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Iranian Chill Thread

نه چون میدونستم به احمدی نژاد علاقه داری گفتم یاد کردنش میتونه کمک حالی برای(به قول شما) روحانیفوبیا باشه
من به احمدی نژاد علاقه ندارم ولی وقتی یه عده مغرض بدون مدرک و صرفا برای رسیدن به منافع سیاسی و مالیشون سعی میکنن علیه اش حرف بزنن واکنش نشون میدم
در ضمن حرف زدن در مورد دولت فعلیمون (به قول شما) روحانیفوبیا نیست، ولیکن ذکر کردن اسم احمدی نژاد در پرونده ای که هیچ ربطی بهش نداره و دست پخت همین مسولین وقت هست مصداق احمدی نژادفوبیا هست
If anything, Serpentine was way too nice.
Personally I would have given you a permanent ban.
Arian can't give anybody a permanent ban, he doesn't have that power. He also can't ban people, just give infractions. If infractions add up, you get banned automatically. Arian's favorite tactic is to delete posts.

Anyway, you need to get your priorities checked. Instead of jumping on rmi, you need to fight the shasgool tazi agents. Separatist this, separatist that. If this is your Iran, than why would anyone want to be part of it in the first place? Fight your enemies instead.

I guess you have a anti Turk gene in your body. You're not a brain dead tazi, you're not hezbollahi and you're not an akhoond ball licker. But you keep focusing your attention on Turkish posters as well as Rmi.
Arian can't give anybody a permanent ban, he doesn't have that power. He also can't ban people, just give infractions. If infractions add up, you get banned automatically. Arian's favorite tactic is to delete posts.

Anyway, you need to get your priorities checked. Instead of jumping on rmi, you need to fight the shasgool tazi agents. Separatist this, separatist that. If this is your Iran, than why would anyone want to be part of it in the first place? Fight your enemies instead.

I guess you have a anti Turk gene in your body. You're not a brain dead tazi, you're not hezbollahi and you're not an akhoond ball licker. But you keep focusing your attention on Turkish posters as well as Rmi.

Resurgent is an akhoond in denial.
Resurgent is an akhoond in denial.
why was your other account name doritos? Why not pringles or lays?


@rmi5 You have to stop posting racist rants or you will be thread banned followed by infractions, this time will be longer.

@Abii I'm not Arian and it's not important how you think of me now, because I'm not acting in your favor and you don't like it. If it was up to you, I should ban majority of Iranian members simply because you see them as mullahs, Arabs, etc. You always talk about being civilized, but you can't actually post anything without one word of insult toward other members. Well in my dictionary, that's not acting civilized. You should stop harassing other members by different name callings. You weren't like this a year before, but it doesn't matter now. Just don't get yourself banned again. I have every reason to ban you for your posts right now.
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Arian can't give anybody a permanent ban, he doesn't have that power. He also can't ban people, just give infractions. If infractions add up, you get banned automatically. Arian's favorite tactic is to delete posts.

Anyway, you need to get your priorities checked. Instead of jumping on rmi, you need to fight the shasgool tazi agents. Separatist this, separatist that. If this is your Iran, than why would anyone want to be part of it in the first place? Fight your enemies instead.

I guess you have a anti Turk gene in your body. You're not a brain dead tazi, you're not hezbollahi and you're not an akhoond ball licker. But you keep focusing your attention on Turkish posters as well as Rmi.

Anti-turk gene? LOL. That must be one of the funniest shit Ive heard in a long time.
So when a Turkish poster like Sinan comes to this section and starts rambling about carving out "South Azerbaijan" when Turkey gets more powerful, and I call him out on his bullshit, suddenly I have an anti-Turk gene?

The Turks dont really allow separatism talk on their section, and for good reason. And I agree with Serpentine that even if they appear in their section (like Al-Kurdi), it is usually one person against a pack of people.
Here there is one person which gets the other Turks (atatwolf, Sinan etc) riled up and they hop on the bandwagon and start infecting this thread and this section. A chill thread at that.
When we dont show such behavior over on their forum. I have yet to see Iranian members going over there and talking about carving out Turkey.
But yeah, I have "anti-Turk gene" lmfao. If delusional had a name....

FYI I didnt focus attention on rmi5. My first post was mainly towards Al-Kurdi
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Anti-turk gene? LOL
So when a Turkish poster like Sinan comes to this section and starts rambling about carving out "South Azerbaijan" when Turkey gets more powerful, and I call him out on his bullshit, suddenly I have an anti-Turk gene?

