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Iranian Economy.....news and discussions

Another classic salar.

...which stands more often than not for spot on.

I will answer it for you (again)

Yes, I'm a believer.

You're actually going off topic in regard to the post of mine you quoted.

I was addressing the twin notion that Iran's fertility rate isn't as low as 1,7 and that the SCI stopped publishing relevant statistics. I effectively disproved these two claims. If you wish to add something on this matter, you'll be welcome to do so.

Now on to your comments.

I've posted good examples of both healthy female participation and better than average fertility rates.Answers for your problems lies somewhere else find and fix those issues.

As said, fertility rate is not merely a factor of female enrollment on the labor market. A whole range of elements impact fertility.

Countries where both fertility and the percentage of working females are higher than in Iran, would likely have an even more dynamic demography if their female workforce had been of smaller proportions.

Now if, as with Iran, your fertility rate has been stagnating for several years in a row below critical generational replacement level, leading to sustained demographic ageing, then a higher percentage of working females won't achieve anything in this regard but to compound the issue and make any correction to the demographic decline more unrealistic than it already is.

Demographic recession is an existential threat to a nation's survival. Conformity of gender roles to tried and tested, millennia-old tradition isn't.

Evil capitalists and westerners ?
China, Vietnam, North Korea and ... have higher female participation rates.

Firstly, apart from Korea the mentioned countries' economies are market-based. Also, socialist / "communist" regimes had their own materialist reasons for to implement the fallacious concept of "female emancipation". Are we to succumb to materialism, the common trait between capitalism and secular socialism? Islam and materialism are antinomic. One of the Islamic Revolution's slogans in 1979 was "neither East nor West, Islamic Republic" for a reason.

Secondly, China's fertility rate in 2020 amounted to 1,28. Not exactly a role model for Iran to emulate in this particular area. As for Vietnam, its fertility rate stood at 1,96 in 2020 (down from 6,10 in 1973) - that too is below the 2,1 threshold for generational renewal.

Thirdly, Korea happens to be practicing a slightly more draconian form of governance compared to Islamic Iran. If Iran was ruled like Korea then she could possibly maintain fertility rates above 2,1 all the while of increasing female labor. However, I believe it's safe to consider that you would probably be among those crying foul if Iran adopted Korean-style methods.

The global labor force participation rate for women is just over 50% compared to 80% for men.

You need more than 3 times of current women participation in order to reach world's average.

World averages ought to be the yardstick for Iran? That would remind me of the 'normalization' agenda which western-submissive liberals and the globalist oligarchy hope to impose on Iran. Agenda whose goal it is to dissolve nations into a universal world republic, and do away with traditional, historically rooted religions by replacing them with Noahidism.

but it's much easier to do the planing for more babies in families :) (10-20 percent increase will solve all of the problems )
but 10% more birthrates would be an easy job.

Fixing the demographic evolution is most definitely not a simple task by any conceivable means. The exact opposite is the case.

As a matter of fact, no nation affected by significant demographic decline in the contemporary era has managed to reverse the trend other than through mass immigration. Not a single one.

Even when they're called south Korea a.k.a purported economic powerhouse, and have in excess of 200 billion USD (!) to spend on trying. In vain.


In other terms, redressing demographic slump is one of the most hopeless challenges there is.

Empirical findings suggest that under present time conditions, demographic downturn will be definitive once generational replacement has ceased for a certain number of years.

And by the way, for generational renewal to be ensured the fertility rate must reach 2,1 at a minimum. This means that Iran's 1,74 in 1400 would need to be boosted by over 20%. This certainly does not translate into a birth rate increase of merely 10%.

In order to reach 50 female participation from current 14 you need to shake hell and heaven

Thank God if true.

I'm not a betting guy and I will bet you some of these "religious guys" and decision makers inside Iran are in payroll line of foreign countries.

As it happens reformists and moderates have shown to be in line with the agenda of foreign powers, hostile ones to boot. If by "religious guys" it's those people you're referring to, your statement would have a certain probability of being correct.
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No, the Statistical Center of Iran (SCI) never stopped publishing demographic data, where's this incorrect claim stemming from?

An academic research paper on the fertility of females in Iran was released in 1400 (2021-2022) containing data for multiple years up until 1399. The article can be accessed at the SCI's website under following link:


The 1,71 figure for 1399 cited by Tehran Times, is clearly visible in the chart on page 7 of the document.

View attachment 925636

Tehran Times did not quote an unknown source but explicitly referenced it as the Statistical Center of Iran. Which, as we just evidenced above, provided the figure in question based on concrete data. It is not an estimate for the future but relates to a revolved year.

What's more, the SCI has kept furnishing data after that report as well. For instance, the following map of Iran published in 1401 shows detailed fertility rates for every province as well as the national average for 1400, which stood at a catastrophic 1,74.


The disastrous demographic recession gripping Iran is an unquestionable fact.

Iranians refusing to pay attention to this phenomenon, which happens to be directly threatening the survival of Iran as a distinct nation and is of alarming urgence, shouldn't be considering themselves as patriotic.
The problem is that they lie as per request if higher ups ...
The problem is that they lie as per request if higher ups ...

Why would higher ups ask the SCI to publish undervalued, critically low fertility rate figures? I can't figure how that would make any sense.
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...which usually stands for spot on.

In critical points it's not and that a problem :)
You are actually off topic here. I was addressing the idea that Iran's fertility rate isn't as low as 1,7 and that the SCI stopped publishing relevant statistics. I successfully proved these two claims to be wrong. If you wish to add something on this matter, you'll be welcome to do so.

Now on to your comments.
One part of government says something other part says something else :)

As I said, fertility rate is not merely a factor of female enrollment on the labor market. A whole range of elements impact fertility.

Countries with higher rates of both fertility and females working, would likely have even more dynamic demography if their female workforce had been smaller.

Now if, as with Iran, your fertility rate has been stagnating for several years in a row below critical generational replacement level, leading to sustained demographic ageing then all a higher percentage of working females will achieve in this regard, is to compound the issue and make any correction to the demographic decline more unrealistic than it already is.

Demographic recession is an existential threat to a nation's survival. Conformity of gender roles to tried and tested, millennia-old tradition is not.

