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Iranian Chill Thread

Mate, who are these Lezgians ? Are they Azerbaijan's seperatists ?
No, They are one of our Caucasian brothers who live in Dagestan and Azerbaijan Republic. They are very good people, and their dances are very famous. I would say they are the best among us, Caucasians, in this regard. There was some ethnical issues in Azerbaijan during Elchibey presidency, specially among Tallish, who are the biggest minority in Azerbaijan Republic, and due to hardline racial attitudes of Elchibey, and I, myself, even sympathies with my minority brothers in this case, but, hopefully, the situation changed after Elchibey, and currently, there are no major tensions between us.But, I think I-LEK is from Dagestan. The situation is totally different there, and Russian a$$holes have oppressed them continuously in the previous 150 years. I think I-LEK thinks that the situation is the same in Azerbaijan while it is not. There are numerous groups, with many different ideologies who want independency from Russians and even their islamists groups want to establish "Kavkaz Emirate", as you can see in @Noxchi 's signature.

Lezgins are the original inhabitants of the Caucasus. Many of them indeed want independence from Azerbaijan. The same counts for the Talysh in the South.
You are only a hater of Azeris, and your posts does not even deserve to be replied. You even don't have enough knowledge about kurds and Iran, let alone Caucasus. Do you have even a smallest idea of Caucasians? If not, which is the case, be a dear and shut your mouth.
No, They are one of our Caucasian brothers who live in Dagestan and Azerbaijan Republic. They are very good people, and their dances are very famous. I would say they are the best among us, Caucasians, in this regard. There was some ethnical issues in Azerbaijan during Elchibey presidency, specially among Tallish, who are the biggest minority in Azerbaijan Republic, and due to hardline racial attitudes of Elchibey, and I, myself, even sympathies with my minority brothers in this case, but, hopefully, the situation changed after Elchibey, and currently, there are no major tensions between us.But, I think I-LEK is from Dagestan. The situation is totally different there, and Russian a$$holes have oppressed them continuously in the previous 150 years. I think I-LEK thinks that the situation is the same in Azerbaijan while it is not. There are numerous groups, with many different ideologies who want independency from Russians and even their islamists groups want to establish "Kavkaz Emirate", as you can see in @Noxchi 's signature.

I learned a something new today. :)

I looked up to relationship between, Dağıstan and Turkey, there is so little contact with Dağıstan.

So much thing to do mate, so much. :)
Lezgins are the original inhabitants of the Caucasus. Many of them indeed want independence from Azerbaijan. The same counts for the Talysh in the South.

True, I have heard some Talysh want to join Iran.

Voice of Talyshistan is broadcast by Iranian Talysh into Azerbaijan Talysh regions.

All in all it is good payback for all the separatist propaganda Azerbaijan republic does against Iran.
Buddy, note that all Caucasians whether they are christian or muslim or mountain jews or atheist, and whether they are Azeri, Georgian, Lezgian, Avar .......;)

you from Tabriz? (parents of Tabriz)
History: We have lived here for many tens of thousands of years.
in 1918 we were robbed of independence.

Mate, who are these Lezgians ? Are they Azerbaijan's seperatists ?
I don't understand who are you going to fight against.

....think: "against you" close the refrigerator door and window. we go"))) joke)):sarcastic:

Lezgins are the original inhabitants of the Caucasus. Many of them indeed want independence from Azerbaijan. The same counts for the Talysh in the South.

brother dzhan you said 100% truth.
it really is:
we lived tens of thousands of years in the Caucasus.:smitten:
and lost its independence in 1918.:cry:

No, They are one of our Caucasian brothers who live in Dagestan and Azerbaijan Republic. They are very good people, and their dances are very famous. I would say they are the best among us, Caucasians, in this regard. There was some ethnical issues in Azerbaijan during Elchibey presidency, specially among Tallish, who are the biggest minority in Azerbaijan Republic, and due to hardline racial attitudes of Elchibey, and I, myself, even sympathies with my minority brothers in this case, but, hopefully, the situation changed after Elchibey, and currently, there are no major tensions between us.But, I think I-LEK is from Dagestan. The situation is totally different there, and Russian a$$holes have oppressed them continuously in the previous 150 years. I think I-LEK thinks that the situation is the same in Azerbaijan while it is not. There are numerous groups, with many different ideologies who want independency from Russians and even their islamists groups want to establish "Kavkaz Emirate", as you can see in @Noxchi 's signature.

You are only a hater of Azeris, and your posts does not even deserve to be replied. You even don't have enough knowledge about kurds and Iran, let alone Caucasus. Do you have even a smallest idea of Caucasians? If not, which is the case, be a dear and shut your mouth.

buddy you Irani-azAri or Baku-azEri ?
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@Noxchi @Surenas
You are only a hater of Azeris, and your posts does not even deserve to be replied. You even don't have enough knowledge about kurds and Iran, let alone Caucasus. Do you have even a smallest idea of Caucasians? If not, which is the case, be a dear and shut your mouth.

