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Iranian Chill Thread

some fanatic self hating, arab worshipper claim they are invention of illuminati and Pahlavi dynasty

Here is an avowed, explicit "self-hater" aka inverted cultural racist:

Anyone supporting this cabal is in no position to direct terms like these at others.

May he rest in peace in his tomb because mullahs will not stop until they destroy his image and his tomb because mullah brainwashed arab worshipers and history deniers tremble at the sight of him and his achievements

The same "mullahs" restored Iran's independence, sovereignty and self-determination. Thanks to them no foreign power - be it eastern, western, Arab or zionist - has gotten to dictate policies to the Iranian Leadership for the past forty four years, a first since the 18th century.

The ousted Pahlavi regime however, for all the pompous ceremonies it organized in glorification of ancient Iranian empires and Cyrus, was but a textbook vassal of the USA and Isra"el". Both its monarchs were put in power by Anglo-Saxon imperialists, and Reza Khan humiliatingly removed in the snap of a finger the moment his foreign patrons considered he had outlived his uselfulness.

A tradition kept alive by the so-called "crown prince":



The actual face of a certain pseudo-nationalism, in reality an anti-national current through and through.

Cyrus' vote would go to the Islamic Republic over anyone of those petty compradors handled by western imperialists, zionists, freemasons and globalists. They shall never be allowed to sell Iran to their foreign masters again.
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You don’t even know where the fighter jet was or what altitude. Plus Ukrainian fighter jets have been firing Western BVR missiles as of late.s
the aim-120 is 130km away unless its pl-15 which is 170km away the Europeans solution are around 100km away , took your own missile
You were not right about anything you’re jumping to conclusions. And if SU-35 radar is archaic what do you think F-14 radar and the Kowsar radar are?
f-14 radar , well archaic , its only grace is the vast amount of channel that it can work with ,
kowsar radar more modern than f-14 radar but still archaic . in short anything not AESA is Archaic
Wow now you know the locations of all Ukrainian SAMs? Also Ukraine does have long air defense systems they have received Patriot missile and have S-300 among other western supplied air defense systems.
Ukraine s300 are old and have a max range of 75km if they were near border they would have been detected immediately .
Does not matter, if Ukrainian Missile fired a western BVR using data link capabilities.
matter a lot .
and has become more and more anti Russian.

Party line. Recent steps towards concretization of the multi-polar order are driving liberals in Iran mad. They're sensing how US hegemony is on its last legs, and how time is running out for them accordingly, ruining their chances of subjecting Iran to the western yoke - their actual objective. So expect online liberals to nervously double down on basic Russophobic and Sinophobic rhetoric these days.
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Here is an avowed, explicit "self-hater" aka inverted racist:

Anyone supporting this cabal of traitors is no position to use such terms against others.
self hater is self hater , nonmatter if he is Arab worshipper or Israel worshipper
or Russia worshipper or English worshipper you must now better than others that we didn't lack in those bunch, wonder what you argue here.
I never recall ever in last 12-13 year that i was on pdf i made any comment on his words or even for onetime sit and heard his speeches

Those "mullahs" restored Iran's independence, sovereignty and self-determination. Thanks to them no foreign power - be it eastern, western, Arab or zionist - has gotten to dictate policies to the Iranian Leadership for the past forty four years, a first since the 18th century.

The ousted Pahlavi regime however, for all the pompous ceremonies it organized in glorification of ancient Iranian empires and Cyrus, was but a servile vassal of the USA and Isra"el". Both its monarchs were put in power by Anglo-Saxon imperialists, and Reza Khan humiliatingly removed in the snap of a finger as soon as his foreign patrons considered he had outlived his uselfulness.
that can be debated. but it was not the discussion here so let not deviate from the original argument and go off topic.
Party line. Recent steps towards concretization of the multi-polar order are driving liberals in Iran mad. They're sensing how US hegemony is on its last legs, and how their chances of subjecting Iran to the western yoke - their actual objective, are dwindling by the minute. So expect their online liberals to nervously double down on basic Russophobic and Sinophobic rhetoric.
Russians actually shown how ineffective and dis organized they are . as i said for the last 40 year they were slept while the world advanced at hyper speed . to some people pointing that is following party line or becoming anti Russia.
you must fall on your knee and worship the mighty God Russia to be considered patriotic and independent for these people. also like the rest of fanatics you must be blind to the flaws of the almighty Russia and its grand priest his majesty Putin the one and magnificent .
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self hater is self hater , nonmatter if he is Arab worshipper or Israel worshipper
or Russia worshipper or English worshipper you must now better than others that we didn't lack in those bunch, wonder what you argue here.
I never recall ever in last 12-13 year that i was on pdf i made any comment on his words or even for onetime sit and heard his speeches

Anyone supporting and promoting the party represented by that specimen (who happens to be one of its main public faces), is in no position to lecture others on patriotism.

that can be debated. but it was not the discussion here so let not deviate from the original argument and go off topic.

The Islamic Revolution reinstated Iranian sovereignty after an era of subservience to western imperial powers and this does not stand to debate.

Russians actually shown how ineffective and dis organized they are . as i said for the last 40 year they were slept while the world advanced at hyper speed ,

Russia's in a proxy war against NATO, losing two fighter jets out of some thousand four hundred every now and then is not such a big deal. Moscow will press on and on until the back of the Kievan regime is broken. This is what matters at the end of the day, efficiency and organization are secondary considerations.

you must fall on your knee and worship the mighty God Russia to be considered patriotic and independent for these people. also like the rest of fanatics you must be blind to the flaws of the almighty Russia and its grand priest his majesty Putin the one and magnificent .

Fact is that nobody on this side claimed Iranian civilization is inferior to Russian civilization. Nobody came out in defence of a former regime obedient to Russian imperial overlords. We leave this sort of attitude to zionist- and western-subservient vassals as they grovel before their bosses. What we do, is partnerships and alliances on equal footing between sovereign parties. A concept liberals and shahis tend to be unfamiliar with, hence the fallacious projection, the only remaining subterfuge.

The Russian military has flaws for sure but I don't think they will lose this war. At any rate I don't hope so, because I have Iran's interest in mind and that happens to be best served by a defeat of NATO.
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Anyone supporting and promoting the party represented by that specimen (who happens to be one of its main public faces), is in no position to lecture others on patriotism.
i knew it is only reserved for self hating arab worshipping and russian worshipping

The Islamic Revolution restored Iranian sovereignty after an era of subservience to western imperial powers and no, this does not stand to debate whatsoever.
that is not the debate here
i knew it is only reserved for self hating arab worshipping and russian worshipping

Anyone joining the camp represented by the cited subject is in no position to lecture their peers on patriotism.

that is not the debate here

I was not addressing you with that statement. In all logic, you don't get to define what the debate is about when I quote another user.
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Russia's in a proxy war against NATO, losing two fighter jets out of some thousand four hundred every now and then is not a big deal. Moscow will press on and on until the back of the Kievan regime is broken. This is what matters at the end of the day, efficiency and organization are secondary considerations.
how long it take for russia to capture a small city ?
wonder if half a century is enough to break back of Kiev government , i wonder if you recall
Anyone joining the camp represented by the cited subject is in no position to lecture anyone on patriotism.
I knew you most join the camp that think Enjoining good and forbidding wrong is done through the bucket of yogurt
the one whose PM and government interact with each other through Fidelity and Dignity
the one whose broadcating agency asked government to assign 1000 car out of the usual system for its employee
the one who say is mading jobs but closed jobs because the one who went to the mal or shops had no hijab or bad hijab aka the one who afraid to enforce its law but say if people don't start to fight with each other over it they will close their living means
the one whose prominent newspaper (you read a certain daily newspaper) wrote let not talk about the corruption it make us look bad
your respective camp is even afraid of enforcing its law and prefer made people confront each other , the policy of divide and rule, guess who else uses this policy ,england , wonder if they are not getting their lines from the almighty king
how long it take for russia to capture a small city ?
wonder if half a century is enough to break back of Kiev government , i wonder if you recall
View attachment 929578

Considering the difference in manpower and the finite nature of Ukrainian infrastructures exposed to Russian strikes, Kiev is bound to break down sooner or later. Russians obviously are not in a hurry and if you believe they'll be backing down anytime soon I'm sure you'll be in for a surprise. Likewise if you believe Ukraine can sustain this for another fifty years.

I knew you most join the camp that think Enjoining good and forbidding wrong is done through the bucket of yogurt
the one whose PM and government interact with each other through Fidelity and Dignity
the one whose broadcating agency asked government to assign 1000 car out of the usual system for its employee
the one who say is mading jobs but closed jobs because the one who went to the mal or shops had no hijab or bad hijab aka the one who afraid to enforce its law but say if people don't start to fight with each other over it they will close their living means
the one whose prominent newspaper (you read a certain daily newspaper) wrote let not talk about the corruption it make us look bad
your respective camp is even afraid of enforcing its law and prefer made people confront each other , the policy of divide and rule, guess who else uses this policy ,england , wonder if they are not getting their lines from the almighty king

Kindly stop producing such inanities. Treason is treason, and it is of a completely different nature than the assortment of unrelated things quoted above.
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Considering the difference in manpower and the finite nature of Ukrainian infrastructures exposed to Russian strikes, Kiev is bound to break down sooner or later. Russians obviously are not in a hurry and if you believe they'll be backing down anytime soon you'll be in for a surprise. Likewise if you believe Ukraine can sustain this for another fifty years.
considering according to yourself before you forget you said it half an hour ago , Ukraine infrastructure for this war lies in heart of NATO and many country outside of it , Russia simply need break back of those countries , but well i doubt they attack NATO very soon
Stop babbling nonsense. Treason is treason, and it is of a completely different nature than any of the deflections quoted above.
yes treason is treason but it seems some treason done by certain party is not treason.
wonder which one is more treasonous , systematic corruption and uncontrolled inflation and say you must hide corruption or being self hating israel worshipper
considering according to yourself before you forget you said it half an hour ago , Ukraine infrastructure for this war lies in heart of NATO and many country outside of it , Russia simply need break back of those countries , but well i doubt they attack NATO very soon

There's a difference between infrastructures on the one hand and arms deliveries, intelligence support etc on the other. Kiev loses one of these, they'll be in a tough spot and if the latter is virtually unlimited the former isn't.

yes treason is treason but it seems some treason done by certain party is not treason.
wonder which one is more treasonous , systematic corruption and uncontrolled inflation and say you must hide corruption or being self hating israel worshipper

First of all it's not as if a specific camp had a monopoly on corruption or on being faced with inflation, so this contention falls flat right away. Secondly and to repeat yes, treason against the motherland to the benefit of a hostile foreign entity is magnitudes worse than these sort of thing you're coming up with.

Security and sovereignty are preconditions for tackling corruption, incompetence and the like. As a matter of fact they're preconditions for any constructive endeavour. Therefore those who threaten national security are taking aim at the very foundations of societal stability. You seemingly triviliazing treason, negative racism and submission to imperial powers by attempting to equate these with other offenses and even with shortcomings in policy making, says a lot about the line of reasoning you're compelled to resort to.

Face it, liberals have simply singled themselves out in this regard. The more you dwell on it, the more this fact will be coming to the fore.
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People like @aryobarzan are of our best forumers. Surely, i wasn't trying to bother them but there are some facts that point to the bitter of truth.

I used to love Ata Turk when i was young. I know how they feel. What that Zionist did still annoys us like an old piece of shrappenel close to our backbone. The cursed legacy of Ata Turk is the main reason why our region is invaded by west. We still suffer from his wrongdoings.

If you look at Ottoman era Writings, you could find out how Persian words were used in their literature with Arabic alphabet. Before that bastard and his collegue Reza Khan, there was no racism amongst our people-s.

I will be condemned if i point to the reality of Hakhamaneshian dynasty. But i leave it to time the best teacher. Time is a weapon that nothing can replace it.
Mohammad jan God bless you baradar
Although current discussions on Russia’s and her opponents’ strategies in the breakaway province war in themselves are interesting, I believe they lack deep historical context (sorry boys and girls).

To get a better understanding of the psychogeopolictical stance of the various parties, particularly Russia’s, I suggest you read a brief of the 1812 war which was the invasion of Russia by La Grande Armee (France plus almost all of Europe). 1 million dead. Russia wins and France and Europe are defeated with disastrous consequences.

Most importantly we see a direct mapping of those events with the events of today:

And how Ukraine will pay their nearly $100-200 billion debt after the war?

Did they just sent free money and weapons worth nearly 100 billion for free to Ukraine and never ask something back when the war ends?

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