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Iranian Chill Thread

Iranians need to organize a civil disobedience movement inside Iran against these Mullah coch roches..Throw a rotten egg or tomato at their faces ..Boo them every time they use an Arabic name or sentence..Humiliate them when you see a mullah on the street..there are only 300,000 thousands of them against 85 million Iranians..

They should understand they are not welcomed in Iranian society unless they accept that they are Persians and not Arab butt lickers...I do not believe in regime change now ..the fu*kers have made too many enemies for Iran and any revolt will backfire on the country. Look at their supports in this PDF..all non-Iranians of East Asian countries ..
there are only 300,000 thousands of them against 85 million Iranians..
Then Iranians must be the most coward people on earth if everyone of the 85millions wants to kick out the "arab boot lickers" to replace them with something else, but they don't do it because they are 85m slaved cowards according to you, you imply this.
Then Iranians must be the most coward people on earth if everyone of the 85millions wants to kick out the "arab boot lickers" to replace them with something else, but they don't do it because they are 85m slaved cowards according to you, you imply this.
No..because 85 million Iranians know that the Arab boot licker mullahs will not leave peacefully . They and their fellow newly immigrated and awarded citizenship goons will put up a fight to ensure they destroy the country before they ship out...So patriotic Iranians have to suffer in silence and hope for a peaceful change of leadership..but those Iranians are loosing patience . Next revolt and next one after will eventually get rid of the parasites .
No..because 85 million Iranians know that the Arab boot licker mullahs will not leave peacefully . They and their fellow newly immigrated and awarded citizenship goons will put up a fight to ensure they destroy the country before they ship out...So patriotic Iranians have to suffer in silence and hope for a peaceful change of leadership..but those Iranians are loosing patience . Next revolt and next one after will eventually get rid of the parasites .
Same in Turkey tbh
Arab worshiping mullahs of Islamic Republic hard at work to turn Iran zamin into an other Arab country . If you were wondering why 90% of Iranian military systems are called "Arabic" names here is the answer...Second "Arab" invasion of Iran in progress!

Head of Mullah's "Farsi" language and "Persian" culture protection organization:

"We have introduced no more than 30 Arabic words to Farsi language under Islamic Republic":o: ..I guess he is saying they will try harder to introduce more..the aim will be to turn "Farsi" in to "Arabic"...and he is the head of Iran's language and culture protection!!!

Traitors to Iranian culture. F*cking mullahs

Note to Arab speakers..This is not against your language..you would have the same reaction if some Arab traitor was trying to change your language to lets say Hebrew!!.
Islamic Republic is biggest keeper of persian language in world.
87 percent of Iranian people can read and write persian language because of revolution.
Biggest publisher of persian books in history is Islamic Republic.

Even most schools and universities and libraries with Persian language bases stablished by islamic republic.

No other government in history of humanity did this much.
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Same in Turkey tbh
Original people's of Iran and Turkey are becoming minorities in their own lands because of politics..non natives and newly arrived citizens have become the loude voice..silent majority will wakeup and change this..

Mullahs of Iran spent 3 to 5 billion dollars to rebuild South Lebanon after Israel invasion...Mullahs give billions to Palestinians to arm and build homes and all the while they keep these figures hidden from Iranian population..never ever anyone in the parlement has questioned why..meanwhile the fu*kers have no money to spend on Airforce or ground forces...how many years they want to recirculate WWII helmets...lol
Original people's of Iran and Turkey are becoming minorities in their own lands because of politics..non natives and newly arrived citizens have become the loude voice..silent majority will wakeup and change this..

Mullahs of Iran spent 3 to 5 billion dollars to rebuild South Lebanon after Israel invasion...Mullahs give billions to Palestinians to arm and build homes and all the while they keep these figures hidden from Iranian population..never ever anyone in the parlement has questioned why..meanwhile the fu*kers have no money to spend on Airforce or ground forces...how many years they want to recirculate WWII helmets...lol
Yup, same in Turkey, people are dying in the rubbles of their old decaying homes while Erdo lives in his 1000 room palace
Look at their supports in this PDF..all non-Iranians of East Asian countries ..