Not Moslem countries. And apart from Korea, their economic systems are market-based.

World averages ought to be a yardstick for Iran? Sounds like the 'normalization' agenda pursued by the western-submissive liberals and the globalist oligarchy, whose goal is to dilute nations into a universal world republic.

That's most definitely not the case.

As a matter of fact, no nation affected by significant demographic decline in the contemporary era has managed to reverse the trend other than through mass immigration. Not a single one.

Even when they're called south Korea a.k.a purported economic powerhouse and have in excess of 200 billion USD to spend on trying.


In other terms, redressing demographic slump is one of the most hopeless tasks there is.

Empirical findings suggest that under present time conditions, demographic downturn is definitive once generational replacement ceases for a certain number of years.
Your first response was women participation will decrease fertility rate.(At least it's something that I got from your first posts)

Turns out to be wrong.since there are a lot of examples( all sorts of ideologies and systems ) which reject such claim.

Now your argument is that the countries that have better fertility rates and higher women participation could have more people and lower female participation ( with overall same economic output ? )

In math usually if you remove or simplify one part of equation it will effect other side of equation as well. I have no idea how Marx's world works

So no these countries have better female participation since they have resources that can support both their economic activities and their better birth rates.parts of these extra resources have been created by women.

Globalization ? pro market ?

If these things are so bad as you try to portrait them why even according to your pov most of the world follow their teachings !

Do you know a lot of these pro market and globalized countries don't have trillion dollar worth of natural resources to hide their shortcomings behind it like Iran does it ?

Don't you think in most of countries in this world there are smarter or more logical people than me and you that can easily pursue the best options for their country ?

Then you'd need to offer evidence for it to be credible. As it stands reformists and moderates have shown to be in line with the agenda of foreign powers, hostile ones to boot. If by "religious guys" it's those people you're referring to, your statement would have a certain probability of being correct.
So reformist are now control government, parliament and religious guys ?

For those who don't know parliament, government and religious people are now in hands of some conservatives.
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In critical points it's not and that a problem :)

It definitely does.

One part of government says something other part says something else :)

Not sure I understand this statement.

Your first response was women participation will decrease fertility rate.(At least it's something that I got from your first posts)

Turns out to be wrong.since there are a lot of examples( all sorts of ideologies and systems ) which reject such claim.

Allow me to repeat then: fertility is affected by a whole series of factors, including but not limited to female labor. Those countries you mention would have registered even higher fertility rates if they had fewer females working.

When it comes to Iran though, fertility has stagnated below the critical threshold for a number of years. Other things being constant, increased female employment will compound the issue. Given the alarming situation Iran is finding herself in on the demographic front, there's no maneuvering room for further negative impact on fertility.

It's a simple logical inference.

Now your argument is that the countries that have better fertility rates and higher women participation could have more people and lower female participation ( with overall same economic output ? )

My explanation has been constant from the outset.

In math usually if you remove or simplify one part of equation it will effect other side of equation as well.

The equation involves more than the two factors you're selectively considering. For the quoted statement to be accurate, female labor would have to be the only element determining fertility.

I have no idea how Marx's world works

Fail to see the connection to the discussion at hand. Except that Marx would perhaps have endorsed "gender equality", an item underpinning various topics including generalized female labor.

So no these countries have better female participation

Question being how one will define 'better' female participation. As far as I'm concerned Iran's current female labor rate would be preferable to say, Belgium's.

since they have resources that can support both their economic activities and their better birth rates.parts of these extra resources have been created by women.

The reason their demographic growth is superior is because the social transformations leading to decreased fertility have not set in yet. As opposed to Iran, China or Vietnam, all three of which are plagued by below replacement level fertility.

Globalization ? pro market ?

I mean globalist elites. Those bent on "normalizing" Iran according to their own criteria, constitutive of a perfidious agenda to prepare every nation for dissolution into the universal republic and to have whatever remains of their population adopt Noahidism.

If these things are so bad as you try to portrait them why even according to your pov most of the world follow their teachings !

Wouldn't this be reminiscent of a characteristic narrative put forward by liberals (reformists, moderates)? Most of the world is practicing it so it must be right. Here's the issue though: things promoted by the powers to be in this world aren't necessarily 'good' nor desirable.

Do you know a lot of these pro market and globalized countries don't have trillion dollar worth of natural resources to hide their shortcomings behind it like Iran does it ?

Natural resources, oil in particular, do not represent an opportunity but an obstacle to development. Which economists evidenced through the concept of the Dutch Disease.

Don't you think in most of countries in this world there are smarter or more logical people than me and you that can easily pursue the best options for their country ?

Have you envisaged the hypothesis that ruling elites in most countries might in fact be corrupt?

For those who don't know parliament, government and religious people are now in hands of some conservatives.

The demographic decline is due to policies implemented by liberal administrations.

Liberal administrations (Rafsanjani, Khatami, Rohani) deliberately conducted excessive anti-natalist policies, which literally ended up ruining Iran's demographic dynamics. And it would seem liberals keep lobbying to prevent governments from correcting the trend.

High birth rates during the 1980's might initially have justified some of these policies, but they were prolonged for much longer than they should have, resulting in the current situation which is nothing short of suicidal.

A series of measures they took, such as propagation of the idea among ordinary Iranians that they'll be more prosperous if they stop giving birth to offspring, are highly disruptive by essence. Worse, according to some reports male villagers in numerous villages of Iran were sterilized without their knowledge.

If anyone's been serving a foreign-inspired agenda, it's those responsible for the mentioned policies.
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Question being how one will define 'better' female participation. As far as I'm concerned Iran's current female labor rate would be preferable to say, Belgium's.
:undecided: May God help Belgium and all it's residents.By the looks of it they have it so bad there !

Iran - 17


Belgium 49.84
Iran 14.35

Corrupt leaders around the world ?

And how do you reached to such conclusions?some or all of them ?
Even if I agree with such statements(which I'm not agree with it) then there would be another small problem :

Corrupt person with better ideas.
or better person with bad/corrupted ideas ?

The answer is clear to me :)

Liberals, Mr Rafsanjani, Mr Khatami and Mr Rouhani ?

As I said in other thread I don't like these kind of categorizing methods but since we are talking about former governments it's okay :).

