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Iranian Chill Thread

Its the best thing to stay neutral in this for you.
We have nothing against Kurds, we just dont like Terrorist worshippers as bahoz is one of them.

They showed a documentary about the Peshmergas in Iraq.

And they had high number of Women fighters among them.

I must admit, they were a good looking lot, were in really good shape and knew how to use their guns :D

@xenon54 It is the moral dilemma we Men face all the time. Side with hot chicks or do the morally right thing :D

@rmi5 You have Kurds in Iran too right? If I am not mistaken, in the border regions?
Well to be truthful, i have always refrained myself to get in conversation with you. As you could be a like those guys who praise the sick stuff that El-kaide does. But seems like you are nice guy.
now I am sure I am gonna change this profile name (of course after blowing up my self the al-qaedan way)
Or an evil zionist JEW mossad agent who claims to be an iranian and learnt farsi designed to defame iranians as some famous member (only if you go against his logic) on PDF says. :D Just kidding.

I see a lot of you in this thread these days. Stayed because of the friendly company :-)

Hope the Iranians don't go border patrol on our A$$.
They showed a documentary about the Peshmergas in Iraq.

And they had high number of Women fighters among them.

I must admit, they were a good looking lot, were in really good shape and knew how to use their guns :D

@xenon54 It is the moral dilemma we Men face all the time. Side with hot chicks or do the morally right thing :D

@rmi5 You have Kurds in Iran too right? If I am not mistaken, in the border regions?

Yes, we have some of them in the western border.
No way.. :)

That famous member is in my ignore list. I don't want to waste my time even to scroll over his comments.

Well to be truthful, i have always refrained myself to get in conversation with you. As you could be a like those guys who praise the sick stuff that El-kaide does. But seems like you are nice guy. :cheers:


Anyways, i have to get up 4 hours later so i better get some sleep.

Good night to you all :wave:

He is exellante guy.
Yes, we have some of them in the western border.

You know what you must do now. The Mullahs demand this :butcher:

You know what you must do now. The Mullahs demand this :butcher:

Honestly, I did not want to open a discussion about this, since we have many of them in the forum.
We, Azeri turks, do not have too much beef with them, but we don't like it when they try to bug our Turk brothers in turkey. They are doing smuggling and terrorists attacks in the West Azerbaijan province as well, which is annoying as well. But, mullah hassani, The previous Imam of the city of Urmia, kicked their a$$ many years ago in West Azerbaijan when they tried to annoy Azeris. PS. He is the only mullah who always has guns with himself. :) anyway, they need to increase their cultural level and remove their racism and some of their cultural issues.
Anyway, none of these reasons justify what mullahs did to them, and I am still in favor of having better conditions in kurdistan.
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Kurds are very kind and hospitable people unlike their appearance that seems serious .

I hope the government supports them and gives them more freedom .


Honestly, I did not want to open a discussion about this, since we have many of them in the forum.
We, Azeri turks, do not have too much beef with them, but we don't like it when they try to bug our Turk brothers in turkey. They are doing smuggling and terrorists attacks in the West Azerbaijan province as well, which is annoying as well. But, mullah hassani, The previous Imam of the city of Urmia, kicked their a$$ many years ago in West Azerbaijan when they tried to annoyed us. PS. He is the only mullah who always has guns with himself. :) anyway, they need to increase their cultural level and remove their racism and some of their cultural issues.
Anyway, none of these reasons justify what mullahs did to them, and I am still in favor of having better conditions in kurdistan.

None of the issues in the world are as clear cut. Sometimes the so called 'victims' turn tomorrow's oppressors.

Thanks for the info.
The Kurdish posters are trolls? :( I thought the Kurds were a bit more sensible.

If you want to discuss the Kurdish question, do it with someone neutral. They will tell you the exact same thing as me. But do not listen to me either. But for the love of God, do not listen to the racist Turks on this board either.

Go and find your own information. That is the best reward for yourself.

On a side note; I think it is not pleasant to call me a troll in a thread I am not even active in. Be men, not cowards, and discuss with me, instead of mentioning me random places on off topic notes. Because, as you can see, you have opened another box which makes free room for other anti-Kurdish posters.
If you want to discuss the Kurdish question, do it with someone neutral. They will tell you the exact same thing as me. But do not listen to me either. But for the love of God, do not listen to the racist Turks on this board either.

Go and find your own information. That is the best reward for yourself.

On a side note; I think it is not pleasant to call me a troll in a thread I am not even active in. Be men, not cowards, and discuss with me, instead of mentioning me random places on off topic notes. Because, as you can see, you have opened another box which makes free room for other anti-Kurdish posters.

I didn't mention you! And thanks for the info.


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