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Iranian Chill Thread

Use you brain old man, manpad ain’t shooting SU-35 down even if it was flying low. You would have to be in perfect spot at perfect time.

More likely explanation:
There is no need to be rude. Nobody knows the cause yet, it's only speculation.
Use you brain old man, manpad ain’t shooting SU-35 down even if it was flying low. You would have to be in perfect spot at perfect time.

More likely explanation:

professor so magical su-35 radar can't detect a flanker size airplane 130km away , good to knew that i was right when i was screaming the radar on su-35 is outdated an archaic and can lock on mig-29 size airplane from 50-60km away and now you admit you were wrong when you guys all were laughing at me
also shows that FLIR on f-35 is also outdated and old and i was saying it and you guys were laughing
serve Russia right , they must learn its not ww2 anymore and airplanes most not hug the grounds , that's hilarious su-35 and su-34 hit by manpad
And you are instantly believing the unsourced claims and speculations of these so called armchair generals "military experts" on Twitter which spreads misinformation on a hourly basis
There is no need to be rude. Nobody knows the cause yet, it's only speculation.
the cause is clear Ukraine have no long range air-defense in the region its not a SAM
the Ukrainian airplane have as shitty radar as Russian ones and I doubt they can lock on su-35 or ground hugging mil-8s from 130km away
only remain one thing
Whatever Cyrus or سیروس was, he wasn't great. A butcher according to historic records. He destroyed almost all of his neighboring civilizations including Babel to save his Jewish brethren.

A couple of Iranian civilizations were also destroyed by him and his sons. Someone like Reza Shah Pahlavi son of a nobody connected to no one throned through deception and mass murder. Non of Iranian figures mentioned Cyrus as great, a nobody to say the least.

When you look at Iranian poetry, you see phrases and names like خسرو نوشیروان and other righteous rulers but no mention of this Cyrus whatever.

Btw, i posted it for some fun.
Mate your comment about history of Iran make nationalist people mad

It is better to accept all ideas and make unity

Probably he was wrong (or right) supporting Jewish people however Jews like Iranians were "monotheists" [not idol worshipper] that time

And do not fall into trap of Hack-Hook. He is a useless spammer
talk about a low RCS UAV called Ghadir and it says it was flight tested over a neighboring country.
beware that it just mentioned on some telegram channel, nothing official
beware that it just mentioned on some telegram channel, nothing official
And also beware of these so called twitter experts giving claims of downing of Su-35 with a slingshot and 150% interception rate of missiles and drones
Mate your comment about history of Iran make nationalist people mad

It is better to accept all ideas and make unity

Probably he was wrong (or right) supporting Jewish people however Jews like Iranians were "monotheists" [not idol worshipper] that time

And do not fall into trap of Hack-Hook. He is a useless spammer
People like @aryobarzan are of our best forumers. Surely, i wasn't trying to bother them but there are some facts that point to the bitter of truth.

I used to love Ata Turk when i was young. I know how they feel. What that Zionist did still annoys us like an old piece of shrappenel close to our backbone. The cursed legacy of Ata Turk is the main reason why our region is invaded by west. We still suffer from his wrongdoings.

If you look at Ottoman era Writings, you could find out how Persian words were used in their literature with Arabic alphabet. Before that bastard and his collegue Reza Khan, there was no racism amongst our people-s.

I will be condemned if i point to the reality of Hakhamaneshian dynasty. But i leave it to time the best teacher. Time is a weapon that nothing can replace it.
People like @aryobarzan are of our best forumers. Surely, i wasn't trying to bother them but there are some facts that point to the bitter of truth.

I used to love Ata Turk when i was young. I know how they feel. What that Zionist did still annoys us like an old piece of shrappenel close to our backbone. The cursed legacy of Ata Turk is the main reason why our region is invaded by west. We still suffer from his wrongdoings.

If you look at Ottoman era Writings, you could find out how Persian words were used in their literature with Arabic alphabet. Before that bastard and his collegue Reza Khan, there was no racism amongst our people-s.

I will be condemned if i point to the reality of Hakhamaneshian dynasty. But i leave it to time the best teacher. Time is a weapon that nothing can replace it.
Our history is what keeps us connected to our past..some were good some painful but it is ours..we should not ruin the legacy of our heros even if some of it is not to our likings...Remember in times of crisis it is these historical memories that send young men to fight for their country..and we should not insult other countries heros it is for them to decide...you are a religious man imagine if your heros are insulted or their existence questioned...They were all men, kings and saints..just men and man is not perfect.
I post this again:
AI generated CYRUS THE GREAT founder of Persian empire the largest empire in the known world .
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May he rest in peace in his tomb because mullahs will not stop until they destroy his image and his tomb because mullah brainwashed arab worshipers and history deniers tremble at the sight of him and his achievements
Most of your colleagues are white-worshippers ready to do anything to make whites accept you and have an inferiority complex insulting anything that isn't white.
There is no need to be rude. Nobody knows the cause yet, it's only speculation.

He’s an old grumpy man who thinks Kowsar is a better solution than SU-35 and has become more and more anti Russian.

professor so magical su-35 radar can't detect a flanker size airplane 130km away ,

You don’t even know where the fighter jet was or what altitude. Plus Ukrainian fighter jets have been firing Western BVR missiles as of late.s

good to knew that i was right when i was screaming the radar on su-35 is outdated an archaic and can lock on mig-29 size airplane from 50-60km away and now you admit you were wrong when you guys all were laughing at me

You were not right about anything you’re jumping to conclusions. And if SU-35 radar is archaic what do you think F-14 radar and the Kowsar radar are?

the cause is clear Ukraine have no long range air-defense in the region its not a SAM

Wow now you know the locations of all Ukrainian SAMs? Also Ukraine does have long air defense systems they have received Patriot missile and have S-300 among other western supplied air defense systems.

the Ukrainian airplane have as shitty radar as Russian ones and I doubt they can lock on su-35 or ground hugging mil-8s from 130km away
only remain one thing

Does not matter, if Ukrainian Missile fired a western BVR using data link capabilities.
the cause is clear Ukraine have no long range air-defense in the region its not a SAM
the Ukrainian airplane have as shitty radar as Russian ones and I doubt they can lock on su-35 or ground hugging mil-8s from 130km away
only remain one thing
Did you know that western AWACS are flying 24/24 near Ukraine and Russia to transmit every data to their Ukrainian proxies, providing them early warning, where to shoot, which target it is, satellite imagery, spy intel and the location of every areas where Russians are and exactly when they fly their fighter/bombers?

Ukraine is able to fly their own aircrafts not even minutes after Russian one lift off with direct data provided by Western spy planes, AWACS, satellites, directly providing them the targets, using datalink

You are really thinking that a presumed Ukrainian MiG-29 have shot down a Su-35 without any help simply relying on their soviet era airplane capabilities?

This is nearly the same kind of belief as the Ghost of Kiev one.

The Ukrainian army and its branches are factually western proxy groups as of today. Without its financial, political, military help, it would cease to exist, this is the pure definition of a proxy, a group that if not given free money, propaganda, weapons, this group would cease to exist.

But nonetheless Kowsar-III would have easily destroyed both of the Su-35, MiG-29, Mi-8 with its Fakour-90 Mk.3 BVR missile from 500km away of the old PESA crap ancestral radar of the Su-35 i guess.

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