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Iranian Chill Thread

@mohsen @Muhammed45
فکر کنم بیشتر مواقع فحش دادن نه تنها مشکلی‌ حل نکرده بلکه مشکلیم اگه باشه بزرگترش می‌کنه
همین آقای "دیوس" و "احمق" کارنامش از خیلی‌ از این آقایان خودی و ارزشی بهتر بده با وجودی که مجلس اقلیت در دستشون بود
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1394 - 1398

مجلس خیلی‌ راحت می‌تونه با ابزاری که قانون اساسی‌ در اختیارش گذاشته دولت رو کنترل کنه

View attachment 930244

همین جا من از آقای عارف معذرت می‌خوام که این نسبت‌های ناروا رو تکرار کردم​
عارف یک ماهیگیر حرفه ایست که با شومن بازی و فرصت طلبی شروع به جذب بخش خاکستری جامعه کرده و میکنه. همین کوتوله های حزب باد و طرفدار روحانی، باعث زیر بار رفتن ایران و ایرانی شدند
*Get used to it*
This is very rude statement and will only push more and more people away from Islam.
Because Iranian govt's ideology is connected to religion so every mischief by govt will translate into hate for religion itself by people on street
You should be very careful in choosing the words

Your definition of 'very rude' seems a tad bizarre. Especially if you look at the language resorted to by oppositionists to the Islamic Republic, who definitely constitute one of the most foul-mouthed lots one may find. While the poster I responded to is not exactly as rude, they had still made repeated use of an invective starting with the letter "f", had advocated sending clerics to labor camps, yet you found no issue with that. Oppositionist users repeatedly insulted my relatives, where were you then to lecture them? It seems to me I've been rather courteous and patient overall.

Also when I say get used to it, what's meant is that nobody will manage to uproot Islam from Iran. Islam is deeply ingrained in Iranian society. Radical antagonism to the religion of the land, a behaviour directly encouraged and promoted by the enemy's colossal propaganda and psy-ops apparatus, won't get oppositionists anywhere, all it will achieve is to increase social tensions.

Since inherently when we humans see something pushed into our throat constantly and forcefully,we develop some kind of hate for it no matter how good it is and want to escape from it

I'm not surprised that someone who supports the western-leaning agenda of the reformists would use terms such as "pushing [religion] down people's throats constantly and forcefully" to describe Islamic governance. As for the quoted suggestion, do you develop hatred for the prohibition to kill? For the obligation to wear seat belts? It's slightly more complicated than that.
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*Get used to it*
This is very rude statement and will only push more and more people away from Islam.
Because Iranian govt's ideology is connected to religion so every mischief by govt will translate into hate for religion itself by people on street
You should be very careful in choosing the words Since inherently when we humans see something pushed into our throat constantly and forcefully,we develop some kind of hate for it no matter how good it is and want to escape from it
When Iran eventually gets a nationalist government and " Islamic Republic "becomes "Iranian Republic" three things will happen

1- mullahs will go back to mosques to be mullahs
2- Islam as a religion will be shunned by many Iranians for generations
3- All the foreign nationals that have been given Iranian citizenship by the mullahs to protect them will be shown to door.
When Iran eventually gets a nationalist government and " Islamic Republic "becomes "Iranian Republic" three things will happen

1- mullahs will go back to mosques to be mullahs
2- Islam as a religion will be shunned by many Iranians for generations
3- All the foreign nationals that have been given Iranian citizenship by the mullahs to protect them will be shown to door.
Tell us:

-How Iran is actually "Arabized" like you say?

-What would be an imaginary "Iranian Republic" according to you

-Where are your sources for Islam being less prominent in Iran and atheism/"neo zoroastrianism" rising (inside Iran, not the diaspora)

-What is a "Nationalist government" according to you

-Who do you think will pop out as a president

-Do you think a change will not happen without foreign involvement to profit of Iran (again)?

-You are not living in Iran according to your flag, will you get back in Iran immediately after the "mullah" falls, leaving your comfort zone in Canada and your salary?

