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Iranian Chill Thread

ok what they did? was it worse than what Us and Uk did to Iran.? why u are not criticising
them.now iran is world #1 problem huh?

Look at the Europeans, East Asians and South Americans. Every human society has evolved. Not too long ago Europeans had the most brutal wars in human history, South Americans were colonized by the whites and East Asians were being bombed 10 times worse than any Middle Eastern country was ever bombed.

Today, everybody has evolved and moved on. Nobody cares about that shit anymore. People have found common ground and also peace. All around the world people see each other as friends. The Europeans have removed their borders and look at each other as brothers and kin. In the American continent, the same thing has been happening, albeit slower. In the East, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Vietnam etc... are all either developed or developing at amazing speeds. Their people no longer care about conflicts and misery, but friendship and advancement.

Criticizing and worrying about something that happened before I was born is useless when we're giving ourselves cancer today. Our country has self induced cancer, you ask me why I'm not angry about the cold virus the Americans gave us 5-6 decades ago. Worry about the self induced cancer first.

And in every survey around the world, IRan and North Korea are seen as the world's most hated countries on the planet. Only one country on this planet has a positive view of Iran, and that's pakistan. Without an exception, every Asian, African, American and European country sees Iran as a negative force in the world.
ok then let the Iranian's to deal with it. we used foreign help a lot in past.

Read the post #6122. Now, what's your opinion?!!!
Behet goftam kardesim, shoma ye kam ba in jamaa'at sohbat koni, mibini ke tah e vojoudeshoun chi hast :lol::lol::lol:
faghat vase inke bedoonin migam :

man yeki ke nemizaram 2 ta shahi atheist biyan forumo dast begiran ...... :lol:

baghiya ru nemidoonam :lol:

@mohsen @SOHEIL @Islam shall be the winner

guys i'm so happy that Yzd Khalifa is reading our posts right now cause someone mentioned him!! :D

welcome yazid ! you can clearly understand that we iranians are mad at eachother ;)

just as u said !
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Dear @WebMaster
I have recently talked about one of them in the GHQ section, and reported some of them before, in which two or three of them get suspended before. I believe this issue bothers other members as well, for example I believe that Saudi members like @al-Hasani have mentioned some of their names to mods as well. This Thread has had a great role in bringing peace and energy in Iran section. But some of trolls, as @Abii mentioned, have flooded into our section from | - Index - Military.ir - The First Military Reference Forum Site in Iran website in order to do state propaganda purposes and make trouble for this website. They constantly stalk Arab members and opposing Iranian and Turk members and insult them in Persian language to derail the threads and make trouble for them and make them angry.
Our mod is very busy these days for his university exam and he cannot check the section regularly. BTW, I can make a new thread in GHQ section and ask @Abii and other members like @Surenas @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @BLACKEAGLE to tell you the names of trouble makers.
Thank You
Mr liar, these @Abii and @Surenas whom you mentioned are biggest troll in this forum and they constantly insult Arabs to spread the hatred between Iranian and Arabs.

just in past days Abii has several times insulted the religious Iranian and has called those who oppose him as hezbollahi terrorist scum or arab wahabi scum.
Iranian Chill Thread | Page 306 | Pakistan Defence
Iranian Chill Thread | Page 306 | Pakistan Defence
Iranian Chill Thread | Page 306 | Pakistan Defence

Iranian Chill Thread | Page 306 | Pakistan Defence
Pictures of Iran before 1979 | Page 22 | Pakistan Defence
so dear @WebMaster you can judge who is really trolling in Iranian section, just to know the level of their troll character, have a look at this topic (we were waiting for Fotros drone but Iran unveiled the Hamaseh)
IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week | Pakistan Defence
starting from this post:
IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week | Page 4 | Pakistan Defence
these two members start to severely insult Iran and Iranian for several pages.
unfortunately each time they receive a short ban and soon continue to ruin the topics again.
Mr liar, these @Abii and @Surenas whom you mentioned are biggest troll in this forum and they constantly insult Arabs to spread the hatred between Iranian and Arabs.

just in past days Abii has several times insulted the religious Iranian and has called those who oppose him as hezbollahi terrorist scum or arab wahabi scum.
Iranian Chill Thread | Page 306 | Pakistan Defence
Iranian Chill Thread | Page 306 | Pakistan Defence
Iranian Chill Thread | Page 306 | Pakistan Defence