Says he who, in order to take aim at his country's government, needs to invite and team up with a non-Iranian, hostile Turkish user whose daily trolling has dragged down the level of forum discussions.

Arab worshiping mullahs of Islamic Republic hard at work to turn Iran zamin into an other Arab country . If you were wondering why 90% of Iranian military systems are called "Arabic" names here is the answer...Second "Arab" invasion of Iran in progress!

Head of Mullah's "Farsi" language and "Persian" culture protection organization:

"We have introduced no more than 30 Arabic words to Farsi language under Islamic Republic" ..I guess he is saying they will try harder to introduce more..the aim will be to turn "Farsi" in to "Arabic"...and he is the head of Iran's language and culture protection!!!

Traitors to Iranian culture. F*cking mullahs

Note to Arab speakers..This is not against your language..you would have the same reaction if some Arab traitor was trying to change your language to lets say Hebrew!!.

You're radically misinterpreting what the news report is actually conveying. What the article is pointing to, is the fact that practically every Arabic term introduced into the Persian language was done so before the Islamic Revolution.

Some thirty words after the Revolution, that's less than one per year! Yeah sure, with a single word adopted every one and a half years, Farsi will soon turn into an Arabic dialect... do you seriously hear yourself? Especially since countless new Persian terms were coined during the same period.

This is while in the meantime, several hundreds of English words have made their way into the daily usage of Iranians. But of course, one will hardly ever hear so-called "nationalists" complain about this. Their only focus is on anything Arab because Islam, the religion followed by Iranians as well as close to 2 billion people across the world (essentially non-Arabs) originated there, and they cannot accept it. Notwithstanding the fact that the sole threat of linguistic acculturation nowadays is emanating not from Arabic but from English.

To sum it up:

* Hundreds if not thousands of Persian words were specially designed and registered by the Persian language institute since the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
* Maybe thirty Arabic ones adopted. = Huge net gain for Persian. Our language has actually become more Persianized from the lexical point of view since 1979. "Nationalists" remain oblivious to this reality, obsessing about an insignificant amount of Arabic terms.
* Innumerable English words are threatening the consistency of Persian, but "nationalists" don't bother.

Simply unbelievable, this level of disconnection from reality.

Oh, and "mullahs" and Islam are here to stay. Get used to it.
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Says he who, in order to attack his country's government, needs to invite and team up with a non-Iranian, hostile Turkish user whose daily trolling has dragged down the level of forum discussions.

You're radically misinterpreting what the news report is actually conveying. What the article is pointing to, is the fact that practically every Arabic term introduced into the Persian language was done so before the Islamic Revolution.

Some thirty words after the Revolution, that's less than one per year! Yeah sure, with a single word adopted every one and a half years, Farsi will soon turn into an Arabic dialect... do you seriously hear yourself? Especially since countless new Persian terms were coined during the same period.

This is while in the meantime, several hundreds of English words have made their way into the daily usage of Iranians. But of course, one will hardly ever hear so-called "nationalists" complain about this. Their only focus is on anything Arab because Islam, the religion followed by Iranians as well as close to 2 billion people across the world (essentially non-Arabs) originated there, and they cannot accept it. Notwithstanding the fact that the sole threat of linguistic acculturation nowadays is emanating not from Arabic but from English.

To sum it up:

* Hundreds if not thousands of Persian words were specially designed and registered by the Persian language institute since the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
* Maybe thirty Arabic ones adopted. = Huge net gain for Persian. Our language has actually become more Persianized from the lexical point of view since 1979. "Nationalists" remain oblivious to this reality, obsessing about an insignificant amount of Arabic terms.
* Innumerable English words are threatening the consistency of Persian, but "nationalists" don't bother.

Simply unbelievable, this level of disconnection from reality.
He is in charge of protecting Persian language..instead he is trying to justify inclusion of Arabic words pre and after revolution...do your F*cking job and protect the language do not justify the failure and if you can not protect the language give the job to some one else. May be like Mahdi Persian.