-Are you willing to give some Iran land (For instance allowing Iran Kurds to have an autonomous state, or even giving them an "independant" state within Iran) or something like Hong Kong?

-Are you okay with Iran abandoning all its progress like nuclear, military? if no, do you think Iran will still have the right to pursue nuclear and military even without the "mullahs", without being forced to dismantle its ballistic missile arsenal, give up all its projects in favor of purchasing backdoored products and backdoored nuclear power plants in the same way as Qatar/UAE/Kuwait?

-You think Israel is a friend of Iran

-You think USA and UK has good intentions for Iran and wants to bring freedom for them for free

Please answer these simple questions
Aside from these controversies, an interesting event occurred not long ago.
President Raisi's address to the congregation on the eve of the night of martyrdom, an important event for Islam in Iran.
In his speech, Raisi made the unusual complaint that some people are only interested in asking women to wear the hijab, but that they should be more concerned about a variety of social issues.
This is a real picture of Iran that is never reported in the Western media.
The West is not interested in the Iranian government because to the West, the Iranian government must be a fanatical theocratic government that oppresses its citizens.
Tell us:

-How Iran is actually "Arabized" like you say?

-What would be an imaginary "Iranian Republic" according to you

-Where are your sources for Islam being less prominent in Iran and atheism/"neo zoroastrianism" rising (inside Iran, not the diaspora)

-What is a "Nationalist government" according to you

-Who do you think will pop out as a president

-Do you think a change will not happen without foreign involvement to profit of Iran (again)?

-You are not living in Iran according to your flag, will you get back in Iran immediately after the "mullah" falls, leaving your comfort zone in Canada and your salary?

-Are you willing to give some Iran land (For instance allowing Iran Kurds to have an autonomous state, or even giving them an "independant" state within Iran) or something like Hong Kong?

-Are you okay with Iran abandoning all its progress like nuclear, military? if no, do you think Iran will still have the right to pursue nuclear and military even without the "mullahs", without being forced to dismantle its ballistic missile arsenal, give up all its projects in favor of purchasing backdoored products and backdoored nuclear power plants in the same way as Qatar/UAE/Kuwait?

-You think Israel is a friend of Iran

-You think USA and UK has good intentions for Iran and wants to bring freedom for them for free

Please answer these simple questions
پناهیان: فیلمی که زندگی را بدون رنج نمایش دهد، مستهجن است
حجت الاسلام علیرضا پناهیان، خطیب مشهور در مراسم ویژه شهادت حضرت امام صادق(ع) در فاطمیه بزرگ تهران، در بخشی از اظهاراتش درباره زندگی در دنیا گفت: اگر بخواهیم به وزیر ارشاد تذکر دهیم که جلوی تولید و پخش فیلم مستهجن را بگیرد، چه تصویری در ذهن دارید؟ زن سرلخت و نمایش شراب خواری و روابط آنچنانی و...منتها از نظر من فیلم مستهجن این نیست. وی افزود: فیلم مستهجنی که وزارت ارشاد نباید اجازه تولید و پخش آن را بدهد یعنی آن فیلمی که زندگی در دنیا را « بدون رنج » نشان دهد. ولو دائم در امامزاده باشد و همه بازیگران هم با چادر و پوشیه باشند! فیلمی که زندگی در دنیا را بدون رنج نمایش دهد، یعنی کلاه سر شما گذاشته و مردم را دچار توهم کرده است. زندگی در دنیا بدون رنج نمی‌شود! این را ائمه به ما نشان دادند

"Novel" takes from another influential person.

He is and has been in position of power to the point that these statements have real influence on outcome of decisions. what kind of society he likes to see ?