In 1990 Iran just came out of 8-11 years of war which Iraq imposed on it.war economy is something peace economy is something else.this is when Mr Rafsanjani era starts.

What you don't know or you do know it and don't want to talk about it is that.Mr Rafsanjani was not that peaceful liberal civilian when he started to try for higher offices.one particular group knew him very well since they have been working with each other in Iraq-Iran war.Yes I'm talking about war veterans.:rolleyes:

During his presidency he had one guy named Mr Khatami as his culture minister and after his second term that culture minister became president of Iran.

Mr Rafsanjani was working with Mr Rouhani during and after war in parliament and defense council and later he became the president of Iran.

Liberals ?Really ?
:undecided: May God help Belgium and all it's residents.By the looks of it they have it so bad there !

And not just by the looks of it.

When a society produces some of the highest proportions of "I"SIS volunteers in the entire world, you know there's something fundamentally wrong with it.

When an auto mechanic arrested and tried for abusing numerous children is presented by courts as a lone wolf while the existence of a larger paedocriminal network involving powerful elites is systematically denied despite heavy indications to the contrary, with the entire judicial procedure stinking to high heavens, again you know there's something deeply rotten ingrained at the very core of the system.

Corrupt leaders around the world ?

And how do you reached to such conclusions?

Researching. I can only recommend it.

some or all of them ?

Those you apparently imagine to be white as snow.

Even if I agree with such statements(which I'm not agree with it) then there would be another small problem :

Corrupt person with better ideas.
or better person with bad/corrupted ideas ?

The answer is clear to me :)

Western regimes and their vassals combine both: corrupt ideology (imperialism, materialism, globalism, LGBTism etc) and corrupt governance.

Liberals, Mr Rafsanjani, Mr Khatami and Mr Rouhani ?

As I said in other thread I don't like these kind of categorizing methods but since we are talking about former governments it's okay :).

In 1990 Iran just came out of 8-11 years of war which Iraq imposed on it.war economy is something peace economy is something else.this is when Mr Rafsanjani era starts.

What you don't know or you do know it and don't want to talk about it is that.Mr Rafsanjani was not that peaceful liberal civilian when he started to try for higher offices.one particular group knew him very well since they have been working with each other in Iraq-Iran war.Yes I'm talking about war veterans.:rolleyes:

During his presidency he had one guy named Mr Khatami as his culture minister and after his second term that culture minister became president of Iran.

Mr Rafsanjani was working with Mr Rouhani during and after war in parliament and defense council and later he became the president of Iran.

Liberals ?Really ?

I am aware of the history of Iran's political factions. Hashemi adhered to economic liberalism from the start, Khatami and the so-called reformists converted to it after their ideological u-turn in the 1990's. Today both these factions advocate social-cultural liberalism on top of it.

Liberalism has nothing much to do with being peaceful or non-violent. How many millions of people have the US regime and their NATO allies murdered to date, whether directly or indirectly?

At any rate the point was something else: call them what you will, it's under these administrations that Iran's fertility rate was driven into the ground due to excessive birth control policies they implemented.
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I am aware of the history of Iran's political factions. Hashemi adhered to economic liberalism from the start, Khatami and the so-called reformists converted to it after their ideological u-turn in the 1990's. Today both these factions advocate social-cultural liberalism on top of it.

Liberalism has nothing much to do with being peaceful or non-violent. How many millions of people have the US regime and their NATO allies murdered to date, whether directly or indirectly?

At any rate the point was something else: call them what you will, it's under these administrations that Iran's fertility rate was driven into the ground due to excessive birth control policies they implemented.
Excuse you, No you don't! out of these three presidents only few years and few ministries in Iran implemented liberal(Iranian version of it) teachings like a few years in Mr Khatami's government (not all of his 8 year).

Funny part is compared to other presidents those years are best years of Iran's economy even though main part of Iran's economy was oil and average price of oil was low !

Then again you don't like these three presidents, you have that right to do so and as I explained every part of history goes back to start of Mr Rafsanjani and it started like that.

After that something led to another like a domino

Few years before that Mr Khomeini warned our country and military forces about involvement of military forces in politics hats of to those that listened and may God help those who didn't (because they need it :) both in this world and another one )
Iran vs Belgium fertility rate , female participation, economic activity and happiness of people ( sane or insane policies )

Do we have to go in details ? I don't think so

side note
It's interesting that you on one hand don't like global elites, leaders and evil capilasim on other hand you are playing I know it all role here and it doesn't matter what you saying whenever it reaches deadend you start another thing.I don't think that I know a better know it all elite other than you !!

Excuse you, No you don't! out of these three presidents only few years and few ministries in Iran implemented liberal(Iranian version of it) teachings like a few years in Mr Khatami's government (not all of his 8 year).

Liberal economics were the order of the day.

This was Hashemi's declared take on development - indicating a glaring lack of regard for the plight of those who'd get "crushed under the wheels of" (sic) his economic policies:

له شدن مردم زیر چرخ سازندگی و تکنوکرات ها


As for Khatami, it was under his administration that banks were privatized among various similar measures.

However, I did not specify economically liberal administrations, did I? What I stated was simply liberal administrations, you may look it up. When it comes to Khatami, it seems undeniable to me that he ran at the elections on an agenda of social, cultural and political liberalization.

Funny part is compared to other presidents those years are best years of Iran's economy even though main part of Iran's economy was oil and average price of oil was low !

I'd beg to differ.

Also regarding crude oil resources: these do not amount to an opportunity but rather to an impediment to economic development. Please refer to the literature about the Dutch Disease.

Few years before that Mr Khomeini warned our country and military forces about involvement of military forces in politics hats of to those that listened and may God help those who didn't (because they need it :) both in this world and another one )

I assume you know what Sepah's mandate consists of: its duty is to defend and safeguard the Islamic Revolution. This role was defined and enshrined in law under Imam Khomeini's (r.A.) Leadership.

Fact is that the enemies of the Revolution are waging a hybrid war on the latter, using a vast range of instruments and applying these to a multitude of areas including the societal, cultural, informational, psychological and economic spheres. Therefore Sepah has the obligation to counter the enemy's plots in the mentioned fields as much as it does at the purely military level. Conflicts these days aren't merely fought on the battlefield.

