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Iranian Chill Thread

We Dnt have sectarian troubles as in our society .. Nobody cares if your a Shia or Sunni.. We bring a majority Sunni country had several Shia heads of State,military commanders etc ..example itself..

The problem we face are banned sectarian groups .. Tht have risen again from hibernation ..

And yes they are supported by our friends from Middle East.. While Shias Dnt have any militant or terrorist groups... They had 1 in the 90s but tht couldn't survive...

Just hope this shit is flushed..
That attitude is needed for progres.:tup:
You've never been outside of Iran? Then why is your English so good? Something doesn't make sense here.
That is for sure one of my questions either.
How come everybody here mange to speak English so fluently? :super:
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lol even monkey brain? I have a close Chinese friend and the stories he's told me are just fucked. He said he's been to this restaurant where they take off the top half of a monkey's skull and literally scoop out the brain and eat it!!! They eat some fucked up shit. But man, their soups are to die for.

Which reminds me, do you know what the name of those thin gold colored noodles are? They're very sticky and thin. Had them in a beef noodle soup and loved it.

Yep, it depends really, Monkey Brain can be served in variety of ways, its can be served raw as well as cooked. Animal penises are also among popular East Asian cuisines!

You are probably referring to Dan Dan Mian! I think what you have eaten is the Americanized variant of noodle, there are variety of ways noodles could be prepared.
@Surenas & @Abii & @others
Hey guys, you seem to have found some interesting ways to fill up the boring times.
Then I must say that I need some friendly help here too.
I have absolutely nothing to do at this very time, I hate cooking, and I am feeling deadly bored right now. My ultimate future plan is to participate in WC this summer but till then I guess I have nothing absolutely worthy of doing. hence I guess I need some advises if your are an expert (In my view you are having fun with your lives).
PS, please don't advise me reading books cause my daily schedule is overwhelmed with the shit till the point I am starting to hate it.
And no travel suggestion cause firstly I am not the man of travel and secondly I guess I have enough experiences over the past few years.
And lastly please do not enter male, female relations because I kinda suck in that department, beside the fact that I am not really a fan of that stuff (Don't take me wrong)
Also take into consideration that I am living in Iran right now so please wisely narrow your suggestions in order to fit the criteria's here.
Thanks in advance.

Go to the West. Serious. I have read the suggestions of other people, but you seem to dislike those things. Point is that you need a completely different surrounding. In Iran you won't find what you're looking for.
Haha that Turk jumping on that car from his balcony. :lol:

I seriously laughed my balls off with this vid too. Haha, priceless. Turkish special ops trying to open a door:

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Haha that Turk jumping on that car from his balcony. :lol:

I seriously laughed my balls off with this vid too. Haha, priceless. Turkish special ops trying to open a door:

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
Lol, these doors are like Bunker doors and really expensive, we just got some for our house in Turkey, they definately use the wrong tool for this. :lol:

BTW, never forget your Key inside the house if you have such a door, we did it and couldnt enter the house, even kicking like camel didnt make one scratch on the door. :disagree:

Edit: this Turkish police is even better, it says ''Open the Police i am the Door'' at the beginning of the video. :lol:

Go to the West. Serious. I have read the suggestions of other people, but you seem to dislike those things. Point is that you need a completely different surrounding. In Iran you won't find what you're looking for.
Thanks dude, a wise suggestion, Due West.
But I think in my case the problem is that I don't know what I am looking for.
Lol, these doors are like Bunker doors and really expensive, we just got some for our house in Turkey, they definately use the wrong tool for this. :lol:

BTW, never forget your Key inside the house if you have such a door, we did it and couldnt enter the house, even kicking like camel didnt make one scratch on the door. :disagree:

Edit: this Turkish police is even better, it says ''Open the Police i am the Door'' at the beginning of the video. :lol:

I loved how that guy opened up the door as if nothing had happened. :lol:
That is for sure one of my questions either.
How come everybody here mange to speak English so fluently? :super:
well i guess only those iranians who speak english well will join pdf so that they can contribute.
i have seen some chinese members(no offence intended) who cant speak english well and their posts are generally of no value and it is diffcult to figure out what they are trying to say?
btw,how many iranians speak english(in terms of percent)?
is it not taught in schools?
@Surenas @Abii @rmi5 @Serpentine
in al-hassani inghad zer zer mikone ke ma never been conquered o ina tooye paeen ax 4 ta az bozorgtarin emperatoorihaye khavare miyane ro gozashtam az bala be paeen
Roman emperor
Persian emperor
Mongol emperor
Ottoman emperor
hich kodoom az ina maghz jesaratan khar nakhordan ke beran oon kavire bi abo alafo ke mardomesh az goshnegi hamdigaro be hamrahe marmoulak mikhordan ro tasarof konan.
vaghean ke bazi az in arabaye tooye in forum kheyli maghzan naboodan.





well i guess only those iranians who speak english well will join pdf so that they can contribute.
i have seen some chinese members(no offence intended) who cant speak english well and their posts are generally of no value and it is diffcult to figure out what they are trying to say?
btw,how many iranians speak english(in terms of percent)?
is it not taught in schools?
Maybe you are right.
dividing Iranians into two groups 1)under 30 (nearly 50% of Iranians) 2)over 30
For the former I think around 80% are capable of speaking English and for the latter I guess it is 25% at the best.
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I'm in tears right now

Chuck Norris needs to retire and make room for the flying dude at the end.

And yeap, this whole hot heated 0 to 100 km/h in 1.1 seconds attitude is a universal Middle Eastern/West Asian trait.

I would say arabs are the most hot heated, then Turks, then Persians. This is based on what I've seen in Iran.


You've never been outside of Iran? Then why is your English so good? Something doesn't make sense here.
I take that as a compliment, no I have never been out of Iran because the nature of my father job he was ''mamnu alkhoruj'' and I am 22.
so,it is taught in schools right?
i mean what is the primary language in schools?english or persian?
in india,though we study hindi and other regional languages,the primary language is english(mostly due to british rule).
so,it is taught in schools right?
i mean what is the primary language in schools?english or persian?
in india,though we study hindi and other regional languages,the primary language is english(mostly due to british rule).
English is thought at schools but it is very basic and most iranians suck at it, I learned english from watching tons of movies watching english languaged news on satellite and surfing the web from an early age.
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