According to UK's NHS :

Symptoms - Clinical depression

The psychological symptoms of depression include:

  • continuous low mood or sadness
  • feeling hopeless and helpless
  • having low self-esteem
  • feeling tearful
  • feeling guilt-ridden
  • feeling irritable and intolerant of others
  • having no motivation or interest in things
  • finding it difficult to make decisions
  • not getting any enjoyment out of life
  • feeling anxious or worried
  • having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself

Physical symptoms​

The physical symptoms of depression include:

  • moving or speaking more slowly than usual
  • changes in appetite or weight (usually decreased, but sometimes increased)
  • constipation
  • unexplained aches and pains
  • lack of energy
  • low sex drive (loss of libido)
  • changes to your menstrual cycle
  • disturbed sleep – for example, finding it difficult to fall asleep at night or waking up very early in the morning

Social symptoms​

The social symptoms of depression include:

  • avoiding contact with friends and taking part in fewer social activities
  • neglecting your hobbies and interests
  • having difficulties in your home, work or family life

With people like these in position of power do you think this country needs an enemy to harm or destroy it ?
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When Iran eventually gets a nationalist government and " Islamic Republic "becomes "Iranian Republic" three things will happen

1- mullahs will go back to mosques to be mullahs
2- Islam as a religion will be shunned by many Iranians for generations
3- All the foreign nationals that have been given Iranian citizenship by the mullahs to protect them will be shown to door.

Ironically, Turkey and it’s population are moving fast towards islam intertwined with government and Iranian population is moving away.

There are plenty of clerics in Iran that don’t agree with heavy hand of clergy in government (separation of church and state). Iranian parliament is already filled mostly with IRGC alumni and technocrats.

It’s important to state that Shunning Islam won’t make Iran suddenly prosperous. It won’t root out corruption, fix the economic situation, lack of economic reforms, strengthen contract law, or remove sanctions.

These are systemic governance issues that will need strong government and willpower to root out, not simply moving clerics back to Qom and academia.

The brain drain of talented minds leaving Iran has cost Iran tens of trillions (if not $100T+) in lost potential.

For the youth if you can go to EU/Canada/Dubai/USA and make $150-250K as an engineer/doctor/etc why would you stay in Iran?

The wealthy Chinese have strict capital controls so their wealth is stuck in China and can be confiscated at any time if one goes against the party. Just look at Jack Ma and what they did to his conglomerate all for saying some very mild constructive criticism. One can also say a significant portion of Chinese population is loyal to the homeland and government an advancing its vision plan. Just look at Jackie Chan.
پناهیان: فیلمی که زندگی را بدون رنج نمایش دهد، مستهجن است
حجت الاسلام علیرضا پناهیان، خطیب مشهور در مراسم ویژه شهادت حضرت امام صادق(ع) در فاطمیه بزرگ تهران، در بخشی از اظهاراتش درباره زندگی در دنیا گفت: اگر بخواهیم به وزیر ارشاد تذکر دهیم که جلوی تولید و پخش فیلم مستهجن را بگیرد، چه تصویری در ذهن دارید؟ زن سرلخت و نمایش شراب خواری و روابط آنچنانی و...منتها از نظر من فیلم مستهجن این نیست. وی افزود: فیلم مستهجنی که وزارت ارشاد نباید اجازه تولید و پخش آن را بدهد یعنی آن فیلمی که زندگی در دنیا را « بدون رنج » نشان دهد. ولو دائم در امامزاده باشد و همه بازیگران هم با چادر و پوشیه باشند! فیلمی که زندگی در دنیا را بدون رنج نمایش دهد، یعنی کلاه سر شما گذاشته و مردم را دچار توهم کرده است. زندگی در دنیا بدون رنج نمی‌شود! این را ائمه به ما نشان دادند

"Novel" takes from another influential person.

He is and has been in position of power to the point that these statements have real influence on outcome of decisions. what kind of society he likes to see ?