On a sidenote, to those who hold this great Leader in regard it ought to be Imam rather than mister, as far as I'm aware. Just saying.

Last but not least, I'm not sure how this is addressing the point I had made.

Iran vs Belgium fertility rate , female participation, economic activity and happiness of people ( sane or insane policies )

Do we have to go in details ? I don't think so

Fertility rate in Belgium stood at 1,728 in 2023, which happens to be slightly lower and therefore more unfavorable than the most recent of the SCI figures cited earlier for Iran (1,74 in 1400) - and that's despite a continuous, sustained stream of young immigrants from across the global south settling in Belgium.

Generalized female labor may be reflective of values cherished by Iranian liberals, to whom the west might represent an immaculate source of political emulation. Not to the rest of society though. So here too, Iran's ahead in my book.

Happiness? Well, there's no precise measurement for such an eminently subjective human sentiment. Also remember Belgians are not being targeted 24/7 by the kind of historically unprecedented, massive psy-ops and propaganda campaign Iranians have been subjected to at the hands of the world's powers to be, one of whose aims it is to foment depression, negativity and angst amongst Iranian audiences (not to mention magnification of the western regimes and minimization of the Islamic Republic's achievements).

I'll maintain that a regime whose type of governance ends up producing the highest rate of "I"SIS recruits in Europe and which moreover appears to be in the business of protecting elite paedocriminal networks, can only be described as deviant and corrupt to the extreme, no matter how one will look at it.

Unlike liberals furthermore, I do not adhere to the vision of man as "homo economicus" i.e. as a mere agent of monetary transactions. Therefore I shan't blow out of proportion the significance of Belgium's GDP per se.

side note
It's interesting that you on one hand don't like global elites, leaders and evil capilasim on other hand you are playing I know it all role here and it doesn't matter what you saying whenever it reaches deadend you start another thing.I don't think that I know a better know it all elite other than you !!

As far as sticking to the topic at hand, may I suggest you'd be projecting.

Yours truly is simply conducting discussions, in the framework of which I strictly responded to what had been submitted to me, no more no less. Not once have I laid claim to omniscience nor to membership in any elite type of circle. If you're unhappy with my contributions, nobody's preventing you from ignoring them a priori.

Moreover, I was talking about globalist and western ruling elites i.e. those in positions of political or economic power - not about people with purported elitist ("know it all") attitudes, which you seem to be accusing me of. Apart from the fact that I would courteously disagree with this characterization of my humble self, this is a social category I did not criticize, unless of course they put their knowledge and expertise at the service of the imperialist ruling class. For what harm could "know it alls" possibly be doing, as compared to individuals wielding actual political power? So if you don't mind me saying, your quoted jab is extrapolating my comment and taking it out of context.

At any rate my suggestion for hypothetical future discussions would be to try focusing on the content rather than doling out ad hominems (I counted three thus far). Since ad hominems mean nothing but failure to counter the interlocutor's points.

Also for your information, I tend not to be particularly apt at grasping internet "memes" nor do I watch Hollywood films so if you share annotated images lifted from such productions, kindly do consider that whatever message they are to convey will mechanically be lost on me.
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Liberal economics were the order of the day.

This was Hashemi's declared take on development - indicating a glaring lack of regard for the plight of those who'd get "crushed under the wheels of" (sic) his economic policies:

له شدن مردم زیر چرخ سازندگی و تکنوکرات ها


As for Khatami, it was under his administration that banks were privatized among various similar measures.

However, I did not specify economically liberal administrations, did I? What I stated was simply liberal administrations, you may look it up. When it comes to Khatami, it seems undeniable to me that he ran at the elections on an agenda of social, cultural and political liberalization.

I'd beg to differ.

Also regarding crude oil resources: these do not amount to an opportunity but rather to an impediment to economic development. Please refer to the literature about the Dutch Disease.

I assume you know what Sepah's mandate consists of: its duty is to defend and safeguard the Islamic Revolution. This role was defined and enshrined in law under Imam Khomeini's (r.A.) Leadership.

Fact is that the enemies of the Revolution are waging a hybrid war on the latter, using a vast range of instruments and applying these to a multitude of areas including the societal, cultural, informational, psychological and economic spheres. Therefore Sepah has the obligation to counter the enemy's plots in the mentioned fields as much as it does at the purely military level. Conflicts these days aren't merely fought on the battlefield.

On a sidenote, to those who hold this great Leader in regard it ought to be Imam rather than mister, as far as I'm aware. Just saying.

Last but not least, I'm not sure how this is addressing the point I had made.

Fertility rate in Belgium stood at 1,728 in 2023, which happens to be slightly lower and therefore more unfavorable than the most recent of the SCI figures cited earlier for Iran (1,74 in 1400) - and that's despite a continuous, sustained stream of young immigrants from across the global south settling in Belgium.

Generalized female labor may be reflective of values cherished by Iranian liberals, to whom the west might represent an immaculate source of political emulation. Not to the rest of society though. So here too, Iran's ahead in my book.

Happiness? Well, there's no precise measurement for such an eminently subjective human sentiment. Also remember Belgians are not being targeted 24/7 by the kind of historically unprecedented, massive psy-ops and propaganda campaign Iranians have been subjected to at the hands of the world's powers to be, one of whose aims it is to foment depression, negativity and angst amongst Iranian audiences (not to mention magnification of the western regimes and minimization of the Islamic Republic's achievements).

I'll maintain that a regime whose type of governance ends up producing the highest rate of "I"SIS recruits in Europe and which moreover appears to be in the business of protecting elite paedocriminal networks, can only be described as deviant and corrupt to the extreme, no matter how one will look at it.

Unlike liberals furthermore, I do not adhere to the vision of man as "homo economicus" i.e. as a mere agent of monetary transactions. Therefore I shan't blow out of proportion the significance of Belgium's GDP per se.

As far as sticking to the topic at hand, may I suggest you'd be projecting.

Yours truly is simply conducting discussions, in the framework of which I strictly responded to what had been submitted to me, no more no less. Not once have I laid claim to omniscience nor to membership in any elite type of circle. If you're unhappy with my contributions, nobody's preventing you from ignoring them a priori.

