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Iranian Chill Thread

Some interesting data on Iranian GDP which I compared to closest country Turkey with same population (all data from world bank):

In 1978 : (the last year of shah rule in Iran..we were ahead of all in middle east)
Iran GDP: $ 77.99 billion dollars
Turkey GDP: $ 65 billion dollars

In 2012
(last years of ahmadinejad and before full blown economics sanctions)
Iran GDP: $ 644 billion dollars
Turkey GDP: $ 880 billion dollars

In 2022: (First full year of Raisi government and 10 years of full economic sanctions)
Iran GDP: $ 388
Turkey GDP: $ 906 billion

43 years of Islamic republic economics and foreign policy has turned Iran's GDP equal to some African countries we are now 42 economy of the world and you wonder why I am mad..:hitwall:..
View attachment 947123
GDP = gross domestic product
Not only our domestic production didn't become half, it has increased too.

Your charts demonstrate the dollar value, not GDP!
How do you go from this:

To this:

Raisi is destroying the economy.

well in this case he is blameless . gullible media and previous government are responsible for fake data in last years charts
Some interesting data on Iranian GDP which I compared to closest country Turkey with same population (all data from world bank):

In 1978 : (the last year of shah rule in Iran..we were ahead of all in middle east)
Iran GDP: $ 77.99 billion dollars
Turkey GDP: $ 65 billion dollars

In 2012
(last years of ahmadinejad and before full blown economics sanctions)
Iran GDP: $ 644 billion dollars
Turkey GDP: $ 880 billion dollars

In 2022: (First full year of Raisi government and 10 years of full economic sanctions)
Iran GDP: $ 388
Turkey GDP: $ 906 billion

43 years of Islamic republic economics and foreign policy has turned Iran's GDP equal to some African countries we are now 42 economy of the world and you wonder why I am mad..:hitwall:..
View attachment 947123

1. World bank as a source? - this source of information is HORRIBLE and biased (obv WB spins the economic numbers of adversary countries, in this case they manipulate exchange rates, etc.), but if you like western bias/spin on information, then please enjoy. Why Iran always looks "poor"in Western media but Iran isnt poor in national reality?
2.Can you show us Turkey VS Iran's GDP size using PPP? Iran knocks weak Turkey out the park in PPP i bet.
2.Can you show us Turkey VS Iran's GDP size using PPP? Iran knocks weak Turkey out the park in PPP i bet.
GDP PPP: $1.7 trillion (Iran) vs $3.6 trillion (Turkey)

Iranians seem to have a lingering perception of Turkey as backwards compared to Iran and while that may have been true in the 70s, it is definitely not true today.
Even if measured by nominal GDP in dollar terms,
It is not fair to ignore that almost all of Iran's GDP decline occurred under the Rowhani administration.
It is clear that the pro-U.S. path has been the biggest mistake of all.
Unfortunately, as a result of the Raisi administration's recent softening of its stance and concessions to the U.S., the U.S. has stepped up its sanctions and Iranian exports have once again begun to decline.



From up to down, K-4, Emad, Sejjil, Abu Mahdi (i think)



Naval cruise missiles

I speculate that Iran will only produce Shahed for export or reserve and save Arash-2 specifically to defend against an aggressor
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1. World bank as a source? - this source of information is HORRIBLE and biased (obv WB spins the economic numbers of adversary countries, in this case they manipulate exchange rates, etc.), but if you like western bias/spin on information, then please enjoy. Why Iran always looks "poor"in Western media but Iran isnt poor in national reality?
2.Can you show us Turkey VS Iran's GDP size using PPP? Iran knocks weak Turkey out the park in PPP i bet.
The modernization of North Korea in just 12 years since Kim Jong-un became leader is truly remarkable.
This astonishing modernization of North Korea has received considerable attention and is often cited in Russia and the United States.
A senior U.S. military official said,
In North Korea, even if you fail, you will be allowed to try again and again, so even such a small country can successfully develop hypersonic weapons!
Development doesn't go well in America because there are too many criticisms! The incident that lamented is impressive.

It is well known that Russian President Vladimir Putin praises Kim Jong-un at every opportunity and tries to cut off from the Western economy and revive the domestic industry by using North Korea as a model.
How did Kim Jong-un reinvent a poor little country, completely blocked with no resources, in such a short time?
Most importantly, the year after his presidency, he ended long-standing negotiations with the United States once and for all.
No matter how many times we reach agreements, the United States has broken promises and persistently imposed sanctions.
By abandoning negotiations with the United States, North Korea is no longer frightened by the West, and has developed completely freehand without following its rules.
In just a few years, North Korea was reborn as a different country due to the introduction of a market economy, complete autonomy without dependence on foreign countries, and a policy that places the highest priority on science.
On the other hand, what happened to Iran in the same 12 years?
I am very curious.
Why doesn't Iran learn from North Korea's successes, which even surprised Putin?
The modernization of North Korea in just 12 years since Kim Jong-un became leader is truly remarkable.
This astonishing modernization of North Korea has received considerable attention and is often cited in Russia and the United States.
A senior U.S. military official said,
In North Korea, even if you fail, you will be allowed to try again and again, so even such a small country can successfully develop hypersonic weapons!
Development doesn't go well in America because there are too many criticisms! The incident that lamented is impressive.

It is well known that Russian President Vladimir Putin praises Kim Jong-un at every opportunity and tries to cut off from the Western economy and revive the domestic industry by using North Korea as a model.
How did Kim Jong-un reinvent a poor little country, completely blocked with no resources, in such a short time?
Most importantly, the year after his presidency, he ended long-standing negotiations with the United States once and for all.
No matter how many times we reach agreements, the United States has broken promises and persistently imposed sanctions.
By abandoning negotiations with the United States, North Korea is no longer frightened by the West, and has developed completely freehand without following its rules.
In just a few years, North Korea was reborn as a different country due to the introduction of a market economy, complete autonomy without dependence on foreign countries, and a policy that places the highest priority on science.
On the other hand, what happened to Iran in the same 12 years?
I am very curious.
Why doesn't Iran learn from North Korea's successes, which even surprised Putin?

North Korea has China behind, China is supporting North Korea, it s very clear.

Iran is alone, Iran has no connection to chinese world, and moreover, and this is iranian fault, Iranian are limiting themselves in some military issues.

Iran has enemies whithin the country. That s the truth, in North Korea there is no time to make balances and restrict themselves. North Korea are not spineless, if a war happens, happens and for now it does not happen.
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