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Iranian Chill Thread

Recently we discovered that the person who designed the IRGC-ASF Shahed-136 (an ethnic Arab from Ahwaz) was killed by Israel along with 6 of his colleagues when they attacked the T-4 airbase in Syria in 2018.

Makes you wonder why a drone designer was even at an unprotected base that launched an attack on Israel.

Iran losing brilliant minds to careless mistakes.
Makes you wonder why a drone designer was even at an unprotected base that launched an attack on Israel.

Iran losing brilliant minds to careless mistakes.
Do not believe everything out there..there are no single designer for any military project..He may have been involved in some parts for some short time ....glorified for political reasons..

While the general message of the above quoted "Tweet" is commendable, there's an issue in that it tends to transpose contemporary concepts to ancient times, a frequent analytical pitfall in commentary focused on the Achaemenid empire.

What the Achaemenids introduced were not individual rights as in a bill of rights, but a relatively innovative mode of imperial rule which instituted if not codified the practice of tolerating religious establishments and customs of conquered peoples. In other terms, what Iranian emperors did was not to grant so-called "freedom of religion" in the modern secularist sense, by which individuals would be "free" to choose what religion they want to adhere to; rather, Iranians gave local religious authorities all the rights and means to uphold their own religious belief systems against outside influences. The distinction is of import. Also, Achaemenid authorities didn't refrain from intervening in the internal politics of existing clerical establishments within their realm, if and when they considered that the stability of the empire made such intervention necessary.

So while the propaganda symbolized by the cited Hollywood production against ancient Iran, must indeed be countered and debunked, it is equally imperative to avoid reproducing a second type of discourse emanating from the same powers known for their attempts to blacken the image of ancient Iran vis à vis ancient Greece in the name of "democracy", "progressism" and so on: namely, the false portrayal of ancient Iranian empires as early exponents of a globalist universal republic bent on diluting all national and religious identities, or of a prototypical version of modern liberalism, where the individual trumps the collective. Because the states created by the Medes, Achaemenids, Parthians and Sassanids had nothing in common with any of these categories nor did their ruling principles fall within the ideological line promoted by the contemporary global oligarchy, which is seen hijacking the heritage of Iran for its own objectives.
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Have you watched 300 it’s in total fantasy it’s mystical warriors and beasts I don’t think anything in that movie is factual minus a couple of names, part 2 sucked though.I don’t think Hollywood was putting to much thought into it like you are lol I mean come on smh not everything is a long drawn out boring essay. I’m sorry I just had to tease you.

The film 300 was made by Frank Miller, a well-known far-right Zionist Islamophobe. In an interview about the film 300, he unironically compared West Asians to animals. Its release during the heyday of the Global War on Terror is an example of propaganda designed to manufacture consent for continued imperial war in the region. Much like Call of Duty primes Western children to desensitize themselves to the murder of West Asians and other people, films like "300", "Not Without My Daughter", "The Stoning of Soraya M", and "Syriana" have a similar propaganda effect. This is very similar to franchises made in the Cold War that dehumanized and barbarized Russians, though there's a further strain of racist disrespect as depicted Iranians and West Asians aren't shown to be half as competent as Soviet villains were.

300 showed the white, muscular, Adonis-bodied Calvin Klein model "Greeks" as brutally relishing in the easy murder of emaciated, dusty, deformed, unshowered Persians. Their gladiuses cut through Iranian sinew like butter and in one instance, Gerard Butler licked his lips as he pulled his blade out of a dying Persian warrior, as if he just eyed a sizzling steak. The dehumanization is so deep, so revolting that the film could only be the product of a right-wing American Zionist, a settler colonist, the type who unfortunately internalized the brutality, entitlement, and hatred inflicted by the Nazis in Europe and now inflicts it upon the Palestinians and other Muslims, in a sad twist of fate.

The danger of this movie- though it is a "fantasy"- is that like the Cleopatra black-washing of the Jada Pinkett Smith documentary, it is being watched and applauded by average-intellect and below-average intellect (with an army-for-pay and no conscription, most US military are working class or lower class whites and minorities who have no other choice for social mobility) adolescents who will internalize the propaganda and enthusiastically enlist to slaughter more people in imperialist wars. The mind of the imperialist soldier that r-pes the West Asian woman while occupying her country is addled with Call of Duty and 300-style propaganda. While you and I can sit here and say this movie was pure fantasy, and it's not a big deal to us, we must keep in mind that we are educated, articulate, and outspoken. The consumers of this tripe are largely not. I don't know about you, but I consider only a handful of American movies true art, but most Americans are content to watch, internalize and embody all of the garbage their media spews.