I think if you have friends, you have questions - write (or other top here) I will answer (with great joy).
maybe he has little / much information. I can tell more.:coffee:

ps friends, let us observe the statutes of the forum.:oops:

I learned a something new today. :)
I looked up to relationship between, Dağıstan and Turkey, there is so little contact with Dağıstan.
So much thing to do mate, so much. :)

contact me, I'll tell
True, I have heard some Talysh want to join Iran.
Voice of Talyshistan is broadcast by Iranian Talysh into Azerbaijan Talysh regions.
All in all it is good payback for all the separatist propaganda Azerbaijan republic does against Iran.
1. yes this is true, you told the truth.:tup:

2. No it's not!.............."Voice Talyshistan" - only Talysh radio (1/1) :coffee:
and is the only radio broadcasting .........Baku? Astara? Massali? Lerik? No! No! No!
it broadcasts of Karabakh :blink:(Artsakh)

3. why not Azer.r.1918 radio (TV, newspapers, politics, environment) for:

Talysh, Lezgins, Avars, Udins, Tsakhurs, Rutuls, Buduh,

Kryzs, Hinalug, Archie, Jackie, Aguls, Tabasarans (Tavasparani),
Tata, Mountain Jews, + other nations Caucasians ???

2-3 million (non-Turk) ---
are indigenous autochthonous nation Caucasus:coffee:

why have radio in Armenia, but not in Azerbaijan in 1918 ??? :blink::blink::blink:
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you from Tabriz? (parents of Tabriz)
History: We have lived here for many tens of thousands of years.
in 1918 we were robbed of independence.
....think: "against you" close the refrigerator door and window. we go"))) joke)):sarcastic:
brother dzhan you said 100% truth.
it really is:
we lived tens of thousands of years in the Caucasus.:smitten:
and lost its independence in 1918.:cry:
buddy you Irani-azAri or Baku-azEri ?

Nope, actually I am from Qajar tribe, some people in caucasus, call us Kadjars!!! Some of my ancestors were living in Ganja, and Qarabag, and the other part were living in Tehran, but most of them moved to Tehran, including my grand parents before and after WW. So, basically, I am from both north Azerbaijan and south Azerbaijan. I have still many friends and acquaintances in north, and we are still in touch. We have some Talish and mountain jew relatives as well. So, I am very well aware of North Azerbaijan's situation. BTW, sometimes I have a feeling that you are not north caucasian, and you are maybe a persian. Never mind. BTW, where are you exactly from? Derbent? Baki? and what's your problem with azeris? since I have not heard so far that lezgians have anything special against us.

I think if you have friends, you have questions - write (or other top here) I will answer (with great joy).
maybe he has little / much information. I can tell more.:coffee:
ps friends, let us observe the statutes of the forum.:oops:
contact me, I'll tell
No, thanks, I don't think that you could have more information about North Azerbaijan than my acquaintances who actually live there ;)


1. yes this is true, you told the truth.:tup:
2. No it's not!.............."Voice Talyshistan" - only Talysh radio (1/1) :coffee:
and is the only radio broadcasting .........Baku? Astara? Massali? Lerik? No! No! No!
it broadcasts of Karabakh :blink:(Artsakh)
3. why not Azer.r.1918 radio (TV, newspapers, politics, environment) for:
Talysh, Lezgins, Avars, Udins, Tsakhurs, Rutuls, Buduh,
Kryzs, Hinalug, Archie, Jackie, Aguls, Tabasarans (Tavasparani),
Tata, Mountain Jews, + other nations Caucasians ???
2-3 million (non-Turk) ---
are indigenous autochthonous nation Caucasus:coffee:

why have radio in Armenia, but not in Azerbaijan in 1918 ??? :blink::blink::blink:

WTF is Artsakh? where were those a$$holes when we were living in Qarabag? If you have any real problem with us, we can talk and solve the issue, there is no need to betray Azeris or insulting us, for the sake of a bunch of invader armenian dogs. You are very weird dude, even many Tallish went to fronts to fight with those dogs when there was some minor problems in old times. I think it should not be different for other ethnicities as well. That's why you look very weird to me. BTW, No tallish is nerveless to listen to enemy's garbage. Armenians can put their radio in their a$$. If not, I can put it there with no charge.

The third one is awesome :)
We are almost in the "Daheh Zajr" as some people say, or "Daheh Fajr" as aakhounds say. Has anything been unveiled yet? (khaali-bandi or vaghei ;) )
@SOHEIL @Serpentine @mohsen @Abii @Islam shall be the winner

PS. khaaheshan ya in baar, photoshop nazanid, ya age mizanan, va mizanid, lotfan narinid. ba tashakkor va ehteraam :victory1:
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...think: "against you" close the refrigerator door and window. we go"))) joke))

I know Russia can be brutal so, i'll support Dağıstan, but if you suggest any kind of separatism in a Turkic country.....well, we have 30 years of terrorist experience. We can always help our Azeri bros.
Chera to Iran ATM ha ro tabaghe dovom mizaran? In sevomin aksie ke mibinam ATM ro enghad bala dorost kardan! Jaryan chie? Kos khol bazie hamishegie Irane ya dalile khasi dare?

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