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Iranian Chill Thread

for God's sake as far as I'm aware there is a dedicated thread about recent Armenia - Azerbaijan Conflict in Central & South Asia section of the forum .
برای تداوم صلح مرز گرجستان به اذربایجان باید به صورت نظامی بسته بشه. گرجستان ضعیفتر اونه که بخواد اتش بیار معرکه بشه​
Found this interesting: Italy, NW most point of Iran, SE most part of Iran
Armenian forces target a power station in Azerbaijan. This is a good warning. The pipelines can be next.

On the other hand Armenia is denying responsibility and some pundits are claiming that these are attempts by Azerbaijan to garner sympathy.

captured Armenian trucks on the southern flank

Azerbaijan is claiming gains. Keep in mind the fighting is ongoing and Aliyev has lied about gains in previous years. However some military analysts believe it to be true.


This puts al-qaeda linked terrorists directly on Iran's border. Iran should impose a no fly zone over a few KM near the border and launch stealth drones to target terrorist positions.

IRAN should make it clear to Azerbaijan and Turkey that it WILL NOT tolerate terrorists on its border.

I hope Iran tests some of its latest stealth drones. Fly low into the field and annihilate terrorist positions. I also hope Iran sends Armenians advanced weapons. Russia, Turkey are making millions from this. Iran can provide quality weapons to Armenia for much less. Why shouldn't Iran gain from this ? Why shouldn't IRAN look out for its interests in the region ?

What do you guys think ?
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You can ask your beloveds in Saudi Arabia about Iranian delusions:

View attachment 676201

View attachment 676202

As for Indians, it seems they're living in your head 24/7 rent free. Maybe take some time off obsessing over them, might do you some good.
Dont tell me about the worthless Saudis, i hate them more than u can imagine and Indians, lol, we give them tea after shooting thier jets down. Regarding the comment, it seems like a good system but when u start claiming that it is better than s500, there is when u start resembling Indians who have a habbit of fake chest thumping about there weapons.
Regarding the comment, it seems like a good system but when u start claiming that it is better than s500,

You misunderstood that member's comment. Bavar-373 is currently better than S-300PMU2 and quite close to S-400. The information you're referring to is regarding next generation air defences being developed by Iran and not the current system. What makes you think they will not be superior? Keep in mind defence officials will have more information regarding Russians systems, incl S-500. You can rightly ask to wait and see as will the rest of us.

there is when u start resembling Indians who have a habbit of fake chest thumping about there weapons.

Lets be realistic, India's indigenous defence capability is not exactly impressive, so refrain from comparing Iran to a nation like that.
Armenian forces target a power station in Azerbaijan. This is a good warning. The pipelines can be next.

On the other hand Armenia is denying responsibility and some pundits are claiming that these are attempts by Azerbaijan to garner sympathy.

captured Armenian trucks on the southern flank

Azerbaijan is claiming gains. Keep in mind the fighting is ongoing and Aliyev has lied about gains in previous years. However some military analysts believe it to be true.


This puts al-qaeda linked terrorists directly on Iran's border. Iran should impose a no fly zone over a few KM near the border and launch stealth drones to target terrorist positions.

IRAN should make it clear to Azerbaijan and Turkey that it WILL NOT tolerate terrorists on its border.

I hope Iran tests some of its latest stealth drones. Fly low into the field and annihilate terrorist positions. I also hope Iran sends Armenians advanced weapons. Russia, Turkey are making millions from this. Iran can provide quality weapons to Armenia for much less. Why shouldn't Iran gain from this ? Why shouldn't IRAN look out for its interests in the region ?

What do you guys think ?

I am thinking the same. the least Iran can do is sending troops and AD systems at least to send a message. rockets hit our land a kid got injured and there is no reaction from the armed forces. there are unconfirmed news that Iran send some troops to the border but i don't believe it cause since the world would spred the news if Iran would such things. specialy cnn and channels from usa to tell the world that Iran is evil as we said "we need the arms embargo they will start a new war".
turkey sending terrorist to azerbaijan and Iran is just watching for now.

what i said in another thread here is that turkey is not in the position to fight on different fronts reason bad economy, depending on foreigne weapons and logistic. so what Iran can do even not directly interfering in armenia vs azerbaijan is that Iran should hit turkey in syria and in the east of turkey by kurdish fighters. turkey also has military positions inside iraq.
if such attacks would take place the turkish goverment will sit and talk and pull out. they know they can't fight that many wars maybe short term yes like few weeks but not more.
since the nato partners are pissed off with turkeys behaviour in the last years since the syrian crisis started and lately how the turkish goverment behave towards greek they won't do anything.
Right now, Turkey and Azerbaijan want to take Artsaskh (Nagorno-Karabakh) so they can get closer to each other geographically to promote Pan-Turkic ties.

If they manage to do this then they will eventually make up another excuse a few years down the line and take the little chunk of Armenian land that separates them. After that they might even take even more Armenian land claiming it as their own. If that happens the Azeri territory in Iran is next. Iran has to act now and be proactive.

All variables must be considered however. Iran is not doing well economically right now. The economy is set to grow in 2 years or so but until then Turkey is a vital trade partner that helps Iran by pass sanctions under the table.

I don't think Iran should send troops into the region, but Iran should beef up the border and a heavy and formidable security presence to keep track of any Turkish agents in Iran in Azeri majority areas who want to stir unrest (and this is from someone who has Azeri members in his family)

Here is the thing. Armenia needs weapons. Iran is closer to Armenia then Russia, sharing a border. Iran can sell advanced weapons to Armenians for less. Considering Iran's current economic situation why should Iran not benefit ? Why should Russia and Turkey make billions and not Iran ? That entire areas belonged to Iran anyways.

I believe Iran should also use this as an opportunity to test some weapons systems like air defenses and stealth drones. Like I said, fly low inside Iran, into Armenia and hit some terrorists.

Of course there are lots of patriotic Azeri people in Iran that oppose any Iranian involvement so yes Iran has to strike a balance of some sort. If another shell hits Iranian territory Iran should impose a no fly zone a few KM at least into Azeri / Armenian border.

I am thinking the same. the least Iran can do is sending troops and AD systems at least to send a message. rockets hit our land a kid got injured and there is no reaction from the armed forces. there are unconfirmed news that Iran send some troops to the border but i don't believe it cause since the world would spred the news if Iran would such things. specialy cnn and channels from usa to tell the world that Iran is evil as we said "we need the arms embargo they will start a new war".
turkey sending terrorist to azerbaijan and Iran is just watching for now.

what i said in another thread here is that turkey is not in the position to fight on different fronts reason bad economy, depending on foreigne weapons and logistic. so what Iran can do even not directly interfering in armenia vs azerbaijan is that Iran should hit turkey in syria and in the east of turkey by kurdish fighters. turkey also has military positions inside iraq.
if such attacks would take place the turkish goverment will sit and talk and pull out. they know they can't fight that many wars maybe short term yes like few weeks but not more.
since the nato partners are pissed off with turkeys behaviour in the last years since the syrian crisis started and lately how the turkish goverment behave towards greek they won't do anything.
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