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Iranian Chill Thread

It is because Azeris (or Turks) in general are known for their stupidity. Even in Holland there is a saying of 'stupid turk' (domme Turk).

Nothing more laughable than your artificial adoption of the wolf as the symbol for your identity. :lol:
It is because Azeris (or Turks) in general are known for their stupidity. Even in Holland there is a saying of 'stupid turk' (domme Turk).

Nothing more laughable than your artificial adoption of the wolf as the symbol for your identity. :lol:
These dumb Turks managed to establish 16 empires, 7 Turkic states are independent today.

It must be a shame for Kurds that they didnt even managed to found only one state in their history, in contrary to these dumb Turks. :disagree:
It is because Azeris (or Turks) in general are known for their stupidity. Even in Holland there is a saying of 'stupid turk' (domme Turk).

Nothing more laughable than your artificial adoption of the wolf as the symbol for your identity. :lol:

I understand your "Turcophobia", well no need to continue on this issue in this thread.

We can discuss 1 on 1 when PM comes back.
These dumb Turks managed to establish 16 empires, 7 Turkic states are independent today.

Only through military barbarism. Turks/Mongoloids were known for their barbaric raids, etc. You forget that in all these empires it were Persians and others who were busy with managing the empire and other cultural elements.

It must be a shame for Kurds that they didnt even managed to found only one state in their history, in contrary to these dumb Turks. :disagree:

It must be shame that you don't know history.

Medes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Buyid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ayyubid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Please everyone calm down and stop with the racism. I myself have many problems with Azerbaijan republic, but no need to be racist to Azeris. Similarly no need for racism against Kurds or Persians either.
Only through military barbarism. Turks/Mongoloids were known for their barbaric raids, etc.
Yeah and others was throwing flowers to their enemys.

You forget that in all these empires it were Persians and others who were busy with managing the empire and other cultural elements.
Lol, such a BS. :lol:

Its still obscure if these empires was really Kurdish, and they only survived for 100-200 years, nice empires must say. :tup:
Shut up, donkey. This IQ list is outdated and widely criticized as Western-centric. Persians are known for their intellect in which country whatsoever. Turks on the other hand only for their sheer stupidity.

haha, got kicked in the a$$ again?!!! BTW, you need to be thankful for Azeris presence who elevated the average, otherwise, the average would fall below Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. Now, shoo ...
Yeah and others was throwing flowers to their enemys.
Lol, such a BS. :lol:
Its still obscure if these empires was really Kurdish, and they only survived for 100-200 years, nice empires must say. :tup:
Buyid were from Caspian sea coasts, and medes are not even related. About Ayyubids, you can ask arabs to explain to him the truth. Anyway, this kid, believes that Safavids and Cyrus were kurds as well. So, I don't have any further discussion with him, otherwise, he would claim that George Washington was a kurd as well.
Wouldn’t trust those numbers, it would mean the average is a 'retard'.

Do you have any doubts that most of middle-easterners are retards?!!! BTW, I think having an IQ above 80 should be OK for most of the people.
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