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Iranian Chill Thread

Just secured a job for the summer at Neurology department, as "substitute doctor" or whatever its called. Just so happy that I had to share it here. Becoming neurologist is my dream. :D

@haman10 @Hazzy997
OMG !!

SHOMAM DOCTORI ? :dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3::yahoo:

ATTABOY ! thats what i call a huge step forward !! mashallah ! proud of ya !:p:

neuro is devastating though !! i nearly passed away studying for it!

pas shoma ostad man hastin :yahoo: ye 2.5 -3 sali joloye manin :lol:

congratulations bro , wish u all the best dearest :smitten::smitten::smitten:
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help alhassani :P

looooool :rofl:
Nothing will help there except for an extensive lobotomy. :p:
Congrats, i hope you will be happy.

OMG !!

SHOMAM DOCTORI ? :dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3::yahoo:

ATTABOY ! thats what i call a huge step forward !! mashallah ! proud of ya !:p:

neuro is devastating though !! i nearly passed awaystudying for it!

pas shoma ostad man hastin :yahoo: ye 2.5 -3 sali joloye manin :lol:

congratulations bro , wish u all the best dearest :smitten::smitten::smitten:

Kheili mochaker dadash! :smitten:
Yeah neuro is tough, but at the same time very exciting! Espeially when you meet the patients, it is fascinating :)

Very cool that you are also doctor/med student! :D
What kind of doctor do you want to be? For me it is strongly leaning towards neurology. General practicioner is something I could think of also :D

Anyway, we rock dude! :yahoo:

Congratulations @ResurgentIran. I hope you make the best of this opportunity.

Thanks a lot my friend!
What kind of doctor do you want to be?

i'm thinking of general surgery :) not as tough as neuro but makes as much money :D

kidding , i dont care about money , but i'm not sure i wont break under the pressure of neuro !

surgery is the most i can take :D

i shall once again congratulate u cause i know what u had taken to make it here !
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i'm thinking of general surgery :) not as tough as neuro but makes as much money :D

kidding , i dont care about money , but i'm not sure i wont break under the pressure of neuro !

surgery is the most i can take :D

i shall once again congratulate u cause i know what u had taken to make it here !


I would make a horrible surgeon. We were a group that operated on a pig (which doesnt differ a lot anatomically from human beings).
I accidently cut the renal artery, and the whole thing just became a huge mess! I ruined it for the entire group :rofl:

Thanks bro!
When you get past 7th or 8th semester I warlmy recommend that you apply for summer job as assistant/substitute doctor in internal medicine. You will learn a heck of a lot!
Good luck to you in your studies going forward! :)
I accidently cut the renal artery, and the whole thing just became a huge mess! I ruined it for the entire group
pig is okey :D

i made such a mess with the corpses of human being :( i was trying to catch the supra mandibular nerve with Forceps but i broke it ! :( my teacher gave me a 10 out of 20 just to pass the course !

i totally f.cked up ! :D

When you get past 7th or 8th semester I warlmy recommend that you apply for summer job as assistant/substitute doctor in internal medicine. You will learn a heck of a lot!
sure bro ! i will do it

but again night shifts and all :D i'm too lazy :D
I would make a horrible surgeon. We were a group that operated on a pig (which doesnt differ a lot anatomically from human beings).
I accidently cut the renal artery, and the whole thing just became a huge mess! I ruined it for the entire group :rofl:

but again night shifts and all :D i'm too lazy :D

I dont wanna have you two as my Doctor if i must ever go to a Iranian hospital. :lol:

Just joking, nobody is born as a Ostad, good luck to you two.:tup:
I dont wanna have you two as my Doctor if i must ever go to a Iranian hospital. :lol:

Just joking, nobody is born as a Ostad, good luck to you two.:tup:

thank u very much mate

but bro , i strongly suggest u watch "gray's anatomy" tv series :D

it tells a lot about american doctors :D these stuff are totally normal .
I dont wanna have you two as my Doctor if i must ever go to a Iranian hospital. :lol:

Just joking, nobody is born as a Ostad, good luck to you two.:tup:
some say that dr.Frankenstein was an Iranian(we call him @haman10):D

کی‌روش: همه را در برزیل پشیمان می‌کنیم - مشرق نیوز | mashreghnews.ir

سرمربی تیم ملی فوتبال کشورمان گفت: می‌خواهیم کاری کنیم آنهایی که آرزو می‌کردند با ما هم‌گروه شوند از این آرزو پشیمان شوند.

omidvaram abroomoon nare tooye jame jahani :D
natars hatman mire.:D
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