As for Turkish visitor he is a Turkish patriot just as I am an Iranian patriot. I am glad he comes to our forum and provides his views..I do not expect him to massage the IR ego..we leave that task to our newly arrived immigrant citizens.
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He is charge of protecting Persian language..instead he is trying to justify inclusion of Arabic words pre and after revolution...do your F*cking job and protect the language do not justify the failure and if you can not protect the language give the job to some one else. May be like Mahdi Persian.

As for Turkish visitor he is a Turkish patriot just as I am an Iranian patriot. I am glad he comes to our forum and provides his views..I do not expect him to massage the IR ego..we leave that task to our newly arrived immigrant citizens.
Arabic words went to persian language several hundred years ago. You can't related this to islamic republic.

Mullas love iran more than fake nationalists. They want iran became an independent and religious nation.

This is only way to became a great power. Every great powers in history of humanity have these (independence, belive)

Islamic Republic is best thing happened to iran after safavid dynasty (safavid united iran once again after 1000 years)
He is in charge of protecting Persian language..instead he is trying to justify inclusion of Arabic words pre and after revolution...do your F*cking job and protect the language do not justify the failure and if you can not protect the language give the job to some one else. May be like Mahdi Persian.

Hundreds if not thousands of words based on Persian stems were conceived and registered after the Islamic Revolution. Which means the lexical proportion of Persian vocabs has increased thanks to the work of that institute.

You're fixating on some thirty purported Arabic terms most probably confined to the religious field, literally a drop in the ocean, and claimed this is indicative of some sort of a plot by clerics to replace Persian with Arabic as the national language of Iran... As an engineer, your math skills should tell you how at this rate, it would take several millennia to make Farsi sound anything like Arabic. This is without factoring in the additions of new Persian words, which outweigh anything else by a huge margin.

So the scenario that's apparently getting you worked up is never going to happen. However, this sort of fearmongering suggests you need to hold your horses because if you actually believe what you initially wrote, it'll mean you stopped thinking straight on this particular matter, no offense.

Why not react to the danger of English linguistic globalization, which has been affecting Iran in an unprecedented manner over recent years? Here we're not talking a handful of obscure specialized terms which barely anyone is resorting to, but mundane alien words creeping into the actual daily usage of Iranians. English is therefore the acute current threat, not Arabic. The institute in question has been doing a commendable job in this regard.

To those who are having an issue with the fact that Arabic words entered the Persian language more than a thousand years ago, if you're going to point fingers at the Islamic Republic you might as well do so at the pseudo-nationalist regime of the Pahlavis and every Iranian government since the fall of the Sassanids. Or at the very landmarks of Persian literature as well as their authors, every single one of whom happened to include Arabic vocabs in their poems.

As for Turkish visitor he is a Turkish patriot just as I am an Iranian patriot. I am glad he comes to our forum and provides his views..I do not expect him to massage the IR ego..

The user has been trolling this section for months, drawing legitimate complaints from multiple Iranians. Should we invite a couple of Arab patriots, who will prove just as reluctant to 'massage the IR ego', while we're at it? I'd rather say you want that person around because of their political views, and because of a comparatively favorable bias towards their (foreign) nationality, isn't it.
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Arab worshiping mullahs of Islamic Republic hard at work to turn Iran zamin into an other Arab country . If you were wondering why 90% of Iranian military systems are called "Arabic" names here is the answer...Second "Arab" invasion of Iran in progress!

Head of Mullah's "Farsi" language and "Persian" culture protection organization:

"We have introduced no more than 30 Arabic words to Farsi language under Islamic Republic":o: ..I guess he is saying they will try harder to introduce more..the aim will be to turn "Farsi" in to "Arabic"...and he is the head of Iran's language and culture protection!!!

Traitors to Iranian culture. F*cking mullahs

Note to Arab speakers..This is not against your language..you would have the same reaction if some Arab traitor was trying to change your language to lets say Hebrew!!.

Let's take a look at these inventions or acts and initial reaction of these people in places of making right or wrong decisions :

Sport ( chess or some cases even dance ! )
GMO products
Military equipment
Army ( after revolution )
And ...

One particular group almost always is in wrong side of history.
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