Iranian Chill Thread | Page 306 | Pakistan Defence
Pictures of Iran before 1979 | Page 22 | Pakistan Defence
so dear @WebMaster you can judge who is really trolling in Iranian section, just to know the level of their troll character, have a look at this topic:(we were waiting for Fotros drone but Iran unveiled the Hamaseh)
IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week | Pakistan Defence
starting from this post:
IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week | Page 4 | Pakistan Defence
these two members start to severely insult Iran and Iranian for several pages.
unfortunately each time they receive a short ban and soon continue to ruin the topics again.

i doubt sincere iranian members will let these trolls to get away with their trolling this time ......

enough with the insults ...... i cant stand someone calling me hezbollahi terrorist scum meanwhile he is a member of MKO terrorist organization

MKO terrorist organization :

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nice :P

چرا یهو تعداد صفحات زیاد شد ؟ :undecided:
صد تا صفحه زاییده شد
توسل آمریکا به چین برای نجات اف-35 - مشرق نیوز | mashreghnews.ir

این ترکها دلشون خوشه که اف 35 میسازن خبر ندارن که آمریکا برای ساخت این جنگنده به گدایی افتاده
تازه یه مطلبی رو از قول بر و بچ بویینگ شنیدم که میزان استیلز بودن نمونه صادراتی اف-35 با اف-15 شادو ایگل برابر هست
یکی از این سناتورهای آمریکایی گفته اف-35 بزرگترین رسوایی تاریخ ارتش آمریکا هست، تو فکرم اونوقت در مورد این آشغال صادراتیش چه نظری داره
صد تا صفحه زاییده شد
توسل آمریکا به چین برای نجات اف-35 - مشرق نیوز | mashreghnews.ir

این ترکها دلشون خوشه که اف 35 میسازن خبر ندارن که آمریکا برای ساخت این جنگنده به گدایی افتاده
تازه یه مطلبی رو از قول بر و بچ بویینگ شنیدم که میزان استیلز بودن نمونه صادراتی اف-35 با اف-15 شادو ایگل برابر هست
یکی از این سناتورهای آمریکایی گفته اف-35 بزرگترین رسوایی تاریخ ارتش آمریکا هست، تو فکرم اونوقت در مورد این آشغال صادراتیش چه نظری داره

ino khoondi ?

Pentagon: F-35 won't have a chance in real combat — RT USA

f-35 joke tarikhe :D
مطالب مشابه در مرودش خونده بودم
همین یکی دو ماه پیش بود یه مطلبی خوندم که سیصد و خورده ای نقص و ایراد فنی تو خط تولید اف-35 و قطعات (ساخت خود آمریکا) استفاده شده در اون پیدا شده
حالا فکرش رو بکن قطعات چینی هم مخلوطش بشه
چند جا خوندم که اف-35 رو فقط یه بمب افکن حساب کردن و هیچ ارزی براش به عنوان یه شکاری قائل نشدن

ولی از اون طرف قاهر خودمون با کمترین هزینه ساخته میشه و با پرواز در ارتفاع خیلی پایین، رادارهای اف-22 و اف 35 هیچ شانسی برای رهگیریش ندارن
ضمن اینکه وقتی هواپیما در ارتفاع پایین پرواز میکنه قفل کردن موشک روی اون بسیار مشکل تر خواهد بود
اگرم بخوان در ارتفاع پایین پرواز کنن، که البته برای این کار ساخته نشدن، دیگه تمام قابلیتهای سوپر منیورشون بی استفاده میشن
یعنی حتی اگر اف -22 قابلیت مانور سوخو 35 رو هم داشت در نهایت نمیتونه از اونا استفاده کنه
اینایی که قاهر رو مسخره میکنن یا دستکم میگیرن هنوز نفهمیدن ایران چه خوابی براشون دیده
Bacheha ye seri zede iran(sadly) ke por shode ba BBC va VOA hastan mikhan injaro kharab konan :D behtarin kar ine ke javabeshuno nadim ya juri j bedim ke ghane beshan.
:angel: :enjoy:
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