And kindly get off my nutsack already. You keep quoting me in various contexts with your cocky attitude.

FYI I didnt focus attention on rmi5. My first post was mainly towards Al-Kurdi
I don't see you confronting the arab agents on the Iranian section. You have an obsession with the Turks. Meanwhile arabs are already carving the country up from the inside.
I don't see you confronting the arab agents on the Iranian section. You have an obsession with the Turks. Meanwhile arabs are already carving the country up from the inside.

I edited my post and expanded it. Read that and then come and talk to me about obsession with Turks and "anti-Turk" gene.
Again, delusional.
I edited my post and expanded it. Read that and then come and talk to me about obsession with Turks and "anti-Turk" gene.
Again, delusional.

Obviously you haven't figured out who our real enemy is yet. Hopefully one day you'll wake up.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Arian's deleting posts again.

Good job sellout.
I was checking that one year old thread @S00R3NA linked.This is Abiis posts from a year ago.

I've been banned a million times here and not once have I made a single proxy account. You can ask the mods. I serve my time and come back.

You Turks are record holders when it comes to proxy accounts. OT alone has more than 30 known accounts.

Surenas, great finds. I've been here since 2010 and at first Iranians and Turks had no problems and didn't even talk all that much. Suddenly the fascist grey wolves attacked and all hell broke lose. They make racist comments about Kurds, Armenians, Parsis etc... and then go up on the podium and start moronic speeches as if they have the moral high ground (oy, TurAr I'm talking to you). ASQ is nothing but a cretin. The guy has no other function but to create problems between people.

You're no different than OT and this genius ASQ charachter. You just spend less time and energy trolling.

Not only you haven't shown any signs that your beliefs aren't similar as theirs, you actually participate in a lot of the troll topics and cheer them on.

Moronic speeches refer to your constant holier than thou speeches about how you're Ghandi reincarnate.

You're just as obsessed about "turkish fascism" as ASQ and OT, but you try portray a different persona.

I won't spare you from anything.
Remember that talk we had about Azeris, kurds and Parsis sharing the exact same genes? I quoted a published report in the US National Library of Medicine which proved my statement. You then got all pissed off (obviously b/c you guys like to claim that Azeris and Parsis/Kurds are different from each other) and called me a Nazi and some **** like that.

That's why I say the things I say.

I would actually vote for Surena, but the only reason that I haven't mentioned him yet is b/c some Iranian members here have a problem with him (Iranzamin, Soheil) and I don't want to see a conflict.

So my vote goes to either Ir-Tab or Era, either's fine.

Im starting to suspect multiple personality disorder.
Or a plastic nationalist perhaps (analagous to plastic fan in football). Just frikkin lol
I was checking that one year old thread @S00R3NA linked.This is Abiis posts from a year ago.

Im starting to suspect multiple personality disorder.
Or a plastic nationalist perhaps (analagous to plastic fan in football). Just frikkin lol
Nah, I did change my attitude drastically. It's well known here and I've talked about it. I used to be a mullah apologist, not b/c I believed in their garbage, but b/c I thought I'm defending Iran. Surenas was instrumental in changing my attitude a couple of years ago.

At the same time things that have happened to me in real life have also changed my attitude drastically. I could have changed my username, but I didn't. My old posts are there for everyone to see. Surenas confronted my about my double standards once and since then I've completely shed that disgusting attitude that most of us Iranians have.

Saving face is often more important to an Iranian than confronting reality.
Nah, I did change my attitude drastically. It's well known here and I've talked about it. I used to be a mullah apologist, not b/c I believed in their garbage, but b/c I thought I'm defending Iran. Surenas was instrumental in changing my attitude a couple of years ago.

At the same time things that have happened to me in real life have also changed my attitude drastically. I could have changed my username, but I didn't. My old posts are there for everyone to see. Surenas confronted my about my double standards once and since then I've completely shed that disgusting attitude that most of us Iranians have.

Saving face is often more important to an Iranian than confronting reality.

Blah blah blah with this whole "I saw the light" crap. Please spare me. This isnt Oprah Winfrey or Dr. Phil. :lol:
In the span of a year you go from being virulently anti-Turk to accusing others of being it (without any real grounds btw)
From Era (Serpentine) being a great mod to being a sellout.

This just indicates that you're quite unstable mentally. lol
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