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Iranian Chill Thread

if Iranian funds were not misappropriated in overseas advantures of these cave men.
This line of thinking (a common one, invented by the Zionists who clamour for balkanisation of Iran and spread by the Saudi-funded propaganda networks) does not really stand up to scrutiny.

Iran's total military budget is c. $6.8 billion (2022). This is less than half of Qatar ($15.4 billion) and a quarter of even tiny UAE's military budget ($27 billion!). Also significantly less than Israel ($23.4 billion), Saudi Arabia ($75 billion), Turkey ($10.6 billion) and Pakistan ($10.3 billion).

So the idea that the IR is wasting Iranian funds on 'foreign adventures' is simply not true. If anything, the reverse is true: the IR should be allocating much more funds to the military budget. Obviously Zionists dislike Iran extending its influence across the region because this is not in their interests, but it definitely is in Iran's interests, especially when it can be achieved so cheaply. Consider how much Turkey, Saudi and UAE have been spending in recent years to spread their influence across the region, then compare their results vs costs and I think that result will be very favourable to Iran's foreign policy.

Easy example to prove this: arming of Hezbollah with thousands of rockets/missiles led Israel to allocate billions of $ to prepare for that threat. That is billions of $ that might otherwise have been spent on their plans to attack Iran (which are public, extensive and constantly updated).

So......russian,chinese or possibly iranian enemy action?.....or just old infrastructure and good old human incompetence to blame?
The only thing we can say for sure is that these events would be getting a lot more attention if they were in Iran
The only thing we can say for sure is that these events would be getting a lot more attention if they were in Iran
Yes,indeed they would......funny that,eh?

A huge part is not pointed out in that document tho.. the IRGC/Iran linked groups are a proxy within Russian held territory just like SAA they are both Russian proxy in that theatre who are the guardian and solo guaraantor of the SAA part. The Green, Yellow and Red is divided between US, Turkey and Russia anyone else who finds themselves in these zones comes under them as a proxy and they are the final decision makers.

Example if Russia moves out of the red zone and vacates within 24 hours after their exit war will begin on a new. The Green zone will break ceasefire and go on the offensive if anyone else moves out of that zone vice versa it will be the same and the balance holding this together are the guaraantors and Russia on the Red-zone if they vacate the Green zone will see this as god-send opportunity and go for Damascus.

As long as these 3 are there the status quo will remain but a Russian departure will be considered as god-send by the Green zone who will launch an offensive immediately.

But I don't see anyone vacating or leaving their respective zones until 2050s where the status quo will change along the lines after the exiting of one or 2. But the status quo will remain for the next 25 years. This is how this 3-part partitioned Syria functions politically it is basically 3 guaraantor states independent of each other and it remains until one guaraantor vacates or just choses to exit
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The zionist-manufactured, hollow myth that Islamic Iran is extensively "squandering" resources on so-called "adventures" in the regional neighborhood, is far removed from reality indeed.

But, aside from overseas Persian-language broadcasters directly funded by hostile regimes, who exactly is peddling this myth?

1) The anti-IR exiled opposition. Shahis, MKO, separatists and the rest of the clique.

2) In-house liberals, i.e. so-called reformist and moderate factions.

Therefore, individuals who denounce the zionist narrative while at the same time promoting the two mentioned elements known for actually spreading said myth (and doing so to the exact same end as Iran's foreign enemies), not only have no leg to stand on when it comes to discursive cohesion - they are also playing into the hand of Iran's foreign enemies, be it unintentionally.


In a hotly disputed statement posted on the internet, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Iran’s former president, accused Mr Assad’s government of using chemical weapons against the Syrian people in what analysts saw as a warning to the government to rethink its support for its main Arab ally.
“Mr Rafsanjani has said what millions of Iranians believe in their heart but they either do not dare to express it or they face censorship [by Iran’s regime],” said Sadegh Zibakalam, a reform-minded political scientist.
But Mr Zibakalam said “not only millions of Iranians” but also officials such as newly elected President Hassan Rouhani and his foreign minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif “welcomed Mr Hashemi’s remarks inside their hearts”.
Implicit in Mr Rafsanjani’s comments, analysts suggest, was the warning that Mr Rouhani’s new government should no longer support the Assad regime unconditionally and should reconsider support that is said to include financial help and military advice as well as the military support of Iran’s staunch ally in the Levant, Hizbollah.