According to UK's NHS :

Symptoms - Clinical depression

The psychological symptoms of depression include:

  • continuous low mood or sadness
  • feeling hopeless and helpless
  • having low self-esteem
  • feeling tearful
  • feeling guilt-ridden
  • feeling irritable and intolerant of others
  • having no motivation or interest in things
  • finding it difficult to make decisions
  • not getting any enjoyment out of life
  • feeling anxious or worried
  • having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself

Physical symptoms​

The physical symptoms of depression include:

  • moving or speaking more slowly than usual
  • changes in appetite or weight (usually decreased, but sometimes increased)
  • constipation
  • unexplained aches and pains
  • lack of energy
  • low sex drive (loss of libido)
  • changes to your menstrual cycle
  • disturbed sleep – for example, finding it difficult to fall asleep at night or waking up very early in the morning

Social symptoms​

The social symptoms of depression include:

  • avoiding contact with friends and taking part in fewer social activities
  • neglecting your hobbies and interests
  • having difficulties in your home, work or family life

With people like these in position of power do you think this country needs an enemy to harm or destroy it ?
On the contrary to what you said, liberal people have always shown a backward image of Iranian society. For example the movie فروشنده or ابد و یک روز shows sadness, mustiness, lack of will to make decisions, hopelessness and all the other things that you mentioned.

Iranian movies the ones that are being encouraged and/or financed by western embassies esp Dutch supported elements exactly advertise your imagined kind of film making.

Go watch the quiet girl movie, an Irish produced film. See by your own eyes what a brilliant scenario means. How can you get along with hardship of life and what can give you a clue about that. I never pitied the girl that was adopted by "the people of her mother" for a short period of time to spend a summer with them, i pity her brothers and sisters that never tasted true happiness in their lives. Her siblings could never and ever find that peace because of their dysfunctional family. But Cait experienced living with a functional family, a family that worked hard not for sake of working and having more babies but to feel happy, even if that experience was of a short summer. Even if Cait's real father took her back and i guess that was why the director did not show her leaving her real parents in the end of the movie or returned to her real family. A light of hope was turned on in her mind and heart that nothing could turn it off and if her real father returned her to his own house, he could never take that light and hope away from her heart.

What Panahiyan says is exactly what some of the western films shows. Human Life is not the life of a pig, it is a life that makes steel of a formable iron. I have never learnt a good thing from the films that are produced by participation of jokers and clowns like محمدرضا گلزار or other semi rich kids making films and scenarios with hand out of Dutch embassy.

کافر به وقت سختی رو آورد بدان سو
این سو چو درد بیند آن سوش باور آمد

با درد باش تا درد آن سوت ره نماید
آن سو که بیند آن کس کز درد مضطر آمد


هین که هنگام صابران آمد
وقت سختی و امتحان آمد

این چنین وقت عهدها شکنند
کارد چون سوی استخوان آمد

حافظ اگر چه در سخن
خازن گنج حکمت است

از غم روزگار دون
طبع سخن گزار کو


نگفتم روزه بسیاری نپاید
ریاضت بگذرد سختی سر آید

پس از دشواری آسانیست ناچار
ولیکن آدمی را صبر باید

رخ از ما تا به کی پنهان کند عید
هلال آنک به ابرو می‌نماید

سرابستان در این موسم چه بندی
درش بگشای تا دل برگشاید

غلامان را بگو تا عود سوزند
کنیزک را بگو تا مشک ساید

که پندارم نگار سروبالا
در این دم تهنیت گویان درآید

سواران حلقه بربودند و آن شوخ
هنوز از حلقه‌ها دل می‌رباید

چو یار اندر حدیث آید به مجلس
مغنی را بگو تا کم سراید

که شعر اندر چنین مجلس نگنجد
بلی گر گفته سعدیست شاید

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Ironically, Turkey and it’s population are moving fast towards islam intertwined with government and Iranian population is moving away.

There are plenty of clerics in Iran that don’t agree with heavy hand of clergy in government (separation of church and state). Iranian parliament is already filled mostly with IRGC alumni and technocrats.

It’s important to state that Shunning Islam won’t make Iran suddenly prosperous. It won’t root out corruption, fix the economic situation, lack of economic reforms, strengthen contract law, or remove sanctions.

These are systemic governance issues that will need strong government and willpower to root out, not simply moving clerics back to Qom and academia.

The brain drain of talented minds leaving Iran has cost Iran tens of trillions (if not $100T+) in lost potential.

