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Iranian Chill Thread


I think we should reunite our forces :ashamed:
or this humiliation may occure and human race may vanish:D:


@rmi5 @Serpentine

I came across this guy called Ibn al- Rawandi in my readings.

Do you guys have an idea of him. If you do, your own personal opinions of him?

Thanks, you are nice so what else I can say?
It was a business trip some years ago. A couple of days in New Delhi. a nice city with very warm and educated people. I think you have a countrywide tourism education there. I remember entering a market and there were a bunch of noisy school students there making noise and while I entered someone told something about a tourist entering in local language and in a fraction of seconds there was nothing but quietness. Not just this but many such experiences. people there are really nice. and I really enjoyed being there. I went to Agra and visited TM and it was very beautiful. I hope to travel India another time and this time just for the sake of sightseeing.

Wow. Not even Indians say delhi is a nice place anymore.

Next time I want to invite you to other places in India. Eastern, Southern India
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The source that Resurrection gave us.

Iranian Chill Thread | Page 419 | Pakistan Defence

Actually, Turkey has one of the lowest murder rates in the world.

Im not harsh at you, just wanted to clear that.

Bro the source is NationMaster - World Statistics, Country Comparisons I dont mind that it is wrong,I had heard before Turkey is one of countries that has highest range of crimes and murders.I hope it is wrong BTW.

In akso kasi dide bud ta be hal ?


Salam na,shah dare namaz mikhune,chi hast?
Guys, you are well informed about Nuclear stuff.

"uranium enrichment and plutonium extraction" does this sentence have only one meaning = nuclear weapons ?
Guys, you are well informed about Nuclear stuff.

"uranium enrichment and plutonium extraction" does this sentence have only one meaning = nuclear weapons ?

The most and only important usage of plutonium is making bombs.
in general, nukes are either built by uranium (like nukes that US has) or plutonium (Like nukes that NK has). Plutonium nukes are much easier to be built than uranium ones. But the problem is that international society is very sensitive about plutonium while it is not the case for Uranium, I have heard that even a company in Belgium, sells enriched uraniums up to 5% enriched in the internet and online.:lol::lol::lol:
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1 - دیروز مجلس به علی جنتی کارت زرد داد. چرا؟ چون وزیر فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی درباره توقیف روزنامه بهار گفته بود: متأسفم.
این ابراز تأسف لفظی همان و سوال حمید رسایی از وزیر همان که چرا از توقیف یک روزنامه اظهار تأسف کردی و در هیأت نظارت هم گفته بودی خوب نیست روزنامه توقیف شود؟

2 - امروز همان نماینده ها ، با تأکید بر آزادی بیان ، به روحانی تذکر داده اند که چرا نشریه یالثارات در هیأت نظارت بر مطبوعات توقیف شده است؟

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