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Iranian Chill Thread

@Surenas & @Abii & @others
Hey guys, you seem to have found some interesting ways to fill up the boring times.
Then I must say that I need some friendly help here too.
I have absolutely nothing to do at this very time, I hate cooking, and I am feeling deadly bored right now. My ultimate future plan is to participate in WC this summer but till then I guess I have nothing absolutely worthy of doing. hence I guess I need some advises if your are an expert (In my view you are having fun with your lives).
PS, please don't advise me reading books cause my daily schedule is overwhelmed with the shit till the point I am starting to hate it.
And no travel suggestion cause firstly I am not the man of travel and secondly I guess I have enough experiences over the past few years.
And lastly please do not enter male, female relations because I kinda suck in that department, beside the fact that I am not really a fan of that stuff (Don't take me wrong)
Also take into consideration that I am living in Iran right now so please wisely narrow your suggestions in order to fit the criteria's here.
Thanks in advance.
I don't think that you have been drafted into service so you don't value life properly, well since you don't like to travel,do exercise and are not interested in having a GF, my suggestion is that if you believe in IRI principles go and enlist at the nearest mosque or paygah, it will give you a purpose in the life, my second suggestion for you to go to a gym(although the first week you will have muscle pain) it will make you more confidant, my third suggestion is for you to go to a saraye mahale and enlist as a volunteer firemen or go to red crescent.


Most liberal Iranians aren't muslim or don't consider themselves muslims I should say.

Other muslim countries are different. In Iran, there are 3 opposing views:

1) Islam is an arab ideology and doesn't belong in the head of an Iranian (me, Ahriman, surenas, rmi5 etc...)

2) Islam belongs to everyone, and even though I don't believe in it that much, there's nothing wrong with it (Serpentine)

3) Islam is the only true religion, Islam 111111, etc... (soheil, mohsen etc...)

Categorizing Iranians in only three category is wrong, it is much more complicated.

And foreigners should know that many of LIBERAL Iranians are conservatives by western standards(they mostly oppose homosexualism, abortion and etc)
Thanks man, kind suggestions,

I don't think that you have been drafted into service so you don't value life properly
Lol, if you mean military service then I must say as a member of Bonyade melli nokhbegan, I was exempted. And I just did some research instead.

if you believe in IRI principles go and enlist at the nearest mosque or paygah, it will give you a purpose in the life
Wow, will they? I tried it some years ago, and I wasn't interested at all. But I may give it another chance in the future.

my second suggestion for you to go to a gym(although the first week you will have muscle pain) it will make you more confidant
I thought the gym was for gay people. kidding. seriously man, what kind of suggestion is that, I am at the early 30 and you suggest me to go on gym with a bunch of kids, this is Iran not USA bro. BTW I have tried aerobics and that was fun but simply not fun enough.

third suggestion is for you to go to a saraye mahale and enlist as a volunteer firemen or go to red crescent.
I have not heard of this saraye mahale thing, I will probe it. And I guess I have clarified that I am not a man of physical tasks :D so lets skip the fireman parts.
At the end let me thank you once more bro, you seem to be a caring nice man. and I do appreciate that.
Thanks man, kind suggestions,

Lol, if you mean military service then I must say as a member of Bonyade melli nokhbegan, I was exempted. And I just did some research instead.
Yes, i meant the sarbazi, it is ok you were smart and serve your nation in a better way

Wow, will they? I tried it some years ago, and I wasn't interested at all. But I may give it another chance in the future.
Off course they will.

I thought the gym was for gay people. kidding. seriously man, what kind of suggestion is that, I am at the early 30 and you suggest me to go on gym with a bunch of kids, this is Iran not USA bro. BTW I have tried aerobics and that was fun but simply not fun enough.
Sorry I thought that you are younger although 30s is still pretty young and there are much older people at gyms), there are some bad people in some gyms and not all gyms are bad, I went to Shirrodi for some time and it was good(in there I also run across the football field there and even saw ferdosipour.)

Edit:Bro I have never been out of Iran.

I have not heard of this saraye mahale thing, I will probe it. And I guess I have clarified that I am not a man of physical tasks :D so lets skip the fireman parts.
At the end let me thank you once more bro, you seem to be a caring nice man. and I do appreciate that.
Saraye mahale are places in every mahale built by shahrdari, although they are mostly cultural and sport center in our saraye mahale they signed up people for voluntary firefighter.

Since you are in 30s with respect I suggest that you better marry someone.:-)

And you are welcome and sorry if I suggested hard works, it is because I believe in public service.
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@MTN1917 , thanks man, kind dudes like you, are rare these days.
Maybe it is the time for me to make a fundamental reconsideration.
@MTN1917 , thanks man, kind dudes like you, are rare these days.
Maybe it is the time for me to make a fundamental reconsideration.
Sharmande nakon haji, well I believe that after a certain age people should settle down and start a family for me a complete life is when a boy or a girl have kids and start a life with purpose, it is apparent that you are smart and you honor our traditions and moralities in other word you have the good qualities unlike those ''alaf dokhtar baz'' guys who only want to get in the girl's pants, but it appears that now you lack a purpose and you haven't found your calling, you are in 30s so you are still quite young and you still have time, important thing is to always be positive and have hope.

If I were you I would sit down and think about what I wanted to do, take care brother.
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Iranian youth are pretty liberal. Most of them, are like Serpentine. BTW, I agree with what @Abii said:

I categorize Sinan and Serpentine in the same place in the second category, and I would put you somewhere between the first and the second categories; practically speaking, even more closer to the first category ;)
Just to make it clear, i am a Muslim and i believe in God, i was in mosque once a week in my childhood to learn Quran and other religious stuff (in Switzerland by Imams educated in Turkey).
But our teachings in mosque was different than arabic teachings, in Turkish mosques they dont teach about Sharia, Jihad, or social laws, its limited to Learning arabic script, reading Quran and leraning about Prophets.