Is the above instructive enough? Or should we keep our eyes and ears shut telling ourselves it doesn't matter?

"Neither Gaza, Nor Lebanon, I Give My Life to Iran!"

By Jeffrey Goldberg
September 18, 2009

Iranians seem to be tiring of their government's foreign adventures.

Jeffrey Goldberg is the editor in chief of The Atlantic and the moderator of Washington Week With The Atlantic.

In case someone didn't know, the "neither Gaza, nor Lebanon" slogan is a favorite of the liberal support base - it was first resorted to on a large scale by participants to the so-called "green movement" fitna in 2009, as well as by other counter-revolutionaries in and outside Iran. Much to the delight of the zionists and NATO imperialists (the above paper being one illustration of this fact among many).

Arguably difficult to implement without major conflict and bloodshed, Pahlavi’s vision may be starting to resonate with some of Iran’s 85 million people. Their alternative is an oppressive system that suffocates political and social reform, squanders funds on religious endowments and expansionist adventures in the region


During the Obama administration, we saw the released funds going to the various brigades in Lebanon or Syria instead of serving the country’s interests. Time is running out. And we have an opportunity now with the Iranian people themselves to put an end to the problem once and for all.

This right here being a direct quote from Reza Pahlavi.

Cohesive thoughts and actions are an asset in politics, self-contradiction an obstacle. So to those still stuck with discrepancies like the above described one, my advice would be either to join the opposition in its misrepresentation of Iran's foreign policy so that patriotic Iranians among the audience won't be misled into the assumption that support for exiled monarchists and local liberals is somehow compatible with upholding Iran's defensive role in the region, or better yet to reconsider cheering for monarchists and in-house reformists / moderates and start acknowledging and denouncing the latters' role for what it really is: that of a proxy for the zio-American empire, no more and no less.
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In a hotly disputed statement posted on the internet, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Iran’s former president, accused Mr Assad’s government of using chemical weapons against the Syrian people in what analysts saw as a warning to the government to rethink its support for its main Arab ally.
“Mr Rafsanjani has said what millions of Iranians believe in their heart but they either do not dare to express it or they face censorship [by Iran’s regime],” said Sadegh Zibakalam, a reform-minded political scientist.
But Mr Zibakalam said “not only millions of Iranians” but also officials such as newly elected President Hassan Rouhani and his foreign minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif “welcomed Mr Hashemi’s remarks inside their hearts”.
Implicit in Mr Rafsanjani’s comments, analysts suggest, was the warning that Mr Rouhani’s new government should no longer support the Assad regime unconditionally and should reconsider support that is said to include financial help and military advice as well as the military support of Iran’s staunch ally in the Levant, Hizbollah.
The opposition has also this pulsion, illness, of thinking they represent X number of Iranians, being the spokesperson of the country in its whole

The same words comes every time "Millions of Iranians" "All Iranians" "Trust me all Iranians wants to overthrow the regime but they are afraid" "85million of people are with me"
They also can't differentiate rural Iranians from urban ones, thinking Tehran represents Iran in its whole

warning that Mr Rouhani’s new government should no longer support the Assad regime unconditionally and should reconsider support that is said to include financial help and military advice as well as the military support of Iran’s staunch ally in the Levant, Hizbollah.

This alone confirms what they would do if they had control over Iran

They will dismantle every single Iranian made weapon, empty missiles and disarm them, empty everything, drones, space program, everything, the only thing Iran would receive is... backdoored F-16s bought from the US "for compensation", isn't this a beautiful outcome after everything Iran did in the military? Being forced to buy again everything from America, backdoored Abrams tanks, NO BALLISTIC MISSILE at all, damned to buy 300km range crap from western regimes, the Shah himself saw a command for a s*itty ballistic missile by the name of Lance with 80km of range refused, he saw AWACS purchase being refused, nothing, the army was some copycat of everything in the region where US had its hands on, backdoored M-60s, Abrams, Bradley, F-15/F-16/F-18 with restricted armament. I'm not talking about the dismantlement of the nuclear program, basically everything that could reach Israel was refused.

