Source: https://parstoday.com/en/news/iran-...ountries_appreciates_indian_parsis_help_zarif

Cheers, Doc


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