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Iranian Chill Thread

If I'm right S-129 is still not completely operational?

S-129A / S-129B / S-129C operational


S-129D in production :


S-129E ( S-129 TP ! ) in R&D
@Surenas khob hala yek soal az khodet, to mage nesfet Turk qashqei nabood? chera ingar gir midi be Turkha? vaghean ghaziye chiye?

Yes, my dad's family once insinuated that we have Qashqai ancestry, and since we are from Shiraz, this wouldn't be surprising. The reason why I don't have a affection for Turks is because of political reasons, and their artifically-created grey wolf mythology, which is anti-Iranian in nature.
Rmi5 should live this thread together with his gang of grey wolves.

Anyway. @SOHEIL @MTN1917 @S00R3NA

Salafist terrorists seem to have captured 5 Iranian soldiers again in Baluchistan. And today there were reports that 5 Iranian soldiers were missing on the Pakistani border.


Iranian border guards get lost on country’s border with Pakistan - Trend.Az

That's a fu.cking bad news .

I just don't get that why our fu.ckers in IR don't send well trained groups of Army or Revolutionary Guards to end these bastards once and forever . Those Pakistanis can't even secure their capital and we expect them to help us in their borders .
Cheghad ahamiat dare ki kojaee hast ?

mage ma hame irani nistim ? mage hame ham vatan nistim ?

man khodam aslan az @Surenas khosham nemiad , ama een dige aslan jaleb nist

man rajebe irani boodan chizi nagoftam, vali khob man eshsas mikonam Surena yek meghdar roye Turkha hassase.

darezemn shoma javabe mano rajebe russiye nadadi? chera fekr mikone russiye doste mast? (ba tavajoh be nokati ke goftam) albate man dar pasekh be soale khode shoma in soalo miporsam.
in iran its a regular day ....

people in US should have a life ! :D

oh yeah, thats right.. so, you should be at school (?!)

EDIT: No, its late at night for you guys, almost midnight
That's a fu.cking bad news .

I just don't get that why our fu.ckers in IR don't send well trained groups of Army or Revolutionary Guards to end these bastards once and forever . Those Pakistanis can't even secure their capital and we expect them to help us in their borders .

conscripts, what do u expect?
S-129A / S-129B / S-129C operational

View attachment 16219

S-129D in production :

View attachment 16220

S-129E ( S-129 TP ! ) in R&D
which one is for mars and which one is for andromeda?:unsure:
BTW, why this ultra advanced toys haven't even one good video of their flying,I mean not the vague BS ones showed in IRIB? and why all of them look like a cheap copy model of Israeli UAVs? BTW, why don't mullahs use these UCAVs in borders and in Syria?
That's a fu.cking bad news .

I just don't get that why our fu.ckers in IR don't send well trained groups of Army or Revolutionary Guards to end these bastards once and forever . Those Pakistanis can't even secure their capital and we expect them to help us in their borders .

Because they are more busy with sending insignificant warships to the 'coast of America'.
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