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Iranian Envoy Skips Reference to JK, Disappoints Separatists


Jan 10, 2011
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Iranian Envoy Skips Reference to JK, Disappoints Separatists


Iranian envoy Gholam Reza Ansari

SRINAGAR: Iranian envoy Gholam Reza Ansari made no reference to the Kashmir issue during his speech at a seminar organised by a constituent of the moderate Hurriyat Conference but visited separatist hardliner Syed Ali Shah Geelani.

Reza arrived here on Wednesday to attend functions organised by Shia groups in the Valley to mark the 25th death anniversary of the founder of Iran’s Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini.

Reza, Mirwaiz and many separatist leaders and activists attended the seminar on Thursday.

In his speech, Mirwaiz appealed to the Iranian Government to use its influence on India to resolve the Kashmir issue. He said Iran had good relations with India and that country could play a vital role in solving the Kashmir dispute.

However, the Iranian envoy in his 15-minute speech made no reference to Kashmir or the Kashmiri people, leaving his hosts red-faced. :lol:

Reza talked about the relationship between India and Pakistan, the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline and world peace. “Muslim countries should come forward and work together for the promotion of peace. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey, Iraq and other Muslim nations should promote cordial relation among themselves. They should work together for peace and amity for the good of Muslims across the globe,” he said. The Iranian envoy recited some Persian couplets praising Kashmir’s natural beauty but refrained from talking about the political issue.

A senior separatist leader present at the seminar said separatists were surprised and embarrassed that the envoy didn’t talk about the Kashmir issue. “Reza didn’t want to annoy India with which his country has close ties,” he added.

Ayaz Akbar, spokesperson of Geelani’s Hurriyat faction, said being a diplomat, Reza might have had limitations. “He visited the residence of Geelani in Srinagar this morning and talked in detail about the Kashmir issue. He said Iran supports the peaceful settlement of the Kashmir issue as per the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiri people,” Akbar said.

Senior separatist leader Shabir Ahmad Shah termed unfortunate the skipping of Kashmir reference.

Iranian Envoy Skips Reference to JK, Disappoints Separatists -The New Indian Express
an off topic post, Iranian people are good looking. They look close to white people or Jews. I have not seen many Saudis. Their women are in veil and men shaikh. do they look similar to Iranians?
Pardon me if this off topic post annoy you
Poor Mirwaiz. If the Kashmir 'issue' is not stirred, how will he get a square meal?

Mirwaiz could have done some good for his people but alas..btw I dunno why you think Omar Abdullah is a bad nut, have been pouring through his writings and views form the past, some of them are rather hardline (and I mean Indian hardliner positions, not against us).
I think its about time India should further split kashmir struggle on sectarian lines. Shias in Kashmir are pro India or neutral at worst in this conflict.
In his speech, Mirwaiz appealed to the Iranian Government to use its influence on India to resolve the Kashmir issue. He said Iran had good relations with India and that country could play a vital role in solving the Kashmir dispute.

However, the Iranian envoy in his 15-minute speech made no reference to Kashmir or the Kashmiri people, leaving his hosts red-faced. :lol:

A senior separatist leader present at the seminar said separatists were surprised and embarrassed that the envoy didn’t talk about the Kashmir issue. “Reza didn’t want to annoy India with which his country has close ties,” he added.

Iranian Envoy Skips Reference to JK, Disappoints Separatists -The New Indian Express[/B]

Haaa HAA

Rofl mao

This is called MODI PHOBIA hey man!! even PAK PM didnt dare to visit Separitist leader & how could this Iranian envoy dare to
anger MODI


It seems Mirwaiz dont realise that the world is changed.Pressurising India through Iran That is one hell of a joke:lol:.Even mighty US/NATO cant do that.
Mirwaiz could have done some good for his people but alas..btw I dunno why you think Omar Abdullah is a bad nut, have been pouring through his writings and views form the past, some of them are rather hardline (and I mean Indian hardliner positions, not against us).
He means good, I know. His father is a bad nut. Omar is a poor chap. He has little power. :P I mean that's the perception in the Valley :D
He means good, I know. His father is a bad nut. Omar is a poor chap. He has little power. :P I mean that's the perception in the Valley :D

In 01-02 he was even clamoring for covert ops. Whats the political situation in the valley like now, 370 and its suggested removal causing a stir?
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