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Iranian Chill Thread

Yes there are scientific facts and then there are identity politics. But aren't some people born with a medical condition where they have multiple genitals ? In that case then it's complicated. Not everything in life comes in black in white.

Okay dress it up anyway you want it a transgender is still a homosexual you can alter a person anyway you want to but they came out of the womb as a man or woman, change the outward appearance of a man he’s still a man who can give birth and woman who changes her outward appearance can’t help to make life, either way like I said I might be liberal but I’m over talking transgenders.

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Yes there are scientific facts and then there are identity politics. But aren't some people born with a medical condition where they have multiple genitals ? In that case then it's complicated. Not everything in life comes in black in white.

Like I said only my personal opinion, how people go about their own lives I would never outwardly judge, I don’t treat people differently because I feel a bias towards something that I will never agree with.
Right now these protests have been going on longer than anyone thought they would. So realistically anything could happen. Last night they burned Khomeini's birth place, did you think that would happen when these protests started ?

Criminal rioters and terrorists are capable of this and much worse too.

Of course western media are not going to talk about dead Iranian officers, they will promote their narratives,that's just obvious, that's why I post content from both sides. If you don't like something or it bothers you don't watch it.

1) Western media are publishing fake news and lies about Iran. With the purpose of instigating violent conflict.

When some western regime stooge is accusing the Islamic Republic of shooting at a family for strictly no perceptible reason whatsoever, then such drivel ought not be promoted. I mean, "I"SIS and the MKO are also talking trash about Iran, does that mean we should post it here?

2) There's a huge disproportion when it comes to how accessible and widespread the information provided by each side is. Everyone is bombarded 24/7 with mountains of anti-Iran propaganda from mainstream sources, while hardly ever getting the chance to read information published by Iran.

So, you won't be balancing it out by sharing one "Tweet" from each.

3) You asked about Professor Marandi and why he isn't mentioning the deaths of other people - which he actually does, so the premise of the question wasn't entirely accurate. My post was in response to this.

Twitter is just a platform where people can communicate. Some hardcore pro IR elements are on there like Mohammad Marandi. Again if you can't handle discourse or just want to hear one side, then just ignore what you don't like. I want to see what both sides are saying, not just limit myself to one narrative.

"Twitter" and similar platforms make sure that the western propaganda they carry will remain dominant. The only reason why they allow those pro-Iran voices, is because they know that for every one of them, there are a hundred thousand anti-Iran ones. This is how they function, and this apparent plurality of views is merely an alibi.

Can Iran turn into the next Syria ? Libya ? Maybe but maybe not ? I don't think it will but even if it did I still wouldn't blame it 100% on young people protesting because at the end of the day it takes two to tango.

So the government in Damascus is also to blame for the terrorist aggression Syria fell victim to? Tripoli's co-responsible for the NATO bombing of Libya? No government's perfect, but when it comes to the destabilization of nation-states in West Asia, a certain party is primarily at fault, and its identity is well known to us.

Also I don't think that people should just stop pursuing their rights or what they perceive as right because something bad "might" happen.

Murdering or assaulting law enforcement personnel isn't a "right".

Not minding to push one's country to the brink for a non-issue like the dress code, especially when conceivable alternatives to the ruling system are far worse, is irrational.

As for who killed the officers or protestors ? I don't know I wasn't there but it's perfectly possible that some were killed for one reason and others were killed for other reasons. I'm guessing that there are some terrorist groups trying to instigate and sabotage but blaming everything going wrong on Zionists or US, I don't think there's just one narrative, but multiple conflicting narratives.

NATO and the zionist regime have for the past four decades sought to overthrow the Islamic Republic, and today are seeking Iran's destruction. Thence, incidents ought to be examined through that prism. Namely, the question needs to be asked whose agenda they serve, who has an incentive to bring them about.
Didn't comment on this.

Yeah just a saying, its simple you can tell me a million and one reasons why you believe transsexuals in iran choose to perform transgender surgery doesn’t change the fact they are homosexuals in my eyes, wasn’t replying so you can reply just felt it was rude that I didn’t let you know the meaning of it night.
You want them to break down and bow to the Murtads and LGBT crowd?
Huh? For years after years ppl have been bending backwards to do perform the islamists' fetish for them, when there was no mention of "LGBT" to begin with, Now people are fed up with that and are in the "fvck that, we are not doing that anymore" mode.

So, You want people to break down and bow to the Islamists' fetish?
US Army General Mark Milley: ''Ukraine should think about negotiating with the Russian Federation to resolve the situation since it will be extremely difficult for Kyiv to achieve a military victory. We are all well aware that the military task, which is to physically achieve the expulsion of Russians from Ukraine, is very difficult. And this will not happen any time soon unless there is a complete collapse of the Russian army, which is unlikely. Therefore, the likelihood of a military victory for Ukraine, defined as the expulsion of Russians from all of Ukraine, including Crimea, the likelihood of such a development of events in any near future is low. This problem can be solved politically. The Russians can leave the territory of Ukraine only following the political decision that we must achieve during future negotiations with the Russian Federation''
سلام بچه ها
این هم پشت پرده عقب نشینی روسیه در خرسون
Yeah just a saying, its simple you can tell me a million and one reasons why you believe transsexuals in iran choose to perform transgender surgery

This once more isn't what I was commenting on. I was stressing, and correctly so, the key difference between "the T in LGBT" and Iranian legislation on the matter. Whether or not transsexualism and homosexuality are the same thing, is a different topic altogether.
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https://streamable.com/28ehmg Man shooting on something with a shotgun
https://streamable.com/9fgzmv Kid walking with a gun and being proud of it



This is going to turn into civil war. Both side are going to cry for years and be mutilated by whites while US and Europe whites will collect your gaz.

Very good Iranian, continue.
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