For the youth if you can go to EU/Canada/Dubai/USA and make $150-250K as an engineer/doctor/etc why would you stay in Iran?

The wealthy Chinese have strict capital controls so their wealth is stuck in China and can be confiscated at any time if one goes against the party. Just look at Jack Ma and what they did to his conglomerate all for saying some very mild constructive criticism. One can also say a significant portion of Chinese population is loyal to the homeland and government an advancing its vision plan. Just look at Jackie Chan.
Islam is not the cause of Iran's problems. We also had Islam before IR in our society yet the amount of anti-Islam sentiment has risen under IR. Amount of Mosque and Quran burning is significantly higher under IR than under the Shah or the Qajars for example.

Big societal problems do not get solved overnight, Iran's issue will also be fixed but it will take time. People with backward thinking with power in their hands have to die out for that to happen.

Btw i do not think that Turkish youth are so pro Islam like the Egyptians for example. @LegionnairE can perhaps shed more light on this.
Ukraine now controls less than 1 SQ KM of territory in Bakhmut. I don't understand, what is the point of even holding territory in such a scenario ? Just watch the video. Russians are pounding their positions with TOS flamethrowers with thermobaric warheads & FAB-500 bombs with 1000+ pound payload. The US state department asked them to withdraw months ago but they keep sending supplies and reinforcements that have to go through roads that are under Russian fire control. One of the main roads to Bakhmut has been referred to as the road of death. This war is so pointless. I feel terrible for the people of Ukraine.

Hundreds if not thousands of words based on Persian stems were conceived and registered after the Islamic Revolution. Which means the lexical proportion of Persian vocabs has increased thanks to the work of that institute.

You're fixating on some thirty purported Arabic terms most probably confined to the religious field, literally a drop in the ocean, and claimed this is indicative of some sort of a plot by clerics to replace Persian with Arabic as the national language of Iran... As an engineer, your math skills should tell you how at this rate, it would take several millennia to make Farsi sound anything like Arabic. This is without factoring in the additions of new Persian words, which outweigh anything else by a huge margin.

So the scenario that's apparently getting you worked up is never going to happen. However, this sort of fearmongering suggests you need to hold your horses because if you actually believe what you initially wrote, it'll mean you stopped thinking straight on this particular matter, no offense.

Why not react to the danger of English linguistic globalization, which has been affecting Iran in an unprecedented manner over recent years? Here we're not talking a handful of obscure specialized terms which barely anyone is resorting to, but mundane alien words creeping into the actual daily usage of Iranians. English is therefore the acute current threat, not Arabic. The institute in question has been doing a commendable job in this regard.

To those who are having an issue with the fact that Arabic words entered the Persian language more than a thousand years ago, if you're going to point fingers at the Islamic Republic you might as well do so at the pseudo-nationalist regime of the Pahlavis and every Iranian government since the fall of the Sassanids. Or at the very landmarks of Persian literature as well as their authors, every single one of whom happened to include Arabic vocabs in their poems.

The user has been trolling this section for months, drawing legitimate complaints from multiple Iranians. Should we invite a couple of Arab patriots, who will prove just as reluctant to 'massage the IR ego', while we're at it? I'd rather say you want that person around because of their political views, and because of a comparatively favorable bias towards their (foreign) nationality, isn't it.
Why only ''English globalization''? Why not just use the term ''Globalization'' as a whole? I would agree with you.
On the contrary to what you said, liberal people have always shown a backward image of Iranian society. For example the movie فروشنده or ابد و یک روز shows sadness, mustiness, lack of will to make decisions, hopelessness and all the other things that you mentioned.

Iranian movies the ones that are being encouraged and/or financed by western embassies esp Dutch supported elements exactly advertise your imagined kind of film making.

