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Iranian Chill Thread

I shouldn't really than this.



Don't worry , When you fail after trying very hard you shouldn't blame yourself and regret cos you've done your best .

This is happening to me in these days , I'll be taking a difficult exam in exactly 3 hours , Although I've spent more than 70 hours for studying that but I've almost forgotten most of it and don't know what to write :pop: .

Don't worry , When you fail after trying very hard you shouldn't blame yourself and regret cos you've done your best .

This is happening to me in these days , I'll be taking a difficult exam in exactly 3 hours , Although I've spent more than 70 hours for studying that but I've almost forgotten most of it and don't know what to write :pop: .

:tup: good luck my friend
people are stupids:
inke mellat e Iran aks e khomeini ra tou maah didand ra faraamoush kard ke bege. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
people are stupids:
inke mellat e Iran aks e khomeini ra tou maah didand ra faraamoush kard ke bege. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
lol are
Mardom oon zaman vaghean kos khol boodana. Alanam hamchin behtar nistan, vali bazam vaghty adam javoonaye alano ba 40-50 saleha moghayese mikone mifahme cheghad mardom to oon zaman gagool boodan,.
lol are
Mardom oon zaman vaghean kos khol boodana. Alanam hamchin behtar nistan, vali bazam vaghty adam javoonaye alano ba 40-50 saleha moghayese mikone mifahme cheghad mardom to oon zaman gagool boodan,.

haalaa nemikhaam in dig ra bishtar ham bezanam vali vaghean man moundam ke inhaa che tori aks e khomeini ra tou maah didand? :crazy:
injour mavaaghe' hast ke man fekr mikonam hamoun IQ ye average=84 ham baraaye in mellat, bish az had khosh binaaneh hast, be nazaram baayad IQ ye average ye chizi shabih be complex e number e -34+40*i bashe. :lol::lol::lol:
This video is also very interesting:

I saw this comment in the youtube comments which is true based on my knowledge from Quantum Physics:
Matter by any definition does not exist. Everything we know as a material universe is made solely of energy, frequency, vibration and light way down to the quantum level. All of which are not physical objects - including what makes up our seemingly solid bodies and brain and everything else we experience as solid matter. Our minds somehow translate these frequencies/vibrations/light into a physical, solid reality. Breaking it down further these non-physical things really translate to INFORMATION which is wholly eternal and intangible. So a physical reality really would only exist in each conscious mind and it would be perceived differently by each one. Everything is information and information is forever - can't be destroyed. Just like a computer program is only information. Science and old time philosophy are actually starting to merge. I don't pretend to understand it all and nobody fully does but I find it awesome to imagine what will be discovered about true "reality". You and everything you perceive is just information. Maybe we're part of a super computer type program code that's been executed. Maybe the Matrix movie wasn't too far off. Maybe right now outside of my senses it's really totally empty, silent and dark and I'm no more than drifting frequencies and light converging and separating. After all, everything we see, feel, hear is only happening in our brains by compiling the information from frequency/light/vibration coming into it. What we see, hear, feel is not "out there". It's compiled by our mind in real-time which then gives us a "picture" of what we consider "real" existing only inside our minds. In actuality there's nothing physical outside our mind. Read up on quantum physics. This stuff blows my mind.
PS. some corrections are needed though. ;)
see this incendiary clip: Aran (Albania)
please PR (all) in order to stop the pan-Turan ambitions.

Hey Lezgian bro, what's your problem with Azeris?!!! :o::undecided:
Dude, try to teach us some Lezgi dance and be friends instead. ;)

okay, I'm back here)) :oops:
interesting news, the guerrillas are gaining momentum)):coffee:

dance is also fine)) Lezghinka especially dance))
Op assssaaa op op:dance3:
okay, I'm back here)) :oops:
interesting news, the guerrillas are gaining momentum)):coffee:
dance is also fine)) Lezghinka especially dance))
Op assssaaa op op:dance3:

Dude, I think we have the same thing and call it Koroglu. BTW, I am a fan of Lezgian dance.:smitten:
BTW, who are your guerrillas?!!! what they want to do? where do they want to capture? :crazy: FYI, the Americas is captured a long time ago.
BTW, you can kick @SOHEIL 's a$$ in using emoticons and your writing style.
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Dude, I think we have the same thing and call it Koroglu. BTW, I am a fan of Lezgian dance.:smitten:
BTW, who are your guerrillas?!!! what they want to do? where do they want to capture? :crazy: FYI, the Americas is captured a long time ago.
BTW, you can kick @SOHEIL 's a$$ in using emoticons and your writing style.

Caucasus holds many mysteries. soon the world will know the truth (culture, politics).
Thanks, I appreciate it. radical movement: SADVAL (anonymous fighters) just FLNKA, SAMUR (2 is more accurate and are also masked). is growing more than a hundred small: autonomous groups. just Islamists declared jihad against the authorities.
soon we will see a change.
First we need to bring our tight control of in Dagestan. and create for itself a powerful vanguard.
then the soldiers will go to full combat widespread.

in Talysh: TMAP, Movement Talysh, Revival Talysh, Talysh-Mugan Republic.
1. North: Kusary, Cuba, Sheki, Zagatala (Dagestani: Lezgi, Avars, Etc.). Lezgistan and Avaristan.
2. South: Masala, Astara, Lerik (Talysh) Talyshistan.

ahaha record smileys)):rofl:
Caucasus holds many mysteries. soon the world will know the truth (culture, politics).
Thanks, I appreciate it. radical movement: SADVAL (anonymous fighters) just FLNKA, SAMUR (2 is more accurate and are also masked). is growing more than a hundred small: autonomous groups. just Islamists declared jihad against the authorities.
soon we will see a change.
First we need to bring our tight control of in Dagestan. and create for itself a powerful vanguard.
then the soldiers will go to full combat widespread.

in Talysh: TMAP, Movement Talysh, Revival Talysh, Talysh-Mugan Republic.
1. North: Kusary, Cuba, Sheki, Zagatala (Dagestani: Lezgi, Avars, Etc.). Lezgistan and Avaristan.
2. South: Masala, Astara, Lerik (Talysh) Talyshistan.

ahaha record smileys)):rofl:

Buddy, note that all Caucasians whether they are christian or muslim or mountain jews or atheist, and whether they are Azeri, Georgian, Lezgian, Avar, ... are brothers. It is the beauty of our region to be diverse in languages and cultures and so on. No one in the world would care for us more than ourselves. As long as we see each others as brothers, we would progress, otherwise, foreigners would always divide and conquer us. That's a real fact.
Anyway, I fully support you guys, as your brother, to fight for your independency and having more rights from Russians occupiers in the Northern Caucasus, but why should we fight between each other in the South? BTW, I have some Tallish friends and jewish friends and I know that they get along with Azeris very well in Azerbaijan Republic. some of them are married with Azeris, and one of them only can speak Azeri and not tallish anymore. BTW, as Azerbaijan gets more democratic, you guys can have more and more rights. We are some civilized and honorable people who can talk with each other and settle our own issues. I am 100% sure that in a more democratic Azerbaijani government, you can achieve more and more rights. Although, the situations for our minority brothers, except for Elchibey era, has been always very good compared to most of the countries in the world. ;)
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