Be mindful that war is first fought in the mind, before swords are drawn.
Well the Kinzhal claims have also been debunked recently so this is not a good look for the Patriot.

For those who don't know, Ukraine recently claimed to have shot down a Russian Kinzhal hypersonic missile recently with a Patriot air defense system. However it's not true and there's irrefutable evidence:

Just compare the angles of the missiles, not the same missiles obviously. Compare the angles & the dimensions.

Kinzhal not shot down May 10 23.jpg
Kinzal vs BETAB500.jpg

Not to mention the Kinzhal is 8 meters or 26 feet in length. Vitali Klitschko is approx 6.5. Even the warhead of the Kinzhal is 10 feet in length. So it's impossible.

Kinzhal 8 m length.jpg

Not only that but look at the diameter of the missiles. Look at Klitschko's foot in comparison in the above picture. Just look the sheer size of a real Kinzhal below.

Kinzhal diameter 1 meter.jpg

Now notice in all the pictures above how the tip of the missile Ukraine shot down is covered. Vitali even covers the tip with his hand when displaying the missile to journalists. Why ?

Because it's actually a BETAB-500 missile whose tip of FLAT. The BETAB-500 dimensions and angles match perfectly with the "alleged" Kinzhal Ukraine shot down with a Patriot SAM. So why then did the entire western mainstream media loudly repeat claim that the Kinzhal had been shot down without even doing any research ?

Well it's simple. It's because it elevates the status of the Patriot as a weapons platform. And as they say, money makes the world go round

BET AB 500.jpg

UKR-AD launcher (believed to be PATRIOT) dumped all remaining Missiles at incoming target.

Not a smart thing apparently.

What’s your guy’s thoughts?
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Do you guys know how many countries still use black and white pictures in their national identity cards ?



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Arab worshiping mullahs of Islamic Republic hard at work to turn Iran zamin into an other Arab country . If you were wondering why 90% of Iranian military systems are called "Arabic" names here is the answer...Second "Arab" invasion of Iran in progress!

Head of Mullah's "Farsi" language and "Persian" culture protection organization:

"We have introduced no more than 30 Arabic words to Farsi language under Islamic Republic":o: ..I guess he is saying they will try harder to introduce more..the aim will be to turn "Farsi" in to "Arabic"...and he is the head of Iran's language and culture protection!!!

Traitors to Iranian culture. F*cking mullahs

Note to Arab speakers..This is not against your language..you would have the same reaction if some Arab traitor was trying to change your language to lets say Hebrew!!.
Ukraine claims they shot down 6 Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, 9 Kalibur cruise missiles, 3 Iskandar tactical ballistic missiles & 9 drones including Shahed 136/131 / Geran-2 and others. They claim that they shot down everything Russia deployed a few hours ago over Kiev.

To use a $5 million dollar missile used to shoot down a Shahed drone worth $20,000 is insane The global stockpile of Patriot missiles are limited and at this rate NATO will run out of money before anything else. I mean if they shot down Kaliburs & Khinzals then yeah it makes sense, but so far the only time Ukraine showed off the remains of a supposed Khinzal, it turned out to be fake so I don't know about this.

UKR-AD launcher (believed to be PATRIOT) dumped all remaining Missiles at incoming target.

Not a smart thing apparently.

What’s your guy’s thoughts?
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Are you surprised ? I'm not

Arab worshiping mullahs of Islamic Republic hard at work to turn Iran zamin into an other Arab country . If you were wondering why 90% of Iranian military systems are called "Arabic" names here is the answer...Second "Arab" invasion of Iran in progress!

Head of Mullah's "Farsi" language and "Persian" culture protection organization:

"We have introduced no more than 30 Arabic words to Farsi language under Islamic Republic":o: ..I guess he is saying they will try harder to introduce more..the aim will be to turn "Farsi" in to "Arabic"...and he is the head of Iran's language and culture protection!!!

Traitors to Iranian culture. F*cking mullahs

Note to Arab speakers..This is not against your language..you would have the same reaction if some Arab traitor was trying to change your language to lets say Hebrew!!.
Are you surprised ? I'm not
Iranians need to organize a civil disobedience movement inside Iran against these Mullah coch roches..Throw a rotten egg or tomato at their faces ..Boo them every time they use an Arabic name or sentence..Humiliate them when you see a mullah on the street..there are only 300,000 thousands of them against 85 million Iranians..

They should understand they are not welcomed in Iranian society unless they accept that they are Persians and not Arab butt lickers...I do not believe in regime change now ..the fu*kers have made too many enemies for Iran and any revolt will backfire on the country. Look at their supports in this PDF..all non-Iranians of East Asian countries ..
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