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Iranian Chill Thread

interesting so now the clothes that shahid Rajaee wore is un-islamic
and guess what mr. khomeini , tabrizi, khamenei, sistani, Fazel, Noori and Makarem when asked said there is no problem with it.
Iran should take note of North Korea and feed some of these fat useless mullahs to the dogs...the rest will put their tail between their legs and move to Taliban land..lol
Every Iranian should know the name of Maryam Mirzakhani and spread her legacy to inspire their children

The most highly accomplished woman in mathematics in modern times (the first woman to ever win the Fields Medal in Mathematics), who spent most of her life in Iran

A shining example that nothing is impossible for our very talented Iranian women

In Oxford University they have a scholarship named after Maryam Mirzakhani, Sharif and other great universities in Iran must also honour her legacy (I know they already do)

She is the pride of Iran

why u hate Islam and mullah??
are u one one of those zorostorian cultist??
or an atheist who does that normally.
Iran should take note of North Korea and feed some of these fat useless mullahs to the dogs...the rest will put their tail between their legs and move to Taliban land..lol
why u hate Islam and mullah??
are u one one of those zorostorian cultist??
or an atheist who does that normally.
I do not hate Islam..I hate most but not all mullahs..they have created a "class" society like a " cast" system..mullahs have their own courts..they get job because they are mullahs not because thay know the trade..their children are called " bacheh mullah"..and these "bacheh mullahs" get government jobs and other privilages automatically..there is about 300,000 Mullahs in Iran..some like SL are educated hardworking and smart..most are ignorant lazy fat asses...

Mullah place is in the mosques..not making policy and not telling people what you wear. In a country that makes hypersonic missile these tactics do not work..may be they work in Afghanistan but not Iran. And by the way by family I am supposed to be a Shia Muslim by choice I only believe in Parvardegar.
I do not hate Islam..I hate most but not all mullahs..they have created a "class" society like a " cast" system..mullahs have their own courts..they get job because they are mullahs not because thay know the trade..their children are called " bacheh mullah"..and these "bacheh mullahs" get government jobs and other privilages automatically..there is about 300,000 Mullahs in Iran..some like SL are educated hardworking and smart..most are ignorant lazy fat asses...

Mullah place is in the mosques..not making policy and not telling people what you wear. In a country that makes hypersonic missile these tactics do not work..may be they work in Afghanistan but not Iran. And by the way by family I am supposed to be a Shia Muslim by choice I only believe in Parvardegar.
Future Iran will be led by nationalist technocrats linked to the IRGC. That is the trend and seems inevitable.
why u hate Islam and mullah??
are u one one of those zorostorian cultist??
or an atheist who does that normally.
no he is not , but some of this clerics at the power are making their own Islam and want to feed it to others , here is the case they want to ban short sleeve clothes at offices while the the grand clerics and even our supreme leader when asked said there is no problem with it
This is a UNESCO science report issued on 2021 about trends in higher education in Iran. It dwarfs even the Western European standards in both quantity and quality of education. Iran is way beyond its neighbors in education standards and development by a great margin.

It would be nice if Russia gives one of these to Iran for reverse engineering.

Or if an arms dealer is able to purchase one from a corrupt group of Ukrainian soldiers.
that dam was a failed project it never achieved its output project

Say hostile western sources and their counterparts.

the pukchang PowerStation complex is made by soviet union not korea

It was vastly expanded by the DPRK without assistance from the outside.

this is the reality of energy and consequently industry in Koreans peninsula



This is a UNESCO science report issued on 2021 about trends in higher education in Iran. It dwarfs even the Western European standards in both quantity and quality of education. Iran is way beyond its neighbors in education standards and development by a great margin. View attachment 929378

All thanks to the sound policies of none other than the Islamic Republic. If development (including at superior pace) is possible without vassalage to zio-American imperialism as evidenced by the IR, why would anyone want to trade away national sovereignty and independence or to abandon principled anti-imperial Resistance? Considering the facts, one would either have to be oblivious to them or a neo-colonial comprador to long for restoration of the geopolitical conditions prevailing under the ousted monarchy.

