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Iranian Chill Thread

این مردم ایران که نمیفهمن کی باید اعتراض کرد و کی نه.

طرف هنوز سریال رو ندیده بهش گفتن یه جا به بختیاری ها توهین شده توی سریال از همه جا بی خبر اومدن بیرون اعتراض. اصلا نمیدونه داستان فیلم چی هست و نمیدونه که قهرمان اصلی فیلم بختیاری هست و اون حرف صرفا یه دیالوگ از فیلم از طرف یه توده ای خطاب به خانواده ای هست که فامیلش بختیاری هست و نه توهین به قوم بختیاری. خیلی مسخرست.

ملت جوگیر

نامه امیر اقایی در رابطه با سریال توقیف شده سرزمین کهن​

سرزمین کهن مگه توقیف شده ؟
@Surenas @iranigirl2 @xenon54 @Sinan @rmi5 and others.

Life is too short to hate someone you will 99.999% never meet in real life.

You may beat each other here, but do not hate each other, get over nationalities and like each other.

@rmi5 @Surenas Both of you are very educated guys and I've personally leaned from your posts. It's really sad that you two can't be friends here. Give it a try please.

Now I'm about to throw up by playing the role of grand ma' here but it's the truth. I feel like Mother Teresa now. :D

I'm about to go to exam now, maybe these words came out because I woke up too early in the morning. :drag:

Good luck with the exam bro... :)
Lol, what? I pay 5 dollars for a Heineken six-pack over here. And I pay 12 dollars for a crate of 24 Heineken bottles:

That's fucking insane!!

25 dollars + tax for 12 bottles for me. The insane part is that Alberta is supposed to have the second cheapest alcohol prices in Canada.

Today I had a beer at a Japanese restaurant and paid 7 dollars for the bottle lmao

It was almost as expensive as the food itself!! Beer is insanely expensive out here.

A Venezuelan music band shot their video in Tehran. Pretty cool and daring.

That was neat, thanks for posting.

They got stared at so much, poor guys lool
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ofc :D yashasin Tirəxtur:enjoy: and GZ:victory: but here football is not much popular :cry: we watch volleyball instead of football :cheesy::cheesy:

lol eee be manam bede namard :azn: tanha vpn mikeshi ? :haha: age moshkel download dari be khomam begoo bedune hichi harchi ke khasti roo vastat ghabele download konam :devil:
lol...yasha, in noskhe dast kari shode web freer hastesh porsidam goftan bayad baad nasb afzoneh spdy proxy ro rosh basb koni.:enjoy:
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unfortunately yes it is.
aside from illegal drinks in market. Christians and some others can legally buy alcohol.

Mate, i was not judging. I just wondered, as it sounded a little wrong for a country under Islamic rule.

Also, i thought there are 30 million tourists visiting Turkey annually. Most of them comes from European countries and they drink like .......... so if we substract them, maybe Iranians consume more alcohol than Turks

Turkish 1.5 litre/per head.
Iranian 1.02 litre/per head.(both annual)
Mate, i was not judging. I just wondered, as it sounded a little wrong for a country under Islamic rule.

Also, i thought there are 30 million tourists visiting Turkey annually. Most of them comes from European countries and they drink like .......... so if we substract them, maybe Iranians consume more alcohol than Turks

Turkish 1.5 litre/per head.
Iranian 1.02 litre/per head.(both annual)
the numbers are weird but not impossible
i think my friends from capital can answer this question better.
@rmi5 ,@Serpentine, @S00R3NA and others
@Sinan @Ostad
Although the exact numbers may not be accurate based on the legal/illegal issues, those statistics does not seem to be far fetched from truth. The head of police of Tehran said that one-fourth of drivers in Tehran are drunk when driving. BTW, consuming alcohol has been a culture in Iran, at least among Azerbaijanis. :partay: Persians have been more inclined in opium than alcohol. BTW, 1-2 liter per year is a very low alcohol consumption. you can compare it with the total column in the link below:
List of countries by alcohol consumption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
این مردم ایران که نمیفهمن کی باید اعتراض کرد و کی نه.

طرف هنوز سریال رو ندیده بهش گفتن یه جا به بختیاری ها توهین شده توی سریال از همه جا بی خبر اومدن بیرون اعتراض. اصلا نمیدونه داستان فیلم چی هست و نمیدونه که قهرمان اصلی فیلم بختیاری هست و اون حرف صرفا یه دیالوگ از فیلم از طرف یه توده ای خطاب به خانواده ای هست که فامیلش بختیاری هست و نه توهین به قوم بختیاری. خیلی مسخرست.

ملت جوگیر

نامه امیر اقایی در رابطه با سریال توقیف شده سرزمین کهن​

آقا حرفت اصلا درست نیست. نیازی نیست سریال را ببینی تا متوجه توهین بشی. شما همون قسمت هم مشاهده کنی کافیه. شما هم ازت بعیده واقعا اگر همچون چیزی فکر می کنی "فکر می کنی تصادفی بوده" دوما 99% افرادی که فامیلیشون بختیاریه بختیاری هستند. این سریال جهت داره و جریان تحریف تاریخ که از اوایل انقلاب شروع شد و حدود 5 سال پیش شدت گرفت را دنیال می کنه.
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