Moreover, I was talking about globalist and western ruling elites i.e. those in positions of political or economic power - not about people with purported elitist ("know it all") attitudes, which you seem to be accusing me of. Notwithstanding the fact that I would courteously disagree with this characterization of my humble self, this is a social category I did not criticize, unless of course they put their knowledge and expertise at the service of the imperialist ruling class. For what harm could "know it alls" possibly be doing, as compared to individuals wielding actual political power? So if you don't mind me saying, your quoted jab is extrapolating my comment and taking it out of context.

At any rate my suggestion for hypothetical future discussions would be to try focusing on the content rather than doling out ad hominems (I counted three thus far). Since ad hominems mean nothing but failure to counter the interlocutor's points.

Also for your information, I tend not to be particularly apt at grasping internet "memes" nor do I watch Hollywood films so if you share annotated images lifted from such productions, kindly do consider that whatever message they are to convey will mechanically be lost on me.
Liberals, conservatives, different presidents and models

Bringing data, comparing different models and putting 2+2 together wont work since according to you vast majority of leaders and models in world are products of one particular corrupted group it wouldn't be a healthy discussion.there would be no way of changing your opinion for me in a way you see the world and current world's structure now.

ad hominems ?

1. It would be true if there wasn't any sort of discussion and bringing evidence from different economic models and .... at least I tried

2. Don't you think it's hypocritical that you enjoy the freedom to write anything you like even to the point accusing the system that gave you your current freedom that they are corrupted to support biggest terror groups out there and it's not just them but all leaders in different countries follow same policies yet your concern is ad hominem in a single forum post from a random dude ?

In that world and said structure "ad hominem" should be least of your worries.

In previous posts I put data of Iran's female participation before Covid-19 era(without explaining anything about it:) ). Since 17 of before Covid-19 indicates that losing jobs and fewer females in our work force might be side effect of this pandemic (14 female participation after Covid-19 ). then again usually these kind of side effects of Covid-19 such as fewer jobs for women in most of this world would be consider as unhealthy/bad but for some reason you went to support this current 14 which is interesting for me. Somehow you approve side effects of Covid-19 in Iran's economy (at least it's visible in female parts of our economy ! )

I'm glad you mentioned Sepah and Mr Khomeini advice.

How does it sound in your head that Mr Khomeini during hot war time advised against interference of military forces in elections but during peace/cold war such acts are justifiable ?

Since topic was based on economic activities of women.let me tell you another anecdotal story:

The Sepah that you mentioned earlier during Iraq-Iran war got most of it's commanders( not main backbone of Sepah) and most of it's man power from the people or what people here may know from Basij forces.I think it was in middle of Iran's 1380's that both Basij and Sepah merged together (officially and if my memory works fine) like 2 decades after war.

What was the difference between these two ? it's simple one was voluntary force and other one with military structure.

As like every voluntary job (usually) you wont get paid for it so it raises questions how is it possible that the brother, husband, father, grandfather and/or youth of families are going to war without getting paid yet the family is able to provide for their needs and on top of that they were helping front lines by providing their extra food. clothes and ...

Without contribution of women that war would be impossible to maintain.

Official data :) : Basij gave most and some of the best people of this country to the war cause.

Mr Khomeini, Emam Khomeini or ....

Another anecdotal story or logic ? :)

Long story short only if you are active or working in any military force I object against such behavior since rank and positions do matter there other wise outside the said format do as you wish call people whatever you like ( it would be better if you treat other people with respect of course )

Hollywood, Bollywood, memes and jokes do matter in my calculations and God's willing I will follow the same pattern in future too :)
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Liberals, conservatives, different presidents and models

Both moderates and reformists have historically adhered to liberal ideology in at least one area of policy-making (whether the economy, politics or societal-cultural questions). Therefore what I stated is a hundred percent correct.

Bringing data, comparing different models and putting 2+2 together wont work since according to you vast majority of leaders and models in world are products of one particular corrupted group it wouldn't be a healthy discussion.there would be no way of changing your opinion for me in a way you see the world and current world's structure now.

I reminded that factors determining fertility include but aren't limited to female labor. Adding that if fertility is in a critical state due to other factors than female labor (which is the case of Iran), then boosting the latter will merely compound the issue, assuming other things are constant. This is unassailable and pretty straightforward logic.

Then I highlighted the corruption of Belgian ruling elites via two concrete examples. Rightly so.

1. It would be true if there wasn't any sort of discussion and bringing evidence from different economic models and .... at least I tried

And I did address the data in question. Ad hominems are always out of place in a constructive discussion, no ifs and buts.

2. Don't you think it's hypocritical that you enjoy the freedom to write anything you like even to the point accusing the system that gave you your current freedom that they are corrupted to support biggest terror groups out there and it's not just them but all leaders in different countries follow same policies yet your concern is ad hominem in a single forum post from a random dude ?

Where are you getting the idea from that there is unhindered freedom of speech in the west? I'm actually risking a lot expressing my views on here. In the topic dedicated to the Ukraine war, a user threatened to report me to European authorities, citing how several citizens in the EU were prosecuted and punished for airing pro-Russian views. Another user elsewhere threatened to murder me. That's correct, to take my life - and they got away with it, since moderators do not consider death threats against someone who doesn't harbor hostility towards the Islamic Revolution to be reason enough for a ban. Have you ever received the slightest threat on PDF? Of course not, since the position you seem to represent is far less of an issue to ruling global power structures.

Here's a latest case of repression at the hands of European regimes, not just against free speech but against the rights of journalists which they fallaciously claim to be particularly protected: a French journalist arrested, chillingly interrogated under anti-terrorism laws (!) upon entry in the UK by the London police, who thus tried to intimidate him at the behest of the Macron regime:


Likewise, why do you think journalists in the west are practicing extensive self-censorship on several key topics relating to the circles of power, such as freemasonry and paedocriminal elite networks for instance? Because if they go too far, they might simply disappear one day.

I could cite plenty more examples. Freedom of speech in the west is a highly relative notion. It ceases the moment western regimes see their interests challenged in a meaningful way. Moreover it is fundamentally skewed by the immense power of the mainstream propaganda machinery which, owing to the vast resources at its disposal, will systematically favor one narrative over another, in line with the interests of the powers to be.

