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Iranian Chill Thread

I have no idea what the point of this drone is when Iran has Kaman-22. Kaman-22 has longer range (3000KM at same 24 hour endurance). Then there is also the basically forgotten Fotros UAV as well as the newer Gaza drone.

Also why go from M-6 and jump to M-10 in naming?

M10 is at least twice as large. In that context the new name makes sense.
M10 is at least twice as large. In that context the new name makes sense.
Ok, but which engine use?
The shape is good and nobody can doubt about its electronics, given long experience in UAVs. But which engine fits?.
Ok, but which engine use?
The shape is good and nobody can doubt about its electronics, given long experience in UAVs. But which engine fits?.

Shape is good? It still will have detectable RCS.

Its weapons are 10KM stand off distance which means against newer SHORADs 20-30KM engagement envelope it will get shot down.

TB-2 showed that these types of drones simply don’t last near airspace where your opponent has SHORAD in place. I mean even Houthi’s were able to shoot down Chinese predator clones on multiple occasions.

These MALE UAV designs are not suitable for combat against near peer adversaries. Good for border patrol,fighting insurgents, or export product . A move towards more LO & VLO centric designs needs to be made.

It’s strange we keep seeing Iran going back to traditional drone design (Sejil, Kaman-22, Gaza, M-10) instead of innovating its RQ design. There hasn’t been a new RQ based design in several years. Unless you count S-131/136 which are delta wing design.
Kaman-22 is advertised as being able to transport Heydar-1/2 cruise missiles with 200km of range, ATA missiles and the basic ATG missiles. How do we know already what weapon M-10 can carry? Do we know its electronic warfare capability?

And we should keep in mind that M-6 has fallen into Ukraine to NATO hands, the whole thing is compromised, I've always speculated that Iran would never produce these drones for itself beside for export and storage (S-131/136) and will move to upgraded versions that didn't fell into US hands





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TB-2 showed that these types of drones simply don’t last near airspace where your opponent has SHORAD in place. I mean even Houthi’s were able to shoot down Chinese predator clones on multiple occasions.
This is commom mistake. Those UAVs are not designed for being operated in contested airspace. For that you need a dedicated UCAV, as much stealth you can design and build in series (more even than russian Okhotnik), and specifically ECM/ECCM and stand off munitions. Until today only USAF (even US Navy has none), maybe Russia and China have that kind of UCAV, and probably Russia and China aren´t still operational.

Kaman 22 / Mohajer 10 are just patrol UAV/UCAV enough good for patrolling during hours and destroy ocasional targets. Just that. Don´t ask them missions that are not designed for. Other uses are soda experiments with questionable result.
This is commom mistake. Those UAVs are not designed for being operated in contested airspace. For that you need a dedicated UCAV, as much stealth you can design and build in series (more even than russian Okhotnik), and specifically ECM/ECCM and stand off munitions. Until today only USAF (even US Navy has none), maybe Russia and China have that kind of UCAV, and probably Russia and China aren´t still operational.

Kaman 22 / Mohajer 10 are just patrol UAV/UCAV enough good for patrolling during hours and destroy ocasional targets. Just that. Don´t ask them missions that are not designed for. Other uses are soda experiments with questionable result.
Kaman-22 is designed for electronic warfare, has ECM, jammer and has possibility of carrying cruise missiles with 10-200km of range

A missile with 200km of range and ECM pods, air to air missiles for patrolling and destroying occasional targets?

This myth of Iranian drones only able to carry hellfire-like missiles of not more than 12km of range is proven wrong with Heydar-1/2, Akghar, it is also able to defend itself with air to air missiles
we all knew Putin left and right assassinate his opponent and it change nothing a private army advanced several hundred km into Russia without any opposition and Russian army failed miserably against them .

knew = past tense
know = present tense

You always use 'knew' in both past and simple tense

Mr . knew

After joining BRICS the most important, obviously is develop an alternative payment system to SWIFT, and after it a common currency out of US control.

US cannot fight conventionally Iran anymore without paying an unacceptable cost. So they will continue to the end the economic non-conventional war.

After joining BRICS the most important, obviously is develop an alternative payment system to SWIFT, and after it a common currency out of US control.

US cannot fight conventionally Iran anymore without paying an unacceptable cost. So they will continue to the end the economic non-conventional war.
The thing Iran should work on

If economic sanctions would lose in efficiency seeing Iran making products or buying etc, US might go for some other plan involving force

Ex: false flag attack, any kind of excuse to "retaliate" on Iran, nuclear program, they are already trying to get public and even Iranian (diasporas) consent for using force on Iran homeland

Iran should not focus only on being able to target some US assets in the region or being able to reach "Israel", but assets inside their homeland, something which never happened in the history with all the wars of aggression they did, 9/11 doesn't count as an official military retaliation

Major US homeland sites and place Iran NEEDS to have a target on such as DC, White House, private military factories such as P&W, Lockheed, infrastructures inside the United States homeland should be possible to target for Iran, as right now it gives US the psychological advantage that their homeland is 100% protected from any attack, their citizens also have this same view, that they will never face retaliation for any war their regime wages

This doctrine of "one white death equals 100 non-white deaths" needs immediately to stop, western regimes since the of WW2 are traumatized by the idea of having their country struck by a foreign military and having a death count surpassing 10K-20K deaths, this number is equal as if one US carrier completely sinks with all its crew

Psychological targets such as social medias sieges, California region, considered as legitimate targets as they would as always spread terror propaganda on the victim, ministry of information and media sieges as targets

I do not see anything else than US nuclear blackmailing, retaliating inside a country that is currently attacking yours is authorized "when it is proportionate"

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