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Iranian Chill Thread

I watch it sometimes. but, I have almost stopped watching it after Aljazeera, or another arab company bought them.

Al-Jazeera brought one of the cable networks one of their shows was on and cancelled them but their online stuff is their own.
I think Cenk has a wife. but, in one of Ana's videos, she was saying about the embarrassment stuff that she has done and she said that she and her friend, got drunk one time and went to Cenk house for having fun ;) :lol:
His wife is Filipino and he has a kid. There's an Iranian working in the studio too, have you guys seen him? Reza is his name I think
I just puked in my mouth. I would have a heart attack on week 2.

I would have failed my studies if I hadn't do that.

Yep especially Latinos they will pick up shit from the road and bring it home. :bad: Things have gotten better now but about 5 years ago a latino family moved into my apartment complex and the whole building got infested. I had to move lmaoooo. :disagree:

I didn't know that there were many Latinos in NY.
That's because his sympathies lay wit the Muslims.

Just because a Muslim turns atheist, doesn't mean they hate Muslims. A lot of them still support them in conflicts with foreign powers.

Same with me. I am an Atheist, criticise Hindus, but still back them up because I am an Indian.

One time he was so frustrated about some anti Muslim controversy he was about to explode. You are right that he sympathizes with Muslims he has stated his family are still practicing.
Since we're on this subject, hottest TYT chick? I have to do some research. Gimmi a minute.
One time he was so frustrated about some anti Muslim controversy he was about to explode. You are right that he sympathizes with Muslims has has stated his family are still practicing.
He defends the Paliban way too much too.
UF commentator who runs a podcast network who invites all sorts of cool guests on.

My favorite is when he has Shane smith, VICE documetnary co-creator on his podcast. They talk about some of the weirdest stuff on the planet.

Thanks. I'm gonna give it a try.
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