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Iranian Chill Thread

Buyid were from Caspian sea coasts, and medes are not even related. About Ayyubids, you can ask arabs to explain to him the truth. Anyway, this kid, believes that Safavids and Cyrus were kurds as well. So, I don't have any further discussion with him, otherwise, he would claim that George Washington was a kurd as well.
The only Kurdish thing on these empires was that their ruler was somehow Half Kurdish.
Do you have any doubts that most of middle-easterners are retards?!!! BTW, I think having an IQ above 80 should be OK for most of the people.

They’re all violent and angry, but I wouldn’t think they’re to be placed in that category, I hope at least otherwise

Your right, 80 isn’t far fetched from the people there according to statistics, checked it again
Buyid were from Caspian sea coasts, and medes are not even related.

Buyids were Kurdish. Medes spoke an Northwestern Iranian language, like the Kurds and the original Azeris. They were definitely related. In fact, the Median Empire collides with Greater Kurdistan when it comes to geography.

About Ayyubids, you can ask arabs to explain to him the truth. Anyway, this kid, believes that Safavids and Cyrus were kurds as well. So, I don't have any further discussion with him, otherwise, he would claim that George Washington was a kurd as well.

Ayyubids were Kurdish. Salahedin was a Kurd. Cyrus was half Median, half Persian. This is a known fact.

Claiming others of false ethnicities is a Turkish habit.
Wouldn’t trust those numbers, it would mean the average is a 'retard'.

IQ Scale

Over 140 - Genius or almost genius
120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence
110 - 119 - Superior intelligence
90 - 109 - Average or normal intelligence
80 - 89 - Dullness
70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency in intelligence
Under 70 - Feeble-mindedness


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All these IQ-lists are outdated, Western-centric and false. In fact, they apply a Western-orientated test to non-Western parts of the world. IQ is closely related to education. How better the educational infrastructure in a country, the better the IQ. From what I've seen, Europeans are not more intelligent than Middle Easterners. In fact, many of them are superficial, ignorant and simplistic.

@Sinan @xenon54

Guys what would you recommend from this menu?


Cop Sis Kebab is the best.
All these IQ-lists are outdated, Western-centric and false. In fact, they apply a Western-orientated test to non-Western parts of the world. IQ is closely related to education. How better the educational infrastructure in a country, the better the IQ. From what I've seen, Europeans are not more intelligent than Middle Easterners. In fact, many of them are superficial, ignorant and simplistic.
But Europe has a better education system than ME, you contradict yourself.
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But Europe has a better educatuion system than ME, you contradict yourself.

How exactly? I'm not saying Europeans don't have a higher IQ than Middle Easterners. I just wanted to explain the differences. There was time when Middle East had better educational centers than Europe. See, context is important.
You are not right about Dagestan. Only a portion of oppositions are islamists and only a portion of them can be categorized as dangerous ones. Even the situation in Chechenia is not something like what you described. Many of extremists are actually from a naqshbandi soufi cult who live in some limited parts of Chechenia. Anyway, I don't know what is your source for these claims, but it is wrong. Statistically speaking, it is the same as claiming that all Iranians are wahabi, while as we all know, such a claim would be extremely wrong.

In Russia’s Dagestan, Salafi Muslims clash with government authorities - The Washington Post
The evolution of Dagestani Salafism | Russia Beyond The Headlines ASIA
Dagestan | Salafi Islam | The Caucasus | GlobalPost
Sowing Rebellion in Dagestan? |

There are many more, danger of Salafi extremists in Russia is not to be taken lightly. If the Russians lose control (which is highly unlikely) same thing that is happening in Syria will happen in Russia.

Salafis are in conflict with Sufis, because Sufis are mainly pro-gov, and they (Sufis) are actually recognized by the government, whereas Wahhabis are not, so basically Wahhabis have found Sufis in their way of dominance over the region. Read the passage in the book below if you are interested.

Dagestan: Russian Hegemony and Islamic Resistance in the North Caucasus - Robert Bruce Ware, Ware, Enver Kisriev - Google Books

Salafis currently have presence in Georgia (very minor presence), Chechnya (heavy presence), Dagestan (moderate to heavy presence, with backing of Saudis and probably Qataris), they also maintain presence in some of the other former Soviet Republics.

I understand your point that not everyone there is Wahabbi, but they are the ones that will gain control (thanks to their financial backers) if everything goes to shit.

"Salafis dislike the Sufi alliance with the government. Sufis run the government-sanctioned Spiritual Board of Muslims, to which the official clergy belong. They also support a secular state. Salafis do not." Wikipedia

Malaysians' IQ is 92?! I would question the validity of the report based on that alone!

What criterion were taken into consideration exactly? Many factors could affect the result of an IQ statistics even within the same locale, meaning if the population sample were to be taken from the city of Tehran, the differences between results obtained from Upper middle class whose members are often more educated than the members of lower class whom would be taking the same test would have been determinant over the result of the statistics. That's why I generally dismiss the concept of IQ, especially at this scale.
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