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Iranian Chill Thread

@rmi5 @Ostad @Serpentine @Abii @spiderkiller @mohsen @S00R3NA @Ayush @xenon54 @Irajgholi @SinaG @Surenas @ResurgentIran @Sinan , and all other dear members whom I can't remember right now.
Respectfully, I am curious to know, If you were supposed to recommend one and just one book, what would it be?
I mean that kinda book that if a person is supposed to die in less than a week you would recommend him to read.
I would say The Lord of The Ring trilogy.
I'm in no position to talk for @rmi5

But @Ir.Tab. at the the time did the exact same thing. We embraced him as one of our own that will be the same case with Rmi5.
Well, I didn't know that these trolls have made @Ir.Tab. to change his flags, before. Anyway, whether I want it or not, the changing flag option is no longer available. BTW, maybe @Surenas will be satisfied if I change my avatar to this one:
Perfect. That flag will do. And you could change your flag, since you are not even living in Iran. Change your avatar too, and I promis that I would never talk about Turks again. Deal?
Guys, @Sinan @olcayto ,
This stupid kurdish kid, does not even worth as one grain of sand. I think he has some bad childhood memories from turks. What we need to do, is only ignoring him. otherwise, he would get tended to troll more and more.

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