The only group that is capable of removing the Islamic Republic is simply IRGC, installing their own rules if they would have problems with IR, but unfortunately for our fellow white worshipper and zionists, IRGC isn't at all into what they "want for Iran"

Violators, genocidal UK, US, is not and will never be an "ally" of Iranians until they pay the debts and blood they have to Iran, never trust any words such as "The brave Iran history", little stooge have lying and abusing, manipulating in their DNA and this is historically proved even since the feudal times for the Brits
Yet to see a response from the IRGC to the US unloading oil from the illegally seized Iranian tanker

US called Iran's bluff and IRGC folded. Hopefully this doesn't set a precedent for the US to continue to seize Iranian oil shipments
Yet to see a response from the IRGC to the US unloading oil from the illegally seized Iranian tanker

US called Iran's bluff and IRGC folded. Hopefully this doesn't set a precedent for the US to continue to seize Iranian oil shipments
Iranian response: Foreign ministry makes a complain to Swiss embassy.:nono:

سخنگوی وزارت امور خارجه از احضار کاردار سوئیس در تهران به عنوان حافظ منافع آمریکا در پی توقیف و تخلیه نفت ایران و اعتراض شدید به این اقدام دولت آمریکا و همچنین ارائه 2 یادداشت رسمی به سفارت سوئیس خبر داد.

Iranian response: Foreign ministry makes a complain to Swiss embassy.:nono:

سخنگوی وزارت امور خارجه از احضار کاردار سوئیس در تهران به عنوان حافظ منافع آمریکا در پی توقیف و تخلیه نفت ایران و اعتراض شدید به این اقدام دولت آمریکا و همچنین ارائه 2 یادداشت رسمی به سفارت سوئیس خبر داد.

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Hopefully they are simply waiting for the right moment, although I doubt it.
Yes, but US Has been forced to release iranian money in south korea, i think this event was included in the deal. We will know if US dare to catch any oil from Iran,again.

Deals between US and Iran are secret, formally there not communications, but we know politics are complex, and you have to appear strong for your population and opposition forces. US will deal with Iran, when there is Iranian resolve.

Should Iran doesn t let unload oil to US, US would face humillation forever, a month has passed and for sure US has received iranian guarantees under releasement of South Korean founds, and other issues maybe we don t know in OSINT.
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Yet to see a response from the IRGC to the US unloading oil from the illegally seized Iranian tanker

US called Iran's bluff and IRGC folded. Hopefully this doesn't set a precedent for the US to continue to seize Iranian oil shipments
There was no bluff. US is playing to internal politics and trying to show it hasn’t caved in. No skin off Iran’s back. Note, it was only a heli-carrier. I won’t be surprised if this were not part of the hidden wheeling and dealing with the US.

That said, you seem to have a short memory. Don’t forget the shoot down of the US drone under far more stressful circumstances. Not sure what ‘bluff’ it was that you mention and who ‘called’ it.
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Hopefully they are simply waiting for the right moment, although I doubt it.
why exactly "do you doubt it"? That pessimism virus that infected Aryobarzan seems to have infected you too..
why exactly "do you doubt it"? That pessimism virus that infected Aryobarzan seems to have infected you too..

Don t trust so much, this forum is plenty of trolls.... iranian section is an obsession for trolls.
So you're telling me that after Iran made headlines globally this year by attacking and snatching tankers in the Persian gulf using 2% of the IRGC Navy's capabilities combined with the pressure that put on US, enough to make US send additional 5K marines and equipment to the Persian gulf to "protect international shipping lanes", and all of this means that:
Hopefully they are simply waiting for the right moment, although I doubt it.
huuuh???? bro, you usually have good posts on this forum, but these posts about Iranian IRGC navy control and domination of Persian gulf isnt even funny.
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