Only worrisome aspect is how the number of tertiary students has been dropping for no less than 7 years in a row due to insufficient fertility. A perfect illustration as to why government must take every possible step now in order to boost child births before it's too late. Fertility must climb from the abysmal current 1,74 to between 2,1 and 2,5 children per female in age of giving birth. This will simply stabilize the Iranian population at its current level. If fertility does not improve however, then Iran's population will soon start decreasing barring mass immigration; the average age of Iranians will exceed sustainable limits. The chart in question offers a tiny glimpse into the catastrophic impact of demographic ageing on the economy - fewer students, less R&D, less innovation, smaller workforce, drop in national production, impossibility to fund pensions etc. The current situation is a consequence of policies conducted by liberal (reformist / moderate) administrations, and the very same elements are now lobbying hard to prevent the administration from fixing the issue, because they want Iranians to age so they can promote mass-immigration as part of their globalist agenda, and their vision of the ideal economy for Iran is a mono-sectorial crude oil exporting one.

Iran should take note of North Korea and feed some of these fat useless mullahs to the dogs...the rest will put their tail between their legs and move to Taliban land..lol

Without the revolutionary clergy, Iran would continue to be a serf of the zionists and Americans. The first popular movement against foreign exploitation in Iran's modern history was initiated by a cleric, the great Ayatollah Mirza Hassan Shirazi who issued a fatwa in 1890 against the concession granted by Naser ed-Din shah to the British for control over Iran's tobacco industry, leading to a successful popular uprising.


Iranian history is full of "fat, useless" secularists, freemasons, zionists, sold out monarchs and their non-clerical cronies.

they get job because they are mullahs not because thay know the trade..their children are called " bacheh mullah"..and these "bacheh mullahs" get government jobs and other privilages automatically..there is about 300,000 Mullahs in Iran..

And some 90% of those clerics are not engaging in politics nor in government whatsoever. Most are living simple lives and do not belong to the upper class. Also their views range from apolitical to liberal and western-subservient via revolutionary, conservative, you name it.

Economic privileges do not stem from whether one descends from a cleric nor from one's connections to the clergy, but from political-financial corruption per se. As a matter of fact most āqāzāde have non-clerical fathers. Not going to post names but those familiar with Iranian politics know of officials who aren't clerics by any means but whose offspring has been reported to benefit from assorted privileges. This will not go away by removing the Iranian government's theocratic character and the enhanced role it provides to clerics in political institutions.

The focus on clerics in this regard is therefore misleading and unwarranted. It is deliberately being promoted by Iran's foreign enemies to incite people against the Islamic Republic and foment social frictions as a prelude to a general destabilization of Iran. Same powers and their exiled oppositionist stooges are currently encouraging violence against random clergymen in the streets. Such actions are detrimental in every respect and will be met with appropriate response from police and the courts. Also contrary to a certain narrative the IRGC is neither secularist nor anti-clerical, it would enthusiastically lead efforts to protect the Islamic Revolution domestically if required.
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AI reconstructed image of Cyrus face


Looks like throned Ahmadinejad to me

source of the photo and then we talk about it, the colors are wrong and show the photo is somehow modified
Without the revolutionary clergy, Iran would continue to be a serf of the zionists and Americans. The first popular movement against foreign exploitation in Iran's modern history was initiated by a cleric, the great Ayatollah Mirza Hassan Shirazi who issued a fatwa in 1890 against the concession granted by Naser ed-Din shah to the British for control over Iran's tobacco industry, leading to a successful popular uprising.

we are talking about the more catholic than pope clerics who want to make a new Islam and ban what there are fatwas from majority of grand Ayatollahs and Marjaa that is allowed and no problem with it
by the way hope you mean recent history not all history as we had many cases of uprising and fight against foreign intervention before mirzay-e-Shirazi decree .for example in Qajar era we had Mirza Taghi Khan-e Farahani we had seyed jamal-al-din asad abadi
by the way he himself didn't start the uprising , he did it when tobacco firmer and merchants went to him and made complaint over the situation.