Go watch the quiet girl movie, an Irish produced film. See by your own eyes what a brilliant scenario means. How can you get along with hardship of life and what can give you a clue about that. I never pitied the girl that was adopted by "the people of her mother" for a short period of time to spend a summer with them, i pity her brothers and sisters that never tasted true happiness in their lives. Her siblings could never and ever find that peace because of their dysfunctional family. But Cait experienced living with a functional family, a family that worked hard not for sake of working and having more babies but to feel happy, even if that experience was of a short summer. Even if Cait's real father took her back and i guess that was why the director did not show her leaving her real parents in the end of the movie or returned to her real family. A light of hope was turned on in her mind and heart that nothing could turn it off and if her real father returned her to his own house, he could never take that light and hope away from her heart.

What Panahiyan says is exactly what some of the western films shows. Human Life is not the life of a pig, it is a life that makes steel of a formable iron. I have never learnt a good thing from the films that are produced by participation of jokers and clowns like محمدرضا گلزار or other semi rich kids making films and scenarios with hand out of Dutch embassy.

کافر به وقت سختی رو آورد بدان سو
این سو چو درد بیند آن سوش باور آمد

با درد باش تا درد آن سوت ره نماید
آن سو که بیند آن کس کز درد مضطر آمد


هین که هنگام صابران آمد
وقت سختی و امتحان آمد

این چنین وقت عهدها شکنند
کارد چون سوی استخوان آمد

حافظ اگر چه در سخن
خازن گنج حکمت است

از غم روزگار دون
طبع سخن گزار کو


نگفتم روزه بسیاری نپاید
ریاضت بگذرد سختی سر آید

پس از دشواری آسانیست ناچار
ولیکن آدمی را صبر باید

رخ از ما تا به کی پنهان کند عید
هلال آنک به ابرو می‌نماید

سرابستان در این موسم چه بندی
درش بگشای تا دل برگشاید

غلامان را بگو تا عود سوزند
کنیزک را بگو تا مشک ساید

که پندارم نگار سروبالا
در این دم تهنیت گویان درآید

سواران حلقه بربودند و آن شوخ
هنوز از حلقه‌ها دل می‌رباید

چو یار اندر حدیث آید به مجلس
مغنی را بگو تا کم سراید

که شعر اندر چنین مجلس نگنجد
بلی گر گفته سعدیست شاید


City planners vs apartment/block builders

If you are a director or writer you are free to do what ever you feel like or follow your passion be it comedy, romance, educational, documentary, sad, happy whatever you like.

Once a person is in position of making decisions and not just for himself but for rest of society and advice/force others to do this or do that, I/we must double check the said statements with other available fields to see at first value and/or impact of these words on society then value of the person behind those words.

If you are saying my way or highway it's your words at first then your character second that is in the middle of that highway under the bus. ( dumb cases and no rookie person behind these words )

Example here(Mr Panahiyan) very clearly states to whom he speaks and what he wants.

They told girl that there is no lies/secret in this house and turns out there were(she being just a replacement for their lost boy) then she got sick (made herself sick) so the real parents wont feel bad about themself when they will see her again and compare themself with the wealthy family.

I have no confidence about no lies role here in our home.
City planners vs apartment/block builders

If you are a director or writer you are free to do what ever you feel like or follow your passion be it comedy, romance, educational, documentary, sad, happy whatever you like.

Once a person is in position of making decisions and not just for himself but for rest of society and advice/force others to do this or do that, I/we must double check the said statements with other available fields to see at first value and/or impact of these words on society then value of the person behind those words.

If you are saying my way or highway it's your words at first then your character second that is in the middle of that highway under the bus. ( dumb cases and no rookie person behind these words )

Example here(Mr Panahiyan) very clearly states to whom he speaks and what he wants.

They told girl that there is no lies/secret in this house and turns out there were(she being just a replacement for their lost boy) then she got sick (made herself sick) so the real parents wont feel bad about themself when they will see her again and compare themself with the wealthy family.

I have no confidence about no lies role here in our home.
The secret is background of the story, that's what builds the structrue and the basis of the film. Point is, what do you learn from that kind of an story?

You are like those political abusers who cut one piece of a whole speech then try to manuever on that piece for sake of point scoring.

You would fool your own self if you think that you can live with voluptuousness and sloth without suffering the consequences.
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