Althought Turkey is a secular country Turkish Imams beeing qualified by State from Ministry of Religious affairs, that means Imams must recognize and respect the state laws.
For exsample: a Imam can be jailed if he decides to merry a older man with a underage girl or generally underage people.

The Ministry of Religious affais doesnt support polygamies, jihad, sharia, underage marriages or anything else that would get into a conflict with State laws.

Also another factor is that Turks are from Hanafi School, if you look at the map you would see that almost all Hanafi muslims Countrys are more or less liberal.
(im talking about Turkic countrys and countrys influenced by Turks such as Balkan)

I think these are also the reasons why there is no religous extremism in these countrys.

Hanafi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


@rmi5 @S00R3NA @xenon54

How are you guys doing?
Thx mate, im fine and you?
Sharmande nakon haji, well I believe that after a certain age people should settle down and start a family for me a complete life is when a boy or a girl have kids and start a life with purpose, it is apparent that you are smart and you honor our traditions and moralities in other word you have the good qualities unlike those ''alaf dokhtar baz'' guys who only want to get in the girl's pants, but it appears that now you lack a purpose and you haven't found your calling, you are in 30s so you are still quite young and you still have time, important thing is to always be positive and have hope.

If I were you I would sit down and think about what I wanted to do, take care brother.

Edit:manzur man az enlist kardan dar masjed va paygah haji, basij bud chun artesh o sepah ta 22 salegi migiran.
merci mashti, manzooreto fahmidam,
tashkil khanevade means a great resposibility, va shayad vaghtesh reside bashe ke vaghean jeddi dar moredesh fekr konam amma be soorate barnamerizi ghasd dashtam around 35 salegi beram donbalesh, amma be ghole shoma shayad missing point hamoon bashe.
bazam moteshakeram va omidvaraam shoma ham movafagh bashi.
merci mashti, manzooreto fahmidam,
tashkil khanevade means a great resposibility, va shayad vaghtesh reside bashe ke vaghean jeddi dar moredesh fekr konam amma be soorate barnamerizi ghasd dashtam around 35 salegi beram donbalesh, amma be ghole shoma shayad missing point hamoon bashe.
bazam moteshakeram va omidvaraam shoma ham movafagh bashi.
haji khoda ro shokr k khodet ham az ghabl barnamasho dashti, shoma karet doroste akhe tu in dore zamune ye seriha aslan ghasde ezdevaj ro nadaran, dar har surat shoma ham movafaq bashi.
They're not that bad, you'll get used to them! :P If you are really interested in Eastern Culture, you must get ready to close your eyes and eat whatever they put in front you! :D

lol even monkey brain? I have a close Chinese friend and the stories he's told me are just fucked. He said he's been to this restaurant where they take off the top half of a monkey's skull and literally scoop out the brain and eat it!!! They eat some fucked up shit. But man, their soups are to die for.

Which reminds me, do you know what the name of those thin gold colored noodles are? They're very sticky and thin. Had them in a beef noodle soup and loved it.
Guys, after joining PDF, i discovered that we are culturally close with Iranians.

I wonder, if you guys are hot-headed like us ?

Take this example for reference. :-)

I'm in tears right now

Chuck Norris needs to retire and make room for the flying dude at the end.

And yeap, this whole hot heated 0 to 100 km/h in 1.1 seconds attitude is a universal Middle Eastern/West Asian trait.

I would say arabs are the most hot heated, then Turks, then Persians. This is based on what I've seen in Iran.


You've never been outside of Iran? Then why is your English so good? Something doesn't make sense here.
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Born muslim.. Became confused.... Than became athiest... Than agnostic ... Than studied a little about major religions like Christianity .. Hinduism.... Judaism .. Islam etc ... Cleared my concepts... And reverted back to Islam...

Maternal family is Shia .. Paternal family Sunni ... I again studied some stuff about both... Became a Shia .. Although I reject some retarded things like mutah etc...

Have no issues like praying like a Shia or a Sunni ..
I'm in tears right now

Chuck Norris needs to retire and make room for the flying dude at the end.

And yeap, this whole hot heated 0 to 100 km/h in 1.1 seconds attitude is a universal Middle Eastern/West Asian trait.

I would say arabs are the most hot heated, then Turks, then Persians. This is based on what I've seen in Iran.


You've never been outside of Iran? Then why is your English so good? Something doesn't make sense here.
He is an english spy(MI6) living in Iran,there his cover is gone.:smokin:

Born muslim.. Became confused.... Than became athiest... Than agnostic ... Than studied a little about major religions like Christianity .. Hinduism.... Judaism .. Islam etc ... Cleared my concepts... And reverted back to Islam...

Maternal family is Shia .. Paternal family Sunni ... I again studied some stuff about both... Became a Shia .. Although I reject some retarded things like mutah etc...

Have no issues like praying like a Shia or a Sunni ..
And how do you deal with the sectarian troubles in Pakistan?
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He is an english spy(MI6) living in Iran,there his cover is gone.:smokin:

And how do you cope with the sectarian troubles in Pakistan?

We Dnt have sectarian troubles as in our society .. Nobody cares if your a Shia or Sunni.. We bring a majority Sunni country had several Shia heads of State,military commanders etc ..example itself..

The problem we face are banned sectarian groups .. Tht have risen again from hibernation ..

And yes they are supported by our friends from Middle East.. While Shias Dnt have any militant or terrorist groups... They had 1 in the 90s but tht couldn't survive...

Just hope this shit is flushed..
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