Some Iranian users on this forum have been attacking the Islamic Republic in practically every post they make, others explicitly took aim at the Leadership. They either reside in Iran or travel there freely, and they did not face any consequence whatsoever.

In sum, this is an illustration of you taking the myths of western "democracy" and "human rights" at face value. A general characteristic of liberal Iranians. Hence the importance for patriotic Iranians and their friends to shatter that myth, which Iran's existential enemies i.e. NATO and the zionist regime, as well as their liberal fifth column in Iran have put billions into spreading among the Iranian public.

Also regarding your above quoted comment, you're once again misreading my reply, which did not consist in saying the Belgian regime supported "I"SIS - even though "I"SIS is indeed a tool in the hands of the zio-American, which they tried to use against the Axis of Resistance; what I explained is that when the society you live in is producing the highest proportion (or one of the highest proportions) of "I"SIS recruits across Europe - which is a documented fact, then there's something wrong with governance in your country. To end up with a society capable of generating this many psychopaths, rulers must have failed their people at a given point.

If you think otherwise, or if you believe data published in the west is untrue and Belgium has not been a leading source for "I"SIS recruits in Europe, then you're free to try and prove otherwise. Which would be preferable over distorting my statement.

In that world and said structure "ad hominem" should be least of your worries.

It is not a worry whatsoever but an invitation to refrain from such, since ad hominems contribute nothing constructive, in addition to translating failure in countering the interlocutor's points. Those resorting to ad hominems only demonstrate their lack of valid counters. So I shall underscore such instances as evidence for inability to disprove my contributions.

In previous posts I put data of Iran's female participation before Covid-19 era(without explaining anything about it:) ). Since 17 of before Covid-19 indicates that losing jobs and fewer females in our work force might be side effect of this pandemic (14 female participation after Covid-19 ). then again usually these kind of side effects of Covid-19 such as fewer jobs for women in most of this world would be consider as unhealthy/bad but for some reason you went to support this current 14 which is interesting for me. Somehow you approve side effects of Covid-19 in Iran's economy (at least it's visible in female parts of our economy ! )

I have no issues with a 17% female workforce as compared to a 14% one. My concern, as I clearly spelled out, is how generalized female labor (say close to or upwards of 50%) would negatively impact an already catastrophic demographic downward trend, in addition to being problematic in regard to Islamic tradition.

I'm glad you mentioned Sepah and Mr Khomeini advice.

How does it sound in your head that Mr Khomeini during hot war time advised against interference of military forces in elections but during peace/cold war such acts are justifiable ?

My previous response ought to have clued readers in. To further elaborate, we have two facts to consider:

1) Sepah's legal mission, approved by Imam Khomeini (r.A.), to protect the Islamic Revolution against all types of threats.

2) Imam Khomeini's (r.A.) statement that the military ought not intervene in political matters.

The combination of these two implies that military forces must stay out of day-to-day politics and regular political affairs but that when the Islamic Revolution is threatened, Sepah has a duty to act. This is the most logical way of integrating the two mentioned imperatives.

As it happens, threats to the Islamic Revolution emanating from domestic political currents within the system increased after Imam Khomeini's (r.A.) demise, with the advent of the reformist faction and political alignment of the moderates on most of the reformist agenda. In fact it could be argued that this development was initiated by Hossein-Ali Montazeri in the latter years of the Imam's (r.A.) Leadership; the Imam's (r.A.) response to this danger is well documented too.

This being said, I don't know what interference in the electoral process you're referring to. Retired military personnel presenting themselves as candidates at elections, or personnel who resign from the military on the occasion of their candidacy, do not signal intervention of the military in politics. That notion designates organized and deliberate intervention by military forces as a centralized corps (as in Pakistan for example), not individual initiatives on the part of citizens with a former military background.

The Sepah that you mentioned earlier during Iraq-Iran war got most of it's commanders( not main backbone of Sepah) and most of it's man power from the people or what people here may know from Basij forces.I think it was in middle of Iran's 1380's that both Basij and Sepah merged together (officially and if my memory works fine) like 2 decades after war.

What was the difference between these two ? it's simple one was voluntary force and other one with military structure.

As like every voluntary job (usually) you wont get paid for it so it raises questions how is it possible that the brother, husband, father, grandfather and/or youth of families are going to war without getting paid yet the family is able to provide for their needs and on top of that they were helping front lines by providing their extra food. clothes and ...

Without contribution of women that war would be impossible to maintain.

Official data :) : Basij gave most and some of the best people of this country to the war cause.

Fail to see how it contradicts my points. The welfare state in Iran used to be particularly developed in the 1360's, catering to the needs of working class households. Also we're talking about a couple hundreds of thousands of people out of between 40 and 52 million at any given time, i.e. around 1% of the population and perhaps 3% or 4% of the work force. What's more, service at the front usually lasted a few months, after which soldiers returned to work.

It's not as if spouses of Basij members were systematically working outside their homes in offices, stores and the like. Nor as if the percentage of females employed in such settings was any greater than in subsequent decades. So this does not affect my arguments.

Mr Khomeini, Emam Khomeini or ....

Another anecdotal story or logic ? :)

I merely reminded a reality. Are you suggesting it isn't factual?

Long story short only if you are active or working in any military force I object against such behavior since rank and positions do matter there other wise outside the said format do as you wish call people whatever you like ( it would be better if you treat other people with respect of course )

Those who hold Imam Khomeini (r.A.) in high esteem would tend to consider etiquette is important in marking one's respect towards a leader of this caliber as well. This is part of our culture and customs, which do not get to be defined on an individual but on a social basis. Thus, individual behaviour will be interpreted based on said rules of communication.

Hollywood, Bollywood, memes and jokes do matter in my calculations and God's willing I will follow the same pattern in future too :)

Good for you. But kindly refrain from assuming that because you are a regular watcher of Hollywood films, or because the immense majority of people who look up to the west are as well, everybody else will be. In particular, the apparent addressee of this material in particular i.e. the user in response to whom you shared one of these, will not be able to make too much sense of it.
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Both moderates and reformists have historically adhered to liberal ideology in at least one policy making area (whether the economy, politics or societal-cultural questions). Therefore what I stated is a hundred percent correct.

I reminded that factors determining fertility include but aren't limited to female labor. Adding that if fertility is in a critical state due to other factors than female labor (which is the case of Iran), then boosting the latter will merely compound the issue, assuming other things are constant. This is unassailable and pretty straightforward logic.

Then I highlighted the corruption of Belgian ruling elites via two concrete examples. Rightly so.

And I did address the data in question. Ad hominems are always out of place in a constructive discussion, no ifs and buts.

Where are you getting the idea from that there is unhindered freedom of speech in the west? I'm actually risking a lot expressing my views on here. In the topic dedicated to the Ukraine war, a user threatened to report me to European authorities, citing how several citizens in the EU were prosecuted and punished for airing pro-Russian views. Another user elsewhere threatened to murder me. That's correct, to take my life - and they got away with it, since moderators do not consider death threats against a supporter of the Islamic Revolution to be reason enough for a ban. Have you ever received the slightest threat on PDF? Of course not, since your take is far less of an issue to ruling global power structures.

Here's a latest case of repression at the hands of European regimes, not just against free speech but against the rights of journalists which they fallaciously claim to be particularly protected: a French journalist arrested, chillingly interrogated under anti-terrorism laws (!) upon entry in the UK by the London police, who thus tried to intimidate him at the behest of the Macron regime:


Likewise, why do you think journalists in the west are practicing extensive self-censorship on several key topics relating to the circles of power, such as freemasonry and paedocriminal elite networks for instance? Because if they go too far, they might simply disappear one day.

I could cite plenty more examples. Freedom of speech in the west is a highly relative notion. It ceases the moment western regimes see their interests challenged in a meaningful way. Moreover it is fundamentally skewed by the immense power of the mainstream propaganda machinery which, owing to the vast resources at its disposal, will systematically favor one narrative over another, in line with the interests of the powers to be.

Some Iranian users on this forum have been attacking the Islamic Republic in practically every post they make, others explicitly took aim at the Leadership. They either reside in Iran or travel there freely, and they did not face any consequence whatsoever.

In sum, this is an illustration of you taking the myths of western "democracy" and "human rights" at face value. A general characteristic of liberal Iranians. Hence the importance for patriotic Iranians and their friends to shatter that myth, which Iran's existential enemies i.e. NATO and the zionist regime, as well as their liberal fifth column in Iran have put billions into spreading among the Iranian public.

Also regarding your above quoted comment, you're once again misreading my reply, which did not consist in saying the Belgian regime supported "I"SIS - even though "I"SIS is indeed a tool in the hands of the zio-American, which they tried to use against the Axis of Resistance; what I explained is that when the society you live in is producing the highest proportion (or one of the highest proportions) of "I"SIS recruits across Europe - which is a documented fact, then there's something wrong with governance in your country. To end up with a society capable of generating this many psychopaths, rulers must have failed their people at a given point.

If you think otherwise, or if you believe data published in the west is untrue and Belgium has not been a leading source for "I"SIS recruits in Europe, then you're free to try and prove otherwise. Which would be preferable over distorting my statement.

It is not a worry whatsoever but an invitation to refrain from such, since ad hominems contribute nothing constructive, in addition to translating failure in countering the interlocutor's points. Those resorting to ad hominems only demonstrate their lack of valid counters. So I shall underscore such instances as evidence for inability to disprove my contributions.

I have no issues with a 17% female workforce as compared to a 14% one. My concern, as I clearly spelled out, is how generalized female labor (say close to or upwards of 50%) would negatively impact an already catastrophic demographic downward trend, in addition to being problematic in regard to Islamic tradition.

My previous response ought to have clued readers in. To further elaborate, we have two facts to consider:

1) Sepah's legal mission, approved by Imam Khomeini (r.A.), to protect the Islamic Revolution against all types of threats.

2) Imam Khomeini's (r.A.) statement that the military ought not intervene in political matters.

The combination of these two implies that military forces must stay out of day-to-day politics and regular political affairs but that when the Islamic Revolution is threatened, Sepah has a duty to act. This is the most logical way of integrating the two mentioned imperatives.

As it happens, threats to the Islamic Revolution emanating from domestic political currents within the system increased after Imam Khomeini's (r.A.) demise, with the advent of the reformist faction and political alignment of the moderates on most of the reformist agenda. In fact it could be argued that this development was initiated by Hossein-Ali Montazeri in the latter years of the Imam's (r.A.) Leadership; the Imam's (r.A.) response to this danger is well documented too.

This being said, I don't know what interference in the electoral process you're referring to. Retired military personnel presenting themselves as candidates at elections, or personnel who resign from the military on the occasion of their candidacy, do not signal intervention of the military in politics. That notion designates organized and deliberate intervention by military forces as a centralized corps (as in Pakistan for example), not individual initiatives on the part of citizens with a former military background.

Fail to see how it contradicts my points. The welfare state in Iran used to be particularly developed in the 1360's, catering to the needs of working class households. Also we're talking about a couple hundreds of thousands of people out of between 40 and 52 million at any given time, i.e. around 1% of the population and perhaps 3% or 4% of the work force. What's more, service at the front usually lasted a few months, after which soldiers returned to work.

It's not as if spouses of Basij members were systematically working outside their homes in offices, stores and the like. Nor as if the percentage of females employed in such settings was any greater than in subsequent decades. So this does not affect my arguments.

I merely reminded a reality. Are you suggesting it isn't factual?

Those who hold Imam Khomeini (r.A.) in high esteem would tend to consider etiquette is important in marking one's respect towards a leader of this caliber as well. This is part of our culture and customs, which do not get to be defined on an individual but on a social basis. Thus, individual behaviour will be interpreted based on said rules of communication.

Good for you. But do not assume that just because you are a regular watcher of Hollywood films, or because the immense majority of people who look up to the west are as well, everybody else will be too. In particular. The apparent addressee of this material in particular i.e. the user in response to whom you shared one of these, will not be able to make too much sense of it.
Mr, Emam, Imam or ... ?

Anecdotal story then:

فصه مشهوریست خلاصه آنکه شبانی خطاب به خدا میگفت تو کجائی تا چاکرت گردم کفش ترا بدوزم سرت را شانه کنم وجامه هایت را بشویم و..موسی شنید وگفت با کیستی گفت با آنکه مارا آفرید وزمین و چرخ از او پدید آمد موسی گفت کافر شدی اگر خاموش نشوی آتشی بر خلق افروخته میشود شبان گفت ای موسی دهانم رادوختی پس جامه درید وسر به بیبان نهادورفت
به موسی وحی شد که چرا بنده مارا جدا کردی
موسی از پی شبان رفت واورا یافت وگفت مژده که دستوری رسید آداب وترتیبی لازم نیست هرچه دل تنگت می خواهد بگو
آیا از این داستان چه می فهمیم خود مولوی خیلی سخنها دارد که در متن دو قسمت داستان باید دید به نظر میرسد مهمترش اینست که میگوید"
هان وهان گر حمد گوئی وسپاس
همچو نا فرجام آن چوپان شناس
ونیزمیگوید حمد تو اگرچه بهتر از او باشد همچنان ابتراست(چون سپاس ما منع نمیشود سپاس چوپان هم بلامانع است)
یک نکته اینکه شبان با آنکه خدا را با جهالت وصف کردولی اورا پدیدآرنده خود وجهان دانسته بود ومتوجه بوده که پدیده پدید آورنده دارد حالیه کمتر کسی خدارا با این صفت میشناسد وخدای بسیاری ازما ساخته توهمات وتلقیناتی است که از طفولیت پیدا کرده ایم وگاه توجه نداریم که خدا مبدا هر چیز وحیات کل وروح کل جهانست ولی اهل معرفت نشانه های او را شهود میکنند ونیز بجای اینکه اثباتش کنند وجودش را از بدیهیات می بینند

Mr Khomeini was neither God nor prophet of God.

Basij model during the war

Basij was biggest group during the war as I simply explained when there is no presence of father, brother or/and grandfather of family burden of providing necessities is up to females and since we are talking about sphere of economic models I thought it would be obvious that model of keeping women at homes and working men providing for necessities would be opposite of said model.

Mr Khomeini and military forces interference/influence in (political) parties and elections

Long story short these is no loophole in it.

14, 17 or ideal scenario ?

I gave you data and the chance to think and use the opportunity to come out clean in my eyes you have failed.

Don't you think it's odd that in this country 50-60% of university students are women or girls and job market numbers when it comes to women are similar to countries like Afghanistan.

Imagine you've been studying majority of your whole life (~12 years before university and 4-12 years after it) then somebody comes to you and says I think it's better for you to stay at home and raise more children the task of having more kids is more important than your education and your desire for following your interests.

In my eyes followers of said ideologies are either want to waste our country resources (human capital at millions scale, on top of time and money) and/or they want to see higher immigration numbers especially in higher education field since these people are much more sensitive to these type of issues.
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Mr, Emam, Imam or ... ?

Anecdotal story then:

فصه مشهوریست خلاصه آنکه شبانی خطاب به خدا میگفت تو کجائی تا چاکرت گردم کفش ترا بدوزم سرت را شانه کنم وجامه هایت را بشویم و..موسی شنید وگفت با کیستی گفت با آنکه مارا آفرید وزمین و چرخ از او پدید آمد موسی گفت کافر شدی اگر خاموش نشوی آتشی بر خلق افروخته میشود شبان گفت ای موسی دهانم رادوختی پس جامه درید وسر به بیبان نهادورفت
به موسی وحی شد که چرا بنده مارا جدا کردی
موسی از پی شبان رفت واورا یافت وگفت مژده که دستوری رسید آداب وترتیبی لازم نیست هرچه دل تنگت می خواهد بگو
آیا از این داستان چه می فهمیم خود مولوی خیلی سخنها دارد که در متن دو قسمت داستان باید دید به نظر میرسد مهمترش اینست که میگوید"
هان وهان گر حمد گوئی وسپاس
همچو نا فرجام آن چوپان شناس
ونیزمیگوید حمد تو اگرچه بهتر از او باشد همچنان ابتراست(چون سپاس ما منع نمیشود سپاس چوپان هم بلامانع است)
یک نکته اینکه شبان با آنکه خدا را با جهالت وصف کردولی اورا پدیدآرنده خود وجهان دانسته بود ومتوجه بوده که پدیده پدید آورنده دارد حالیه کمتر کسی خدارا با این صفت میشناسد وخدای بسیاری ازما ساخته توهمات وتلقیناتی است که از طفولیت پیدا کرده ایم وگاه توجه نداریم که خدا مبدا هر چیز وحیات کل وروح کل جهانست ولی اهل معرفت نشانه های او را شهود میکنند ونیز بجای اینکه اثباتش کنند وجودش را از بدیهیات می بینند

Mr Khomeini was neither God nor prophet of God.

Basij model during the war

Basij was biggest group during the war as I simply explained when there is no presence of father, brother or/and grandfather of family burden of providing necessities is up to females and since we are talking about sphere of economic models I thought it would be obvious that model of keeping women at homes and working men providing for necessities would be opposite of said model.

Mr Khomeini and military forces interference/influence in (political) parties and elections

Long story short these is no loophole in it.

14, 17 or ideal scenario ?

I gave you data and the chance to think and use the opportunity to come out clean in my eyes you have failed.

Don't you think it's odd that in this country 50-60% of university students are women or girls and job market numbers when it comes to women are similar to countries like Afghanistan.

Imagine you've been studying majority of your whole life (~12 years before university and 4-12 years after it) then somebody comes to you and says I think it's better for you to stay at home and raise more children the task of having more kids is more important than your education and your desire for following your interests.

In my eyes followers of said ideologies are either want to waste our country resources (human capital at millions scale, on top of time and money) or they want to see higher immigration numbers especially in higher education field since these people are much more sensitive to these type of issues.
If there is active campaign on the part of Islamic Republic officials to keep women away from work force then this is "treason at the highest level".

I have not been following this issue..I hope I am wrong and such a plan is just a rumor.
Mr Khomeini was neither God nor prophet of God.
Do you guys remember the video released not long ago from the council of experts in 1989 and specifically what Khamenei said about his candidacy for leadership? They had to change the constitution just to appoint him

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