AI reconstructed image of Cyrus face

View attachment 929407

Looks like throned Ahmadinejad to me
fake image by ahmadinejad fans.
there is no skull remain from Cyrus the great to reconstruct his face
source of the photo and then we talk about it, the colors are wrong and show the photo is somehow modified

No it's not.

@yugocrosrb95 : Here's someone claiming you shared a doctored document, and more hilariously, that the DPRK "has no industries". This is the thinking of reformists and moderates in Iran. Behold.

we are talking about the more catholic than pope clerics who want to make a new Islam and ban what there are fatwas from majority of grand Ayatollahs and Marjaa that is allowed and no problem with it

"The mullahs" is a reference to the clergy in general. If someone intends to differentiate, they will do so. If however they use "the mullahs" in an undifferentiated way, then it's clear that they don't simply mean a specific category of clerics.

As for attempts at spinning Islamic tenets, it's a favorite pastime of liberals worldwide seeking to subject the Islamic world to their globalist agenda.

by the way hope you mean recent history not all history as we had many cases of uprising and fight against foreign intervention before mirzay-e-Shirazi decree .for example in Qajar era we had Mirza Taghi Khan-e Farahani we had seyed jamal-al-din asad abadi

My comment was explicit and spot on.

by the way he himself didn't start the uprising , he did it when tobacco firmer and merchants went to him and made complaint over the situation.

There's no evidence that this motivated his decision, chronological coincidence does not equal causation. Even if it was the case it would show that the ayatOllah espoused a position of economic nationalism. Which can't be said of numerous secularists (both in the exiled opposition and among in-house liberals) bent on turning Iran into a mono-sectorial crude oil exporter.

And it changes nothing to the fact that ayatOllah Shirazi's fatwa was what triggered the popular uprising which saved the Iranian tobacco industry from being placed under British control. So my point stands and no amount of pilpul could possibly relativize it.
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No it's not.
the color are wrong , and i already found the original source of the photo . it come from the blogs of a self proclaimed communist and socialist
just wanted you go and search from where it originated
My comment was explicit and completely accurate.
and mine also is clear he was not the first even in Qajar era there were many before him who stood against exploitation by foreigners and promoted awakening .
"The mullahs" is a reference to the clergy in general. If someone intends to differentiate, they will do so. If however they use "the mullahs" in an undifferentiated way, then it's clear that they do not simply mean a specific category of clerics.

As for attempts at spinning Islamic tenets, they abound especially among liberals worldwide. There are no fatwas claiming that hejab isn't compulsory in Islam. There are no fatwas suggesting that Iran's Islamic dress code is haram. And so on and so forth.
the discussion was about men clothes and short sleeved clothes and how in latest guidelines short sleeved clothes is forbidden while it is allowed be various grand clerics while cravats and Bow ties are not forbidden while they were discouraged by various grand clerics because of their relation to western culture

There's no evidence that this motivated his decision. And it changes nothing to the fact that he was instrumental in the event.
well only if he did the same when the Naser-al-din and mozaffar-aldin shah were selling country to foreigners piece by piece to finance their travel to europe
the color are wrong , and i already found the original source of the photo . it come from the blogs of a self proclaimed communist and socialist
just wanted you go and search from where it originated

There's nothing wrong with the photograph.

and mine also is clear he was not the first

The first such movement, and the first successful one at that in the modern era was initiated by a cleric. Cope with it.

even in Qajar era there were many before him who stood against exploitation by foreigners and promoted awakening .

All of whom were deeply religious and not a single one of whom was anti-clerical.

the discussion was about men clothes and short sleeved clothes and how in latest guidelines short sleeved clothes is forbidden while it is allowed be various grand clerics

No my statement was not about that at all. I quoted a user's words and countered them with valid facts and arguments. Will repeat these as many times as necessary. Go troll elsewhere.

cravats and Bow ties are not forbidden while they were discouraged by various grand clerics because of their relation to western culture

This can warrant bans if deemed necessary to protect Islamic culture and/or the